Pokemon Liquid Crystal Walkthrough | PokemonCoders (2024)

[ssaqua] S.S. Aqua

[vermic] Vermillion City
[g9] Vermillion City Gym
[uncavv] Undersea Cavern (via Vermillion City)
[typemd] Type Master Dojo
[rt06] Route 6
[saffc] Saffron City
[g10] Saffron City Gym
[silpo] Silph Co.
[rt07] Route 7
[celac] Celadon City
[g11] Celadon City Gym
[rt16] Route 16
[rt17] Route 17
[rt18] Route 18
[fucha] Fuchsia City
[g12] Fuchsia City Gym
[safaz] Safari Zone
[rt15] Route 15
[rt14] Route 14
[rt13] Route 13
[rt12] Route 12
[rt11] Route 11
[lavet] Lavender Town
[rt10s] Route 10 (South)
[rt08] Route 8
[rt05] Route 5
[cerulc] Cerulean City
[g13] Cerulean City Gym
[rt24] Route 24
[ceruca] Cerulean Cave
[rt25] Route 25
[rt09] Route 9
[rt09c] Route 9 Cave
[rt10n] Route 10 (North)
[roct] Rock Tunnel
[oldp] Old Power Plant
[dicav] Diglett’s Cave
[rt02] Route 2
[viric] Viridian City
[g16] Viridian City Gym
[rt22] Route 22
[rt01] Route 1
[paleto] Pallet Town
[virif] Viridian Forest
[pewc] Pewter City
[g14] Pewter City Gym
[rt03] Route 3
[mtmo] Mt. Moon
[rt04] Route 4
[rt21] Route 21
[cinnai] Cinnabar Island
[cinnav] Cinnabar Volcano
[rt20] Route 20
[seafi] Seafoam Islands
[g15] Cinnabar Island Gym
[seaf2] Seafoam Islands (Return)
[rt19] Route 19
[uncav19] Undersea Cavern (Route 19)
[rt28] Route 28
[silca1] Silver Cave (Exterior)
[silca2] Silver Cave (Interior)

[rt100u] Route 100 (Undersea Express)


We’re back in New Bark. Prof. Elm calls you, there’s someone at the Lab that he wants you to see. Turns out to be the current Hoenn Champion Brendan! He’s surprised to hear that you beat the Johto League and so he decides to challenge you to a battle. This could’ve been much more special, a Champion vs Champion battle (maybe even for the Johto League title) saved for later on in the game.

Special Battle
Champion Brendan
((2 Full Restores))
Lv57 Shiftry [Grass/Dark] {Chlorophyll}
Lv58 Grumpig [Psychic] {Thick Fat}
Lv56 Camerupt [Fire/Ground] {Magma Armor}
Lv59 Aggron [Steel/Rock] {Sturdy}
Lv61 Swampert [Water/Ground] {Torrent}
Lv59 Swellow [Normal/Flying] {Guts}
Prize: P10148


SHIFTRY: Pound, Harden, Growth, Nature Power
GRUMPIG: Psychic, Rest, Snore, Bounce
CAMERUPT: Rock Slide, Earthquake, Eruption, Fissure
AGGRON: Take Down, Iron Tail, Protect, Metal Sound
SWAMPERT: Muddy Water, Protect, Earthquake, Endeavor
SWELLOW: Double Team, Endeavor, Aerial Ace, Agility

Afterwards Brendan gives all his Pokemon to Elm because he’s going to catch new ones while he’s in Johto! What the…? Is he Ash Ketchum entering a new region? Elm gives you the S.S. Ticket, allowing you to board the S.S. Aqua from Olivine to Kanto but only when the red flag is up by the Pier. You’ll find the ship at the Harbor on Mondays and Fridays. Before we set off for the second stage of the adventure, there is one major thing you can do in Johto: battle the Gym Leaders in rematches. A nice perk of being the Champion. Indeed, the Gym Leaders have been busy and now they have full teams, Held Items for their Pokemon and healing items. You can face them in any order but I’ll list them in their original one:


Leader Falkner
((1 Hyper Potion + 1 Full Restore))
Lv57 Pidgeot [Normal/Flying] {Keen Eye} (Leftovers)
Lv55 Swellow [Normal/Flying] {Guts} (Leftovers)
Lv57 Dodrio [Normal/Flying] {Run Away} (Salac Berry)
Lv59 Skarmory [Steel/Flying] {Keen Eye} (Leftovers)
Lv59 Aerodactyl [Rock/Flying] {Rock Head} (Leftovers)
Lv62 Altaria [Dragon/Flying] {Natural Cure} (Leftovers)
Prize: P3720


PIDGEOT: Feather Dance, Air Cutter, Steel Wing, Double Team
SWELLOW: Facade, Toxic, Endeavor, Aerial Ace
DODRIO: Endure, Reversal, Drill Peck, Tri Attack
SKARMORY: Roar, Spikes, Taunt, Drill Peck
AERODACTYL: Hyper Beam, Rock Slide, Earthquake, Iron Tail
ALTARIA: Sing, Dragon Dance, Earthquake, Aerial Ace

Leader Bugsy
((1 Hyper Potion + 1 Full Heal))
Lv56 Ninjask [Bug/Flying] {Speed Boost} (Leftovers)
Lv56 Armaldo [Rock/Bug] {Battle Armor} (Leftovers)
Lv57 Heracross [Bug/Fighting] {Swarm} (Leftovers)
Lv57 Shedinja [Bug/Ghost] {Wonder Guard} (Scope Lens)
Lv58 Scizor [Bug/Steel] {Swarm} (Leftovers)
Lv59 Parasect [Bug/Grass] {Effect Spore} (Leftovers)
Prize: P3480


NINJASK: Swords Dance, Baton Pass, Slash, Silver Wind
ARMALDO: Swords Dance, Rock Slide, Earthquake, Slash
HERACROSS: Swords Dance, Megahorn, Rock Slide, Brick Break
SHEDINJA: Silver Wind, Protect, Shadow Ball, Fury Cutter
SCIZOR: Swords Dance, Silver Wind, Slash, Agility
PARASECT: Pursuit, Spore, Slash, Giga Drain

Whitney is in the mood for a Double Battle, be prepared.

Leader Whitney
((1 Hyper Potion + 1 Full Heal))
Lv54 Miltank [Normal] {Thick Fat} (Leftovers)
Lv55 Zangoose [Normal] {Immunity} (Silk Scarf)
Lv56 Smeargle [Normal] {Own Tempo} (Leftovers)
Lv56 Snorlax [Normal] {Immunity} (Leftovers)
Lv58 Slaking [Normal] {Truant} (Leftovers)
Lv58 Blissey [Normal] {Natural Cure} (Leftovers)
Prize: P6720


MILTANK: Earthquake, Milk Drink, Curse, Body Slam
ZANGOOSE: Frustration, Swords Dance, Shadow Ball, Brick Break
SMEARGLE: Skill Swap, Spore, Spikes, Heal Bell
SNORLAX: Curse, Body Slam, Earthquake, Rest
SLAKING: Return, Facade, Slack Off, Shadow Ball
BLISSEY: Thunder Wave, Ice Beam, Softboiled, Seismic Toss

Leader Morty
((1 Hyper Potion + 1 Full Heal))
Lv57 Sableye [Dark/Ghost] {Keen Eye} (Leftovers)
Lv54 Dusclops [Ghost] {Pressure} (Leftovers)
Lv57 Gengar [Ghost/Poison] {Levitate} (Leftovers)
Lv58 Shedinja [Bug/Ghost] {Wonder Guard} (Scope Lens)
Lv59 Misdreavus [Ghost] {Levitate} (Leftovers)
Lv59 Banette [Ghost] {Insomnia} (Leftovers)
Prize: P3420


DUSCLOPS: Calm Mind, Will-O-Wisp, Pain Split, Ice Beam
SABLEYE: Toxic, Recover, Shadow Ball, Ice Punch
GENGAR: Sludge Bomb, Ice Punch, Thunderbolt, Hypnosis
SHEDINJA: Silver Wind, Toxic, Protect, Shadow Ball
MISDREAVUS: Perish Song, Mean Look, Destiny Bond, Protect
BANETTE: Endure, Destiny Bond, Will-O-Wisp, Shadow Ball

Jasmine is also in the mood for a Double Battle.

Leader Jasmine
((1 Hyper Potion + 1 Full Heal))
Lv57 Forretress [Bug/Steel] {Sturdy} (Leftovers)
Lv58 Skarmory [Steel/Flying] {Keen Eye} (Leftovers)
Lv54 Aggron [Steel/Rock] {Sturdy} (Leftovers)
Lv55 Metagross [Steel/Psychic] {Clear Body} (Leftovers)
Lv56 Steelix [Steel/Ground] {Rock Head} (Leftovers)
Lv59 Magneton [Electric/Steel] {Magnet Pull} (Leftovers)
Prize: P6720


FORRETRESS: Spikes, Explosion, Toxic, Sandstorm
SKARMORY: Spikes, Roar, Drill Peck, Steel Wing
AGGRON: Substitute, Focus Punch, Fire Blast, Rock Slide
METAGROSS: Metero Mash, Thunder Punch, Explosion, Psychic
STEELIX: Sandstorm, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Rest
MAGNETON: Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Supersonic, Metal Sound

Leader Chuck
((1 Full Restore + 1 Full Heal))
Lv58 Breloom [Grass/Fighting] {Effect Spore} (Leftovers)
Lv57 Medicham [Fighting/Psychic] {Pure Power} (Leftovers)
Lv58 Blaziken [Fire/Fighting] {Blaze} (Leftovers)
Lv59 Heracross [Bug/Fighting] {Swarm} (Leftovers)
Lv60 Poliwrath [Water/Fighting] {Water Absorb} (Leftovers)
Lv58 Machamp [Fighting] {Guts} (Leftovers)
Prize: P3480


BRELOOM: Spore, Focus Punch, Swords Dance, Substitute
MEDICHAM: Hi Jump Kick, Calm Mind, Reversal, Fire Punch
BLAZIKEN: Overheat, Thunder Punch, Sky Uppercut, Swords Dance
HERACROSS: Swords Dance, Megahorn, Rock Slide, Brick Break
POLIWRATH: Hypnosis, Surf, Ice Punch, Focus Punch
MACHAMP: Dynamic Punch, Cross Chop, Ice Punch, Rock Slide

Leader Pryce
((1 Full Restore + 1 Full Heal))
Lv58 Sneasel [Dark/Ice] {Inner Focus} (Leftovers)
Lv54 Lapras [Water/Ice] {Water Absorb} (Leftovers)
Lv56 Jynx [Ice/Psychic] {Oblivious} (Leftovers)
Lv57 Piloswine [Ice/Ground] {Oblivious} (Leftovers)
Lv57 Walrein [Ice/Water] {Thick Fat} (Leftovers)
Lv59 Cloyster [Water/Ice] {Shell Armor} (Leftovers)
Prize: P3420


SNEASEL: Swords Dance, Hail, Shadow Ball, Brick Break
LAPRAS: Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Surf, Dragon Dance
JYNX: Lovely Kiss, Calm Mind, Ice Beam, Substitute
PILOSWINE: Earthquake, Toxic, Ice Beam, Light Screen
WALREIN: Curse, Yawn, Amnesia, Earthquake
CLOYSTER: Spikes, Ice Beam, Explosion, Hail

Leader Clair
((2 Full Restores + 1 Full Heal))
Lv58 Altaria [Dragon/Flying] {Natural Cure} (Leftovers)
Lv55 Flygon [Ground/Dragon] {Levitate} (Leftovers)
Lv57 Dragonite [Dragon/Flying] {Inner Focus} (Leftovers)
Lv58 Dragonite [Dragon/Flying] {Inner Focus} (Leftovers)
Lv58 Salamence [Dragon/Flying] {Intimidate} (Leftovers)
Lv60 Kingdra [Water/Dragon] {Swift Swim} (Leftovers)
Prize: P3600


ALTARIA: Toxic, Flamethrower, Double Team, Dragonbreath
FLYGON: Earthquake, Fire Blast, Rock Slide, Substitute
DRAGONITE 57: Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Substitute, Focus Punch
DRAGONITE 58: Dragon Dance, Earthquake, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam
SALAMENCE: Dragon Dance, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Fire Blast
KINGDRA: Dragon Dance, Surf, Ice Beam, Rest

Phew, some nice training done before the trip across the border. Return to Olivine and get on the boat. Destination – Vermilion City!

[ssaqua] FAST SHIP S.S. AQUA


Just before you reach the cabins a Gentleman bumps into you, he’s in a panic because his granddaughter has gone missing. Well, that’s your first little quest on board. Your cabin is on the far left, with a nice bed for healing the team and a working PC too (no Wi-Fi though). Don’t bother with the 3 cabins next door from yours, nobody’s there. Head for the southwest cabin to find Lyle.

Firebreather Lyle
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv47 Koffing [Poison]
Lv30 Koffing [Poison]
Lv48 Flareon [Fire]
Prize: P840

Two cabins to the right from his there’s Colin and Meg.

PokeFan Colin
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv48 Delibird [Ice/Flying]
Lv47 Dewgong [Water/Ice]
Prize: P2068

Youngster Meg
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv44 Marowak [Ground]
Lv44 Starmie [Water/Psychic]
Prize: P1232

The southeast cabin has the Gentleman with the missing granddaughter. No luck in finding her yet. Downstairs in the Lower Deck you’ll be stopped by a Sailor who asks you to find his lazy friend. Until you find this friend, the Sailor won’t let you pass. The friend, Stanly, was taking a nap in the cabin next to yours. He’s awake now but isn’t going back to work just yet.

Sailor Stanly
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv47 Machop [Fighting]
Lv46 Machoke [Fighting]
Lv48 Psyduck [Water]
Prize: P1472

Stanly gets back to work and that frees up the rest of the Lower Deck.


The other Sailor says he may have seen the missing girl pass by here. In the sickbay Fritz isn’t doing too well…

Juggler Fritz
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv49 Mr. Mime [Psychic]
Lv47 Magmar [Fire]
Lv48 Machoke [Fighting]
Prize: P1920

Debra’s looking out a window along the north corridor and Jeff is in the dining area.

Picnicker Debra
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv49 Seaking [Water]
Prize: P1372

Sailor Jeff
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv47 Raticate [Normal]
Lv48 Raticate [Normal]
Prize: P1536

Upstairs is the Captain’s room where you find the girl. When she hears that her grandfather is worried she rushes back to him. The Gentleman rewards you with a Metal Coat then there’s an announcement about the ship arriving in Vermillion City. Disembark from the ship.



The Port of Exquisite Sunsets

**HMs Needed: Cut, Surf, Dive.

Places of Interest
Pokemon Center
Pokemon Mart
Vermillion City Gym
Pokemon Fan Club
Vermillion Port
Fishing Dude’s House
Kanto Office Block

Poke Ball P200
Super Potion P700
Antidote P100
Parlyz Heal P200
Awakening P250
Ice Heal P250
Repel P350

Pokemon Found
Tentacool [Water/Poison] (Levels 5-40, Rate 100%)
Magikarp [Water] (Level 5, Rate 100%)
Horsea [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 60%)
Magikarp [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Krabby [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Horsea [Water] (Levels 15-35, Rate 44%)
Shellder [Water] (Levels 15-25, Rate 40%) {Pearl 50%/Big Pearl 5%}
Gyarados [Water/Flying] (Levels 15-25, Rate 15%)
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 25-35, Rate 1%)

So begins the Kanto chapter of your adventure. Johto had a lot of surprises, hopefully Kanto won’t disappoint. Let’s look around before taking on the Lightning Norwegian 🙂

The eastern exit of Vermilion has a BIG roadblock in the form of Snorlax (yup, we’re definitely in Kanto now 😀 dammit). No access to Diglett’s Cave or Route 11 until we find the means to move it.

The PokeFan Club is still up and running (but with fewer members now from the looks of things). The Chairman is still vocal about his favourite Pokemon, listen to him gush about Rapidash and afterwards he’ll give you a Rare Candy.

The eldest of the Fishing Guru family lives in the northwest house. He doesn’t give away any Fishing Rods, he just says if you manage to catch a Magikarp you can show it to his brother at the Lake of Rage (he’s hoping to see a big Magikarp, if the one you catch is big enough he’ll give you an Ether). If you go straight south from the door of the eldest’s house, you can search by the water’s edge for a hidden Max Ether.

There’s a Dive spot here as well, to give us a reason to return to Vermilion at some point.

The Kanto Office Block is where you can get the S.S. Ticket stamped for travel to the Orange Islands later. There’s also the “Special HQ” third floor which can’t be accessed yet, how curious. Outside the building, on the northeast side, is a Trainer who claims to be the best one in the city and is ready to challenge you but changes his mind after noticing that you don’t have the Earth Badge. The disrespect is real haha, not even being the current Johto Champion is enough to make him have second thoughts. For now just make a note of him, we’ll deal with him eventually.

Team Rocket may be out of the picture but according to one guy at the Mart another crew is here. Red flag, it could be Team you-know-who. That ends the tour, get ready for the Gym.


Leader: Lt. Surge – The Lightning American!

Surge’s (in)famous traps aren’t activated now so challengers can basically waltz in to see him. Gym Trainers are still around though, here they are:

Juggler Horton
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv49 Electrode [Electric]
Lv47 Electrode [Electric]
Lv48 Electrode [Electric]
Lv48 Electrode [Electric]
Prize: P1920

Gentleman Gregory
Lv52 Pikachu [Electric]
Lv40 Flaaffy [Electric]
Prize: P3400

Guitarist Vincent
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv48 Magnemite [Electric/Steel]
Lv47 Magnemite [Electric/Steel]
Lv46 Magnemite [Electric/Steel]
Lv49 Voltorb [Electric]
Prize: P1568

Gym Battle
Leader Lt. Surge
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv54 Raichu [Electric] {Static}
Lv52 Electrode [Electric] {Soundproof}
Lv54 Electrode [Electric] {Soundproof}
Lv53 Magneton [Electric/Steel] {Magnet Pull}
Lv55 Electabuzz [Electric] {Static}
Prizes: P3240 + Thunder Badge


RAICHU: Thunderbolt, Thunder, Thunder Punch, Quick Attack
ELECTRODE (both): Swift, Explosion, Screech, Double Team
MAGNETON: Swift, Lock-On, Thunderbolt, Double Team
ELECTABUZZ: Light Screen, Thunder, Quick Attack, Thunder Punch

One down, 7 more to go. On the way out of town you meet up with Axel! What a surprise, I thought he returned to his home region? Well he’s here and was on his way to Saffron City but some Team Saturn guys were blocking the way. Surprise, surprise. Axel suspects that Team Saturn could be in Saffron for Silph Co. because it has information on Pokemon locations, so he wants you to meet him there. Forever being targeted, that’s Silph Co. 🙂 let’s move on north to Route 6.

[rt06] ROUTE 6

**HMs/TMs Needed: Surf, Headbutt.

Pokemon Found
Meowth [Normal] (Levels 24-36, Rate 25%) {Nugget 5%}
Pidgey [Normal/Flying] (Levels 24-36, Rate 21%)
Bellsprout [Grass/Poison] (Levels 24-35, Rate 10%)
Granbull [Normal] (Levels 24-36, Rate 10%)
Oddish [Grass/Poison] (Levels 24-35, Rate 10%)
Snubbull [Normal] (Levels 24-36, Rate 10%)
Rattata [Normal] (Levels 24-35, Rate 5%)
Raticate [Normal] (Levels 24-36, Rate 5%) {Oran Berry 50%/Sitrus Berry 5%}
Magnemite [Electric/Steel] (Levels 24-35, Rate 4%)
Abra [Psychic] (Level 10, Rate 99%) {Twisted Spoon 5%}
Jigglypuff [Normal] (Level 10, Rate 1%) {Oran Berry 50%}
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 20-40, Rate 100%)
Magikarp [Water] (Level 5, Rate 100%)
Poliwag [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 60%)
Magikarp [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Goldeen [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Poliwag [Water] (Levels 15-25, Rate 40%)
Poliwhirl [Water] (Levels 20-30, Rate 40%)
Gyarados [Water/Flying] (Levels 5-15, Rate 15%)
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 15-35, Rate 5%)

Only two Trainers are here, Rex and Alan.

PokeFan Rex
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv49 Phanpy [Ground]
Prize: P2156

PokeFan Alan
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv49 Teddiursa [Normal]
Prize: P2156

The Vermillion-Cerulean Underground Path is closed because there’s a problem at the Power Plant. We also learn from the Gate guard that the Magnet Train has been affected by the same problem. Things just keep getting better and better, eh?


Shining, Golden Land of Commerce

Places of Interest
Pokemon Center
Pokemon Mart
Saffron City Gym
Fighting Dojo
Silph Co.
Magnet Train Station
Mr. Psychic’s House
Copycat Girl’s House
House of Brendan’s Grandparents

Great Ball P600
Hyper Potion P1200
Revive P1500
Full Heal P600
Escape Rope P550
Max Repel P700

It’s like we’ve stepped back in time, look at those Team Saturn Grunts blocking access to major places like they’re Rocket Grunts. The eastern Gate is blocked by a policeman who says the path beyond needs to cleared up, so in order to reach Lavender Town you have to go through Fuchsia City. Wow.

With Karate King Kiyo away in Johto, the Fighting Dojo is pretty much an empty place. Where are all the battle-ready Black Belts? Only one is present just to tell you what we already know and that item behind him is a Focus Band. Nothing else to be done so prepare for Silph Co.

[silpo] SILPH CO.


Got a couple of Grunts on the first floor to welcome you:

Saturn Grunt
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv52 Zubat [Poison/Flying]
Lv51 Electrode [Electric]
Lv54 Manectric [Electric]
Prize: P2808

He’ll tell you that there’s an updated Card Key which is hidden somewhere on this floor.

Saturn Grunt
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv53 Golbat [Poison/Flying]
Lv53 Ampharos [Electric]
Lv54 Elekid [Electric]
Prize: P2808

Have a look at that picture in a red frame on the north wall, that’s where the Card Key is. The security guard was forced to give Team Saturn access to the basem*nt when they arrived, head on down.

-B1F- [Area A]

Saturn Grunt
Lv52 Raticate [Normal]
Lv53 Qwilfish [Water/Poison]
Lv54 Golbat [Poison/Flying]
Prize: P2756

So now Saturn Boss Russel is going after Kanto Legendary Pokemon from what that Grunt has heard. He should’ve learned his lesson from the Johto operation but no. After using the Card Key to unlock the shutter door, check the machine on right of the doorway for a hidden Max Potion.

At the end of the corridor is a Hyper Potion and a warp panel, you can’t have Silph Co. without them. Luckily this one is short range, it will take you to the southwest side of the room and if you’re unlucky like me you’ll warp straight into a battle!

Saturn Grunt
((1 Full Restore))
Lv53 Weepinbell [Grass/Poison]
Lv54 Victreebel [Grass/Poison]
Prize: P2808

The next warp panel is near the cleaning guy who is hiding at the end of the northwest corridor. It leads to TM41 Thunder Punch in the north room. The big machine above from the cleaning guy’s spot has a switch (Power Switch 3), turn it on before going to deal with the next Grunt near the stairway in the southeast area.

Saturn Grunt
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv54 Golduck [Water]
Lv53 Crawdaunt [Water/Dark]
Lv54 Jolteon [Electric]
Prize: P2756


That’s a Full Heal on the left before you reach 3 warp panels: the bottom warp panel (I’ll name them to make things easier because there are plenty more. This will be Warp 1) leads to the southwest room which contains slide panels and another warp panel. That warp panel is linked to the top warp panel (Warp 3) of the first 3. The middle panel (Warp 2) will send you to the south corridor on the left with the column of upward-facing slide panels. That Scientist in the corner is NOT a Silph employee anymore.

Scientist Rob
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv54 Magneton [Electric/Steel]
Lv55 Weezing [Poison]
Lv56 Hariyama [Fighting]
Lv54 Magneton [Electric/Steel]
Prize: P3240

There are items to be found while navigating this maze of panels so I’m going to cover how to get them first then we’ll go for the correct path out of this maze. To get back to the 3 warp panels after battling Rob, use the warp panel that you landed on in the south corridor. You’ll first get sent to an area that has 3 warp panels near each other (you’ll appear from the top warp panel). Step on that top warp panel and you’ll be back at the first 3. Now we begin the item hunt:

Use Warp 3 to return to the southwest room, then from there use the other warp panel and get sent to the northwest room. You’ll see TM01 Dynamic Punch near some containers on the left. Return to the first 3 warp panels, use Warp 2 back into Rob’s corridor. Go north along the corridor until you can turn right, that’s the area you appeared in after facing Rob earlier. Trevor and an Escape Rope are there, plus the machine that has Power Switch 2.

Scientist Trevor
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv55 Voltorb [Electric]
Lv54 Electrode [Electric]
Lv56 Magneton [Electric/Steel]
Prize: P3240

Turn the switch on. Of the 3 warp panels below him, ignore the top one. The one on the right leads to the west room (a.k.a the server room) where you’ll find a Max Revive. The bottom warp panel leads to the room just above the server room, the guy in there will give you a Kelpsy Berry and the warp panel next to him is connected to Warp 3. That’s all the items gotten, now make your way back to the Dynamic Punch room and use the warp panel that’s in the top left corner of that room (this will be Warp 4). It sends you to the corridor that is northeast from Trevor’s room, here you’ll find two lanes of slide panels. Go up along the corridor in between those two lanes to reach Warp 5. That takes you into the room which is on the left of the two lanes room.

Saturn Grunt
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv54 Azumarill [Water]
Lv54 Magneton [Electric/Steel]
Lv55 Houndoom [Dark/Fire]
Lv55 Flygon [Ground/Dragon]
Prize: P2860

Below him is an HP Up. Ignore the warp panel that’s next to the Grunt, go for the one which is on the far left from him (Warp 6). In the next room, there are 2 ways to deal with the Grunt that you’ll see on the left: either go to him directly or reuse the warp panel that you landed on to appear on the warp panel right next to him.

Saturn Grunt
Lv54 Weezing [Poison]
Lv54 Carvanha [Water/Dark]
Lv55 Golduck [Water]
Prize: P2860

Use the warp panel that’s next to him to reach the right side of this room where there’s the other Grunt and an X Special.

Saturn Grunt
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv52 Drowzee [Psychic]
Lv54 Quagsire [Water/Ground]
Lv55 Manectric [Electric]
Prize: P2808

Past him are two warp panels, use the left one (Warp 7) to jump out of the maze. In the next room you’ll see a Protein on the left. Going southeast will take you to a nameless Admin running along a corridor and going northwest leads to Axel standing a stairway.

Saturn Admin Battle
Saturn Admin
((2 Hyper Potions))
Lv55 Pidgeot [Normal/Flying] {Keen Eye}
Lv54 Electrode [Electric] {Soundproof}
Lv55 Manectric [Electric] {Static}
Lv56 Wailord [Water] {Water Veil}
Prize: P2808


PIDGEOT: Whirlwind, Wing Attack, Feather Dance, Agility
ELECTRODE: Rollout, Light Screen, Swift, Explosion
MANECTRIC: Roar, Bite, Thunder, Charge
WAILORD: Mist, Rest, Water Spout, Amnesia

Go on to meet Axel, he has learned that the remaining Saturn members are on the next floor. No problem.

-B1F- [Area B]

That item between the box and container on the right is an Ultra Ball and the upper left machine has Power Switch 1, turn it on.

Saturn Grunt
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv54 Golbat [Poison/Flying]
Lv53 Jolteon [Electric]
Lv54 Qwilfish [Water/Poison]
Prize: P2808

Past him is a Nurse who is ready to heal your Pokemon. Use the warp panel that’s nearest to her (Warp 8). In the next area you’ll find one Carbos in the south room. Afterwards use the warp panel (Warp 9) that’s next to the one you landed on here. You’ll appear in the corridor between the Nurse’s room and the one you just came from. Continue south, you’ll find one Rare Candy, then north to an Admin watching Warp 10.

Saturn Admin Battle
Saturn Admin
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv53 Golbat [Poison/Flying] {Inner Focus}
Lv54 Azumarill [Water] {Thick Fat}
Lv55 Golduck [Water] {Damp}
Lv55 Gorebyss [Water] {Swift Swim}
Prize: P2860


GOLBAT: Confuse Ray, Air Cutter, Mean Look, Poison Fang
AZUMARILL: Rollout, Bubblebeam, Double-Edge, Rain Dance
GOLDUCK: Confusion, Screech, Psych Up, Fury Swipes
GOREBYSS: Amnesia, Psychic, Baton Pass, Hydro Pump

The next area is north of the Nurse room. There’s a container on the right from the warp panel, check the left side of that container for a hidden Ultra Ball.

Next to the container is an Iron. Use the warp panel that’s above the Iron spot (Warp 11) to reach the room directly north. Once you’re there, you’ll see one Calcium above you. That warp panel on the left from the Calcium spot is Warp 12 and it leads to a match against the Head Admin, but don’t go there yet. Continue to the left side of this area to fight a Grunt and find TM08 Whirlpool below him.

Saturn Grunt
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv54 Manectric [Electric]
Lv52 Ampharos [Electric]
Lv53 Electrode [Electric]
Lv54 Relicanth Relicanth [Water/Rock]
Lv55 Electabuzz [Electric]
Prize: P2808

Now you can go on to fight that top dog Admin. Be ready because he’ll be facing the warp panel when you land in the next area.

Saturn Admin Battle
Saturn Admin
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv55 Sandslash [Ground] {Sand Veil}
Lv53 Misdreavus [Ghost] {Levitate}
Lv55 Milotic [Water] {Marvel Scale}
Lv55 Magneton [Electric/Steel] {Magnet Pull}
Prize: P2860


SANDSLASH: Slash, Swift, Fury Swipes, Sand Tomb
MISDREAVUS: Psybeam, Pain Split, Perish Song, Grudge
MILOTIC: Rain Dance, Hydro Pump, Attract, Safeguard
MAGNETON: Spark, Lock-On, Tri Attack, Screech

The switches you turned on along the way are connected to the shutter door just up ahead, where Axel is waiting. Had you not found those switches Axel was going to tell you to go back and find them 🙂 Beyond the door is Russel, Axel opens it and you go through just in time to see Russel searching through Silph Co.’s database. He finds out that Latios/Latias fled from Dragon’s Den to an island near Fuchsia City…but he’s not interested in just one of the Dragons. Then he finds information about the Regi Trio and that draws his attention now. And once again you are too late to stop him. Russel and Team Saturn leave before anything can be done. Damn. The Director of Silph Co. was being held hostage but he is free now and despite what happened he thanks you and Axel for saving the company and rewards you with a Master Ball each. Axel says he wants to see you before you leave town and then you return to the first floor. Speak to the security guard for another reward, an Up-Grade. The upper floors can’t be accessed and the basem*nt has been closed so that’s Silph Co. done.

Citizens of Saffron are back on the streets now that Team Saturn is gone, allowing us to look around. Living next door to the PokeCenter are Brendan’s grandparents. The guy got a Pokemon from Prof. Oak but he didn’t like it so he left it with grandpa (who isn’t even a Trainer…). A bit of scumbag this Brendan guy haha, that Pokemon is a Level 5 Squirtle. Come back for it when you have a free spot in your party. The man walking about outside the house is the Thunder Wave Tutor.

Mr. Psychic still gives away Psychic TMs, be sure to pay him a visit if you want one. Copycat Girl still mimicks people but doesn’t need another Poke Doll for her collection. That’s it as far as exploring Saffron goes so prepare for the Gym. More warp panel action coming up, as if you didn’t get enough at Silph Co.


Leader: Sabrina – The Master of Psychic Pokemon!

Like in the days of old, the Gym is designed like a 3×3 square with Sabrina in the centre room. 4 Gym Trainers, the first one is Rebecca in the southeast room.

Medium Rebecca
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv51 Drowzee [Psychic]
Lv52 Hypno [Psychic]
Prize: P1248

Use the bottom left warp panel to reach Franklin in the southwest room.

Psychic Franklin
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv62 Kadabra [Psychic]
Prize: P2480

Go for the top left panel, it leads to the northeast room occupied by Jared.

Psychic Jared
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv62 Gastly [Ghost/Poison]
Prize: P2480

The bottom left panel leads to the northwest room for Doris.

Medium Doris
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv62 Slowpoke [Water/Psychic]
Lv64 Slowbro [Water/Psychic]
Prize: P1536

The bottom left panel here takes you to Sabrina’s room. The woman has known for 3 years that you were going to challenge her! Has the wait been worth it?

Gym Battle
Leader Sabrina
((2 Hyper Potions + 1 Full Heal))
Lv54 Espeon [Psychic] {Synchronize}
Lv53 Mr. Mime [Psychic] {Soundproof}
Lv54 Alakazam [Psychic] {Synchronize}
Prizes: P3240 + Marsh Badge


ESPEON: Sand-Attack, Psychic, Quick Attack, Swift
MR. MIME: Barrier, Psychic, Baton Pass, Reflect
ALAKAZAM: Psychic, Reflect, Recover, Future Sight

You’ll have to backtrack your way to the entrance room, there’s no exit warp panel in this room or you can walk through walls if you got the codes. We’re headed west because creator Linkandzelda and Zeikku one of the contributors are blocking the northern Gate exit. They want to see the Fuchsia Badge. Really guys? Just before entering the west Gate you’ll meet Axel and he reveals that the route south from Fuchsia is blocked by huge rocks. Which means we ain’t getting to that island near Fuchsia just yet, damn.

[rt07] ROUTE 7

**TMs Needed: Headbutt.

Pokemon Found
Meowth [Normal] (Levels 17-18, Rate 34%) {Nugget 5%}
Spearow [Normal/Flying] (Level 19, Rate 20%)
Jigglypuff [Normal] (Level 19, Rate 10%) {Oran Berry 50%}
Pidgey [Normal/Flying] (Level 22, Rate 10%)
Raticate [Normal] (Level 22, Rate 10%) {Oran Berry 50%/Sitrus Berry 5%}
Snubbull [Normal] (Level 18, Rate 5%)
Growlithe [Fire] (Level 20, Rate 5%) {Rawst Berry 50%}
Rattata [Normal] (Level 19, Rate 4%)
Persian [Normal] (Level 17, Rate 1%)
Houndour [Dark/Fire] (Level 20, Rate 1%)
Spearow [Normal/Flying] (Level 10, Rate 99%)
Fearow [Normal/Flying] (Level 20, Rate 1%) {Sharp Beak 5%}

A nice and short route as usual, but this time the Underground Path has been closed for good by the Cerulean City Police. Originally it was because of too much Trainer battle action down there. Yeah, someone probably snitched and spoiled the fun as usual 🙂


The City of Rainbow Dreams

**HMs/TMs Needed: Cut, Surf, Headbutt.

Places of Interest
Pokemon Center
Celadon Department Store
Celadon City Gym
Celadon Game Corner
Celadon Mansion

Pokemon Found
Grimer [Poison] (Levels 10-20, Rate 100%)
Grimer [Poison] (Levels 5-40, Rate 99%)
Muk [Poison] (Levels 30-40, Rate 1%)
Magikarp [Water] (Level 5, Rate 100%)
Magikarp [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 100%)
Magikarp [Water] (Levels 15-35, Rate 99%)
Grimer [Poison] (Levels 30-40, Rate 1%)

From one big city to the other one right next door, how have these past 3 years treated Celadon? In the PokeCenter you’ll find hometown guy Eusine, he’s here to visit. In Crystal he would mention rumours about Ho-Oh appearing at the Tin Tower and then he returns to Ecruteak if Raikou and Entei have been caught. In this game once you’ve got the 3 Beasts, have them in your party then speak to Eusine to trigger that event. In my original playthrough I had completely missed this and thought that the Ho-Oh event was not in the game. After Eusine leaves, return to the Tin Tower and on the first floor speak to the Sage who is standing between the northern statues. He’ll give you the Rainbow Wing and stairs leading to the next floor will appear. Whenever you’re ready…

[ttow] TIN TOWER


Nothing of note here, carry on down to the next set of stairs. No wild Pokemon in this version of the tower and no hidden items too.


On the platform on the left is a Full Heal. The next stairs are on the northeast platform, just jump from platform to platform in a counter-clockwise fashion all the way there.


From this northeast platform that you are standing on, you can see 3 lanes of ramps going down (the left one leads to the central platform). Along the middle lane of ramps there’s an Ultra Ball and if you travel along the right lane you’ll reach the southeast platform where there’s a Great Ball and stairs to 5F. Ignore the stairs and get to the southwest platform to pick up an Escape Rope then continue on to the northwest platform and climb the stairs there.


Get to the north side of the room, jump over the first ramp then turn south and continue jumping over the next few ramps until you have to choose either to stick with the lane of ramps on the left or jump onto the central platform: there’s a Rare Candy on the central platform but if you go for it then you’ll have to make your way to the southeast platform, climb the stairs there back to 4F and come back to 5F. The correct path is to avoid the central platform and continue jumping over the ramps on the left, heading to the south platform.


Next to the pillar is a Max Potion. Then go all the way round to the western side to the next stairs.


The real fun begins here thanks to the warp panels which are present. On the northeast platform there’s a Max Revive. Use the warp panel on the north side to reach the central platform and once you are on it, step on the next warp panel.


You’ll be sent to the eastern platform here. Get to the warp panels on the south platform, step on the left one.


You’ll appear on the southeast platform. There’s a Nugget on the left platform. Return to 9F, step on the right warp panel to appear on 8F’s central platform where you’ll find a Max Elixir. Return to 7F and make your way to the warp panel on the south side. You’ll be sent to 8F’s western platform where there’s the next warp panel. It sends you to 9F’s north platform, you’ll find an HP Up between statues and the next warp panel on the left. That one sends you to 8F’s northern platform, there’s a Full Restore on the left and the final warp panel before it. You’ll appear on 9F’s central platform which has the stairs to the rooftop.


Go straight up to meet Ho-Oh.

[hooh] HO-OH – The Rainbow Pokemon
Level: 70
Type: Fire/Flying
Ability: Pressure
Moves: Recover, Fire Blast, Sunny Day, Swift

There’s no exit warp panel which appears on 9F’s central platform and you can’t Dig or use an Escape Rope either. It’s the long way out of the tower for you once you’re back outside return to Celadon.

On the second floor of Celadon Mansion you’ll find a guy selling Moon Stones for P1500 each. The Game Freak crew are on the top floor, if you complete the PokeDex you can come back to show the Game Designer. In the rooftop penthouse is a man who tells you a “scary” story and then gives you TM03 Curse as a reward for hearing it.


-2F- (Trainer’s Market)

TM05 Roar P1000
TM15 Hyper Beam P7500
TM28 Dig P2000
TM31 Mud-Slap P3000
TM43 Detect P3000
TM45 Attract P3000

Great Ball P600
Super Potion P700
Revive P1500
Antidote P100
Parlyz Heal P200
Awakening P250
Burn Heal P250
Ice Heal P250
Super Repel P500

-3F- (TM Shop)

TM10 Hidden Power P3000
TM11 Sunny Day P2000
TM17 Protect P3000
TM18 Rain Dance P2000
TM37 Sandstorm P2000

-4F- (Wise Man Gifts)

Poke Doll P1000
Retro Mail P50

-5F- (Drug Store)

X Attack P500
X Defend P550
X Speed P350
X Special P350
X Accuracy P950
Guard Spec. P700
Dire Hit P650

[Each costs P9800]


Fresh Water P200
Soda Pop P300
Lemonade P350


No more shady activities going on here, now it’s just a regular gambling joint. The Itemfinder will point out that there’s a hidden item near the bottom slot machines on the right side of the room but whatever that item is it’s unreachable (a similar case is in the Goldenrod Game Corner too). Also there are no hidden Coins on the floor here.

50 Coins P1000
500 Coins P10000

Smoke Ball 800 Coins
Miracle Seed 1000 Coins
Charcoal 1000 Coins
Mystic Water 1000 Coins
Black Flute 1600 Coins

Pikachu 2222 Coins
Porygon 5555 Coins
Larvitar 8888 Coins

From the Game Corner entrance go straight east until you reach the path among trees. There’s a hidden PP Up on the big tree behind the single Headbutt tree.

Now it’s time to see Erika.


Leader: Erika – The Nature-Loving Princess!

Even after all these years the women in here still haven’t done anything about old “Master Roshi” who is hanging around outside shakes head oh well.

Twins Joe & Zoe
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv53 Victreebel [Grass/Poison]
Lv54 Vileplume [Grass/Poison]
Prize: P7776

Tanya is on the left, Michelle is on the right then Julia up top.

Picnicker Tanya
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv53 Exeggutor [Grass/Psychic]
Prize: P1484

Lass Michelle
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv53 Hoppip [Grass/Flying]
Lv52 Vileplume [Grass/Poison]
Lv55 Arbok [Poison]
Prize: P1456

Beauty Julia
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv52 Paras [Bug/Grass]
Lv52 Exeggcute [Grass/Psychic]
Lv54 Parasect [Bug/Grass]
Prize: P3888

Gym Battle
Leader Erika
((1 Hyper Potion + 1 Full Heal))
Lv55 Victreebel [Grass/Poison] {Chlorophyll}
Lv56 Tangela [Grass] {Chlorophyll}
Lv56 Vileplume [Grass/Poison] {Chlorophyll}
Prizes: P3360 + Rainbow Badge + TM19 Giga Drain


VICTREEBEL: Stun Spore, Acid, Poison Powder, Giga Drain
TANGELA: Poison Powder, Constrict, Ingrain, Giga Drain
VILEPLUME: Sleep Powder, Acid, Stun Spore, Giga Drain

Nice and simple. On the way west out of town guess who shows up to show off the fruits of his training? Zane! Yes, THAT Zane, remember him? He’s been here in Kanto and after seeing you land in Vermillion he just had to chase after you!

Rival Battle
Pokemon Trainer Zane
((2 Hyper Potions))
Lv54 Porygon2 [Normal] {Trace}
Lv53 Lapras [Water/Ice] {Water Absorb}
Lv54 Umbreon [Dark] {Synchronize}
Lv56 Victreebel [Grass/Poison] {Chlorophyll}
Lv56 Houndoom [Dark/Fire] {Early Bird}
Prize: P6480


PORYGON2: Sharpen, Recover, Psychic, Hyper Beam
LAPRAS: Surf, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Sing
UMBREON: Mean Look, Toxic, Wish, Protect
VICTREEBEL: Razor Leaf, Sleep Powder, Swords Dance, Sludge Bomb
HOUNDOOM: Crunch, Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Solarbeam

As if the ambush wasn’t shocking enough, Zane has had enough of losing to you and pulls off a surprise heel turn! What the…so now you’ve got a Rival who has fallen to the dark side. Maybe this might lead to Zane becoming a much more interesting character 🙂 the possibilities are endless, perhaps he could join a Team or MAYBE form his own. Anyway, we move on to Route 16.

[rt16] ROUTE 16

**HMs/TMs Needed: Cut, Headbutt.

Pokemon Found
Spearow [Normal/Flying] (Levels 20-26, Rate 30%)
Doduo [Normal/Flying] (Levels 18-26, Rate 25%)
Muk [Poison] (Levels 18-26, Rate 20%)
Rattata [Normal] (Levels 20-26, Rate 15%)
Slugma [Fire] (Levels 18-26, Rate 4%)
Murkrow [Dark/Flying] (Levels 23-26, Rate 5%)
Fearow [Normal/Flying] (Levels 18-26, Rate 1%) {Sharp Beak 5%}
Grimer [Poison] (Level 10, Rate 99%)
Fearow [Normal/Flying] (Level 20, Rate 1%) {Sharp Beak 5%}

That northern area blocked by a skinny tree has the house of the woman would give out HM Fly back in the day, but now in the house there’s a Bug Catcher who just says that at the end of Cycling Road is Fuchsia City.

[rt17] ROUTE 17 (Cycling Road)

Pokemon Found
Fearow [Normal/Flying] (Levels 18-26, Rate 39%) {Sharp Beak 5%}
Grimer [Poison] (Levels 20-26, Rate 34%)
Slugma [Fire] (Levels 22-26, Rate 10%)
Muk [Poison] (Levels 23-26, Rate 15%)
Aipom [Normal] (Levels 22-26, Rate 1%)
Swellow [Normal/Flying] (Levels 22-26, Rate 1%)

Seems like a deserted road at first but just continue on downhill, stay on the left side road and you’ll find Riley and then Glenn.

Biker Riley
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv54 Weezing [Poison]
Prize: P1080

Biker Glenn
Lv54 Koffing [Poison]
Lv50 Magmar [Fire]
Lv52 Weezing [Poison]
Prize: P1000

Joel is on the middle road near the south end and Charles is at the south end.

Biker Joel
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv52 Magmar [Fire]
Lv52 Magmar [Fire]
Prize: P1040

Biker Charles
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv51 Koffing [Poison]
Lv54 Weezing [Poison]
Lv54 Charmeleon [Fire]
Prize: P1080

[rt18] ROUTE 18

Pokemon Found
Fearow [Normal/Flying] (Levels 20-28, Rate 45%) {Sharp Beak 5%}
Grimer [Poison] (Levels 24-26, Rate 30%)
Muk [Poison] (Levels 22-28, Rate 16%)
Slugma [Fire] (Levels 22-28, Rate 8%)
Azurill [Normal] (Levels 22-28, Rate 1%)

The only 2 Trainers here are Bob down the road and Boris in the grass.

Bird Keeper Bob
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv55 Noctowl [Normal/Flying]
Prize: P1540

Bird Keeper Boris
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv53 Doduo [Normal/Flying]
Lv51 Doduo [Normal/Flying]
Lv54 Doduo [Normal/Flying]
Prize: P1428


Behold! It’s Passion Pink!

**HMs/TMs Needed: Cut, Surf, Headbutt.

Places of Interest
Pokemon Center
Pokemon Mart
Fuchsia City Gym
Safari Zone (Closed)
Warden’s House

Great Ball P600
Ultra Ball P1200
Super Potion P700
Hyper Potion P1200
Full Heal P600
Max Repel P700
Bead Mail P50

Pokemon Found
Hoppip [Grass/Flying] (Level 10, Rate 99%)
Plusle [Electric] (Level 20, Rate 1%)
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 20-40, Rate 100%)
Magikarp [Water] (Level 5, Rate 100%)
Goldeen [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 60%)
Magikarp [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Poliwag [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Goldeen [Water] (Levels 15-25, Rate 40%)
Seaking [Water] (Levels 20-30, Rate 40%)
Gyarados [Water/Flying] (Levels 15-25, Rate 15%)
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 15-35, Rate 5%)

Yes, Fuchsia’s most famous attraction is closed because the Warden is abroad. No Bug Catching Contests and no Safari Zone, double damn. His granddaughter is at the Warden’s house, she reveals that he simply quit his job and went overseas on vacation. What prompted that though?

In the house next to the PokeCenter you can receive a Level 5 Charmander if you have space in your party. Bill’s sister lives next to the Gym, she lets you know that their grandfather is the current resident at the Sea Cottage outside Cerulean City.

We were told about Route 19 by Axel, it is currently blocked because of the volcano on Cinnabar Island erupting and shooting out debris. Until the debris is cleared up, the only way to reach Cinnabar is from the west. We’re still a long way from doing that yet so forget about it. Get ready for Janine.


Leader: Janine – The Poisonous Ninja Master

Like father like daughter, eh? At some point Janine surpassed Koga and took over the Gym while Koga went off to become an Elite 4 member. In keeping with tradition Janine’s Gym has invisible walls too but she’s gone a step further and has her Gym Trainers looking like Kage Bunshin/Shadow Clones of her. Janine is on the lower left side of the room. First Gym Trainer is Linda in the middle.

Lass Linda
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv52 Bulbasaur [Grass/Poison]
Lv54 Ivysaur [Grass/Poison]
Lv56 Venusaur [Grass/Poison]
Prize: P1568

From the Gym Guide’s far right side go straight up to face Cindy.

Picnicker Cindy
Lv56 Nidoqueen [Poison/Ground]
Prize: P1568

Move along the north wall to reach Barry.

Camper Barry
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv54 Nidoking [Poison/Ground]
Prize: P1080

Go 2 steps to the right from him then drop down to meet Alice.

Lass Alice
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv53 Gloom [Grass/Poison]
Lv52 Gloom [Grass/Poison]
Lv56 Arbok [Poison]
Prize: P1456

Then just move along the tiles from Alice to Janine. Where’s that Naruto soundtrack when you need it? This is the perfect time to roll it out 🙂

Gym Battle
Leader Janine
((2 Hyper Potions + 1 Full Heal))
Lv55 Crobat [Poison/Flying] {Inner Focus}
Lv56 Weezing [Poison] {Levitate}
Lv58 Weezing [Poison] {Levitate}
Lv57 Venomoth [Bug/Poison] {Shield Dust}
Lv57 Ariados [Bug/Poison] {Swarm}
Prizes: P3420 + Soul Badge + TM06 Toxic


CROBAT: Wing Attack, Confuse Ray, Supersonic, Screech
WEEZING (both): Sludge Bomb, Smog, Toxic, Explosion
VENOMOTH: Toxic, Psychic, Foresight, Supersonic
ARIADOS: String Shot, Night Shade, Giga Drain, Scary Face

Now you’ve got the Badge that LaZ and Reikku want to see but we’ll deal with those two later. For now let’s head east to Routes 15 and beyond, hopefully reaching Lavender Town, Rock Tunnel and finding out what’s up at the Power Plant.

[rt15] ROUTE 15

**HMs/TMs Needed: Cut, Headbutt.

Pokemon Found
Oddish [Grass/Poison] (Levels 22-26, Rate 35%)
Venonat [Bug/Poison] (Levels 24-26, Rate 30%)
Pidgey [Normal/Flying] (Levels 25-27, Rate 20%)
Ditto [Normal] (Level 25, Rate 5%) {Metal Powder 5%}
Pidgeotto [Normal/Flying] (Level 29, Rate 5%)
Gloom [Grass/Poison] (Levels 28-30, Rate 5%)
Hoppip [Grass/Flying] (Level 10, Rate 90%)
Venonat [Bug/Poison] (Level 10, Rate 5%)
Noctowl [Normal/Flying] (Level 10, Rate 4%)
Skiploom [Grass/Flying] (Level 20, Rate 1%)

The Trainers here are some schoolboys and their Teachers who are out on a fieldtrip to the Lavender Radio Tower. If you have Cut you can access the northern part of this route for a PP Up.

Schoolboy Kipp
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv54 Voltorb [Electric]
Lv55 Magnemite [Electric/Steel]
Prize: P3080

Schoolboy Tommy
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv54 Xatu [Psychic/Flying]
Lv55 Alakazam [Psychic]
Prize: P3080

Hillary and Johnny will each face you in Double Battles.

Teacher Hillary
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv54 Aipom [Normal]
Lv56 Cubone [Ground]
Prize: P3584

Schoolboy Billy
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv53 Poliwhirl [Water]
Lv54 Paras [Bug/Grass]
Lv55 Paras [Bug/Grass]
Lv55 Ditto [Normal]
Prize: P3080

Teacher Colette
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv55 Clefairy [Normal]
Prize: P1760

Schoolboy Johnny
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv54 Weepinbell [Grass/Poison]
Lv54 Bellsprout [Grass/Poison]
Prize: P6048

[rt14] ROUTE 14

**HMs/TMs Needed: Cut, Headbutt.

Pokemon Found
Oddish [Grass/Poison] (Levels 22-26, Rate 35%)
Venonat [Bug/Poison] (Levels 24-26, Rate 30%)
Ditto [Normal] (Level 23, Rate 15%) {Metal Powder 5%}
Pidgey [Normal/Flying] (Level 27, Rate 10%)
Gloom [Grass/Poison] (Level 30, Rate 5%)
Pidgeotto [Normal/Flying] (Level 29, Rate 5%)
Noctowl [Normal/Flying] (Level 10, Rate 95%)
Hoppip [Grass/Flying] (Level 20, Rate 5%)

Bird Keeper Roy
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv52 Fearow [Normal/Flying]
Lv54 Fearow [Normal/Flying]
Prize: P1512

North from Roy is the main road and a side road on the left. That side road leads to Trevor and a grassy field where you’ll find Kim who will trade her Aerodactyl Aeroy for a Chansey. Aeroy will be holding a Hard Stone. Along the main road there’s Carter.

PokeFan Trevor
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv55 Psyduck [Water]
Prize: P2420

PokeFan Carter
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv53 Bulbasaur [Grass/Poison]
Lv53 Squirtle [Water]
Lv53 Charmander [Fire]
Prize: P2332

[rt13] ROUTE 13

**HMs/TMs Needed: Cut, Surf, Headbutt.

Pokemon Found
Oddish [Grass/Poison] (Levels 22-26, Rate 35%)
Venonat [Bug/Poison] (Levels 24-26, Rate 30%)
Pidgey [Normal/Flying] (Levels 25-27, Rate 20%)
Ditto [Normal] (Level 25, Rate 5%) {Metal Powder 5%}
Pidgeotto [Normal/Flying] (Level 29, Rate 5%)
Gloom [Grass/Poison] (Levels 28-30, Rate 5%)
Hoppip [Grass/Flying] (Level 10, Rate 99%)
Venonat [Bug/Poison] (Level 20, Rate 1%)
Tentacool [Water/Poison] (Levels 5-40, Rate 100%)
Magikarp [Water] (Level 5, Rate 100%)
Horsea [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 60%)
Magikarp [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Krabby [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Horsea [Water] (Levels 15-25, Rate 80%)
Gyarados [Water/Flying] (Levels 15-25, Rate 15%)
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 25-35, Rate 1%)

This route has certainly changed – there are now more trees than before! The fences are gone but the maze design remains. From the start of the maze go north then northwest and east to the Hiker that can be seen on the way up, that’s Kenny.

Hiker Kenny
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv51 Sandslash [Ground]
Lv31 Graveler [Rock/Ground]
Lv51 Graveler [Rock/Ground]
Lv53 Golem [Rock/Ground]
Prize: P992

Back to the start of the maze, go to the right and head all the way north before following the path down to Alex.

PokeFan Alex
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv53 Nidoking [Poison/Ground]
Lv53 Slowking [Water/Psychic]
Lv53 Seaking [Water]
Prize: P2332

After Alex just stick to going east until you see Joshua on the bottom right of your screen. He’s got a full team of Pikachu!

PokeFan Joshua
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv50 Pikachu [Electric]
Lv50 Pikachu [Electric]
Lv50 Pikachu [Electric]
Lv50 Pikachu [Electric]
Lv50 Pikachu [Electric]
Lv50 Pikachu [Electric]
Prize: P2200

On the left side of the Trainer Tips signboard below Joshua is a hidden Calcium.

Northeast from Joshua are Perry and Brett.

Bird Keeper Perry
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv56 Farfetch’d [Normal/Flying]
Prize: P1568

Bird Keeper Brett
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv54 Pidgeotto [Normal/Flying]
Lv54 Fearow [Normal/Flying]
Prize: P1512

Back to Joshua and carry on east out of the maze onto Silence Bridge.

[rt12] ROUTE 12

**HMs/TMs Needed: Cut, Surf, Headbutt.

Pokemon Found
Oddish [Grass/Poison] (Levels 22-26, Rate 35%)
Venonat [Bug/Poison] (Levels 24-26, Rate 30%)
Pidgey [Normal/Flying] (Levels 23-27, Rate 30%)
Gloom [Grass/Poison] (Levels 28-30, Rate 5%)
Hoppip [Grass/Flying] (Level 10, Rate 90%)
Hoothoot [Normal/Flying] (Level 10, Rate 9%)
Venonat [Bug/Poison] (Level 20, Rate 1%)
Tentacool [Water/Poison] (Levels 5-40, Rate 100%)
Magikarp [Water] (Level 5, Rate 100%)
Horsea [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 60%)
Magikarp [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Krabby [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Horsea [Water] (Levels 15-35, Rate 84%)
Gyarados [Water/Flying] (Levels 15-25, Rate 15%)
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 25-35, Rate 1%)

While moving up on the bridge you’ll see 2 areas on the left that are each blocked by a skinny tree, there’s one Calcium in the bottom area and a Nugget in the next one. Barney is up ahead.

Fisher Barney
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv53 Gyarados [Water/Flying]
Lv52 Gyarados [Water/Flying]
Lv52 Gyarados [Water/Flying]
Prize: P1248

The younger brother of the Fishing Guru lives in the house, he’ll give you the Super Rod to finally complete the set. Past the house we’ll reach the famous T-junction where a Snorlax would be found snoozing away all those years ago. Let’s sweep through Route 11 before proceeding onwards to Lavender Town.

[rt11] ROUTE 11

**TMs Needed: Headbutt.

Pokemon Found
Ekans [Poison] (Levels 12-15, Rate 40%)
Spearow [Normal/Flying] (Levels 13-17, Rate 35%)
Drowzee [Psychic] (Levels 11-15, Rate 24%)
Hypno [Psychic] (Level 15, Rate 1%)
Noctowl [Normal/Flying] (Level 10, Rate 99%)
Pidgeotto [Normal/Flying] (Level 20, Rate 1%)

The first Trainer to be seen is Herman.

Psychic Herman
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv53 Exeggcute [Grass/Psychic]
Lv53 Exeggcute [Grass/Psychic]
Lv54 Exeggutor [Grass/Psychic]
Prize: P2160

Follow the road south then west to Owen.

Youngster Owen
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv55 Growlithe [Fire]
Prize: P1540

North from him is Jason.

Youngster Jason
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv55 Sandslash [Ground]
Lv55 Crobat [Poison/Flying]
Prize: P880

Then Fidel is near the western end.

Psychic Fidel
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv56 Xatu [Psychic/Flying]
Prize: P2240

Back to Route 12 since we still don’t have the Poke Flute. The remaining Fishermen are Zelk, Martin and Kyle.

Fisher Zelk
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv54 Remoraid [Water]
Lv54 Qwilfish [Water/Poison]
Prize: P1296

Fisher Martin
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv54 Remoraid [Water]
Lv54 Remoraid [Water]
Prize: P1296

Fisher Kyle
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv52 Seaking [Water]
Lv53 Seaking [Water]
Lv53 Poliwhirl [Water]
Prize: P1272


The Noble Purple Town

**TMs Needed: Headbutt.

Places of Interest
Pokemon Center
Pokemon Mart
Kanto Radio Tower
Soul House
Lavender Volunteer Pokemon House
Name Rater’s House
Ultimate Moves Tutor’s House

Great Ball P600
Potion P300
Super Potion P700
Max Repel P700
Antidote P100
Parlyz Heal P200
Awakening P250
Burn Heal P250

Pokemon Found
Hoothoot [Normal/Flying] (Level 10, Rate 99%)
Noctowl [Normal/Flying] (Level 20, Rate 1%)

The once sombre town looks more lively now that it’s got a new attraction. What else is going on?

A Leaf Stone seller is in the Mart, selling them for P2100 each.

The Poke Flute tune had its own radio channel originally so now you find out that what you’ll require to deal with Snorlax is something called a PokeTar.

In the house just southwest from the Radio Tower is where the Starters can learn their ultimate moves. Sadly you can’t have all the Starters learn the moves, just the 3 best ones that you’ve got.

Mr. Fuji hasn’t returned to the Volunteer house, he went to the Soul House.


May the Souls of Pokemon Rest Easy


You’ll find Axel here. Just like the other people present, he saw Mr. Fuji get sucked into the orange tombstone at the end of the room. There’s a Pokemon that Axel can see near the tombstone with a Silph Scope, he’ll give it to you to use and after seeing the Pokemon you’ll get attacked! Catch or defeat it!

GENGAR – The Shadow Pokemon
Level: 50
Type: Ghost/Poison
Ability: Levitate
Moves: Shadow Punch, Dream Eater, Destiny Bond, Shadow Ball

The battle is so epic that it leads to the Silph Scope being destroyed. A stairway suddenly appears where the tombstone was, Axel urges you to go downstairs and rescue Mr. Fuji. Axel wonders if this has to do with Team Saturn. Red Flag right there.


Pokemon Found
Gastly [Ghost/Poison] (Levels 18-25, Rate 40%)
Haunter [Ghost/Poison] (Levels 18-25, Rate 21%) {Spell Tag 5%}
Duskull [Ghost] (Levels 18-25, Rate 20%) {Spell Tag 5%}

Dusclops [Ghost] (Levels 18-25, Rate 20%) {Spell Tag 5%}
Sableye [Dark/Ghost] (Levels 18-25, Rate 10%)
Absol [Dark] (Levels 18-25, Rate 8%)

Shuppet [Ghost] (Levels 18-25, Rate 8%) {Spell Tag 5%}
Gengar [Ghost/Poison] (Levels 18-25, Rate 1%) {Spell Tag 5%}

Only ghosts appear down here and they can’t be identified because you just lost the very device which can identify them! face palm so Run or Repel your way to Mr. Fuji. He’s unharmed, he found himself down here after examining the tombstones on 1F. The Ghost-types here warned him that something bad was going to happen to Lavender. When you return to 1F you find out that a wild Zapdos has appeared and is on top of the Radio Tower! A wild and out of control Zapdos. Even Axel wants none of that, he says he’ll stay in the Soul House for safety reasons.



No broadcasts are happening until the Power Plant situation is sorted out, which is why the one Gentleman (Director) is freaking out. You’ll find an Escape Rope behind the plant in the recording booth. The Music Director is in the booth too, letting you know that the EXPN Card is required for you to catch Kanto’s radio stations. Too bad the radio doesn’t work. Go straight up to the rooftop, the security guard is there watching Zapdos as it sits on top of the Transmission Room building. Approach it and just when it seems like Zapdos is going to attack, it flees instead. Huh, how strange. Then there’s a loud noise from inside the tower, follow after the guard and discover that Team Saturn is in town and it looks like they’ve taken over the tower!

Saturn Grunt
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv56 Crawdaunt [Water/Dark]
Lv54 Lanturn [Water/Electric]
Prize: P2808

Saturn Grunt
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv56 Magneton [Electric/Steel]
Lv55 Electrode [Electric]
Prize: P2860


Saturn Grunt
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv55 Mightyena [Dark]
Lv55 Poochyena [Dark]
Prize: P2860

An Admin is facing the stairs on 1F so if you need to heal up do it now.


Saturn Admin Battle
Saturn Admin
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv54 Sceptile [Grass] {Overgrow}
Lv53 Blaziken [Fire/Fighting] {Blaze}
Lv53 Swampert [Water/Ground] {Torrent}
Prize: P2756


SCEPTILE: Leaf Blade, Agility, Slam, Detect
BLAZIKEN: Quick Attack, Blaze Kick, Slash, Mirror Move
SWAMPERT: Take Down, Muddy Water, Protect, Earthquake

The next guy’s a Super Admin.

Saturn Admin Battle
Saturn Admin
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv56 Salamence [Dragon/Flying] {Intimidate}
Lv54 Dragonite [Dragon/Flying] {Inner Focus}
Lv56 Gyarados [Water/Flying] {Intimidate}
Prize: P2912


SALAMENCE: Protect, Dragonbreath, Scary Face, Fly
DRAGONITE: Dragon Rage, Slam, Agility, Safeguard
GYARADOS: Hydro Pump, Rain Dance, Dragon Dance, Hyper Beam

And then you have a chat with Russel. He expected to find you here and you certainly didn’t disappoint. As long as these troublemakers continue their silly little activities, you will be there to stop them.

Saturn Boss Battle
Saturn Boss Russel
((2 Hyper Potions + 1 Full Heal))
Lv59 Manectric [Electric] {Static}
Lv54 Electrode [Electric] {Soundproof}
Lv56 Electabuzz [Electric] {Static}
Lv59 Jolteon [Electric] {Volt Absorb}
Prize: P3068


MANECTRIC: Charge, Thunder, Howl, Bite
ELECTRODE: Explosion, Swift, Light Screen, Sonicboom
ELECTABUZZ: Thunder Punch, Thunder Wave, Thunderbolt, Earthquake
JOLTEON: Thunder, Agility, Double Kick, Pin Missile

Taking a break from chasing after Pokemon, Team Saturn came here to broadcast a message to Team Rocket and call them out. The response is swift and a couple of Grunts arrive, led by their new boss Silver! You would think it makes some sense given who Silver is related to…but in this universe Silver is Russel’s son instead! What a plot twist. Where’s Giovanni then for this bombshell revelation? Silver has taken over Team Rocket and now it looks like he’s stronger than ever before. As for Russel he has a new enemy to deal with now. Things have really gotten interesting. After both Teams leave, the Director thanks you for saving the tower with a cool P10000. But as long as the Power Plant is still down, the tower’s troubles aren’t over just yet. Outside you’ll find Axel, who missed out on all the action since he was hiding. Despite that though, he’ll challenge you to a battle just to see how much you’ve improved. Doesn’t sound too worried about Team Saturn and the “new” Team Rocket causing trouble around Kanto, does he?

Trainer Battle
Trainer Axel
((2 Hyper Potions))
Lv56 Quagsire [Water/Ground] {Damp} (Leftovers)
Lv55 Electabuzz [Electric] {Static} (Leftovers)
Lv55 Weezing [Poison] {Levitate} (Leftovers)
Lv56 Salamence [Dragon/Flying] {Intimidate} (Leftovers)
Lv56 Arcanine [Fire] {Intimidate} (Leftovers)
Lv57 Hitmonlee [Fighting] {Limber} (Leftovers)
Prize: P1120


QUAGSIRE: Surf, Earthquake, Ice Beam, Rest
ELECTABUZZ: Thunderbolt, Ice Punch, Brick Break, Quick Attack
WEEZING: Pain Split, Will-O-Wisp, Fire Blast, Thunderbolt
SALAMENCE: Dragon Dance, Aerial Ace, Earthquake, Rock Slide
ARCANINE: Fire Blast, Frustration, Crunch, Extremespeed
HITMONLEE: Brick Break, Mach Punch, Earthquake, Bulk Up

No new information about what Team Saturn will get up to next so Axel is headed to the Power Plant now. Let’s head north to cover the south side of Route 10.

[rt10s] ROUTE 10 (South)

The only Trainers here are Robert, the first person that you’ll see when you arrive, and Jim who is over by the northeast corner.

PokeFan Robert
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv55 Quagsire [Water/Ground]
Prize: P2420

On the right from Robert’s spot are 3 Headbutt trees, there’s a hidden Nanab Berry on the free tile between them.

Hiker Jim
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv56 Machop [Fighting]
Prize: P1792

We find yet another roadblock, this time it’s a Scientist standing by the Rock Tunnel entrance. He won’t move because there’s a fight between explorers which is going on inside the cave – a fight over fossils that they found. I kid you not 🙂 until that fight is over, no Rock Tunnel action for you from this side. So back to Lavender and head west to Route 8.

[rt08] ROUTE 8

**HMs/TMs Needed: Cut, Headbutt

Pokemon Found
Meowth [Normal] (Levels 18-28, Rate 30%) {Nugget 5%}
Pidgeotto [Normal/Flying] (Levels 18-28, Rate 20%)
Jigglypuff [Normal] (Levels 16-28, Rate 10%) {Oran Berry 50%}
Abra [Psychic] (Levels 16-28, Rate 10%) {Twisted Spoon 5%}
Kadabra [Psychic] (Levels 17-28, Rate 10%) {Twisted Spoon 5%}
Growlithe [Fire] (Levels 15-28, Rate 10%) {Rawst Berry 50%}
Haunter [Ghost/Poison] (Levels 19-28, Rate 5%) {Spell Tag 5%}
Noctowl [Normal/Flying] (Levels 17-28, Rate 4%)
Snubbull [Normal] (Levels 17-28, Rate 1%)
Meowth [Normal] (Level 10, Rate 60%) {Nugget 5%}
Noctowl [Normal/Flying] (Level 10, Rate 39%)
Skitty [Normal] (Level 20, Rate 1%) {Leppa Berry 5%}

A simple path here, no surprises. Just follow the road to the Saffron east Gate. Along the way you’ll see Tom, Sam and the trio of Bikers who call themselves the Kanto Pokemon Federation.

Super Nerd Tom
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv54 Magnemite [Electric/Steel]
Lv54 Magnemite [Electric/Steel]
Lv54 Magnemite [Electric/Steel]
Prize: P1296

Super Nerd Sam
((2 Hyper Potions))
Lv56 Grimer [Poison]
Lv56 Muk [Poison]
Prize: P1344

Biker Zeke
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv54 Koffing [Poison]
Lv54 Koffing [Poison]
Prize: P1080

Biker Harris
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv56 Flareon [Fire]
Prize: P1120

Biker Dwayne
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv53 Koffing [Poison]
Lv54 Koffing [Poison]
Lv54 Koffing [Poison]
Lv55 Koffing [Poison]
Prize: P1100

Back in Saffron and into the northern Gate to show off the Soul Badge to Laz and Reikku. They don’t believe that you actually got it, so you end up battling them one after the other to prove it. Classic case of finding ROM hack creators in their own games, it never gets old.

Special Battle
Developer Laz
((2 Hyper Potions + 1 Full Heal))
Lv58 Pidgeot [Normal/Flying] {Keen Eye}
Lv58 Tyranitar [Rock/Dark] {Sand Stram}
Lv59 Flygon [Ground/Dragon] {Levitate}
Lv59 Metagross [Steel/Psychic] {Clear Body}
Lv60 Medicham [Fighting/Psychic] {Pure Power}
Lv61 Gengar [Ghost/Poison] {Levitate}
Prize: P1220


PIDGEOT: Whirlwind, Fly, Steel Wing, Protect
TYRANITAR: Earthquake, Rock Slide, Blizzard, Protect
FLYGON: Sandstorm, Crunch, Toxic, Dragon Claw
METAGROSS: Meteor Mash, Iron Defense, Earthquake, Shadow Ball
MEDICHAM: Recover, Hi Jump Kick, Shadow Ball, Psychic
GENGAR: Psychic, Shadow Ball, Confuse Ray, Protect

Developer Zeikku
((2 Hyper Potions + 1 Full Heal))
Lv61 Shiny Noctowl [Normal/Flying] {Insomnia}
Lv58 Gardevoir [Psychic] {Synchronize}
Lv59 Charizard [Fire/Flying] {Blaze}
Lv59 Sceptile [Grass] {Overgrow}
Lv60 Ampharos [Electric] {Static}
Lv60 Feraligatr [Water] {Torrent}
Prize: P1160


NOCTOWL: Psychic, Shadow Ball, Hypnosis, Dream Eater
GARDEVOIR: Psychic, Thunderbolt, Hypnosis, Dream Eater
CHARIZARD: Blast Burn, Flamethrower, Thunder Punch, Fly
SCEPTILE: Frenzy Plant, Sludge Bomb, Body Slam, Leaf Blade
AMPHAROS: Thunder, Fire Punch, Thunder Wave, Body Slam
FERALIGATR: Ice Punch, Crunch, Surf, Hydro Cannon

Well, you certainly showed them. They leave and we can move on to Route 5.

[rt05] ROUTE 5

**TMs Needed: Headbutt.

Pokemon Found
Pidgey [Normal/Flying] (Levels 13-22, Rate 40%)
Meowth [Normal] (Levels 10-22, Rate 35%)
Oddish [Grass/Poison] (Levels 13-22, Rate 25%) {Nugget 5%}
Ledyba [Bug/Flying] (Levels 10-20, Rate 100%)

In the house on the hill you’ll scare an old woman enough to get a Cleanse Tag from her (you have to talk to her either during the day or at night). The Underground Path which links this route to Route 6 is here but closed because of the Power Plant problem. Go straight on north for the blue city.


A Mysterious Blue Aura Surrounds It

**HMs/TMs Needed: Cut, Surf, Headbutt.

Places of Interest
Pokemon Center
Pokemon Mart
Cerulean City Gym
Bike Shop (Closed)
Cerulean Cave

Great Ball P600
Ultra Ball P1200
Super Potion P700
Super Repel P500
Full Heal P600
X Defend P550
X Attack P500
Dire Hit P650
Harbor Mail P50

Pokemon Found
Pineco [Bug] (Levels 10-20, Rate 100%)
Tentacool [Water/Poison] (Levels 5-40, Rate 100%)
Magikarp [Water] (Level 5, Rate 100%)
Horsea [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 60%)
Magikarp [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Krabby [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Horsea [Water] (Levels 15-35, Rate 84%)
Gyarados [Water/Flying] (Levels 15-25, Rate 15%)
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 25-35, Rate 1%)

Home of the second Kanto Gym and of one friend to a certain Trainer who is forever 10 years old (but FINALLY became a “Pokemon Master” after 20 years haha). What’s good in Cerulean?

The Bike Shop is closed since the new business is now in Goldenrod. Behind the northwest houses you’ll find the Water Stone seller (P2100 per stone). In the northeast part of town is the home of the Sticker collecting big sister that we heard about in Cianwood. Pick something to brag about and she’ll give you a fancy Sticker to pimp up your Trainer card. Xzibit would be proud. Outside that house is a little boy, that’s the Light Screen Tutor. Is he old enough to be teaching moves…?

Oddly enough, the Gym is empty. Where’s everyone? Let’s check Cerulean Cape, perhaps Misty is there (and not occupied with a date). On the way north to Nugget Bridge you’ll meet Zane and his full team. He has been challenging the Kanto Gyms and now he believes he is ready to put this rivalry to rest!

Rival Battle
Pokemon Trainer Zane
((2 Hyper Potions))
Lv58 Breloom [Grass/Fighting] {Effect Spore} (Leftovers)
Lv56 Lapras [Water/Ice] {Water Absorb} (Leftovers)
Lv57 Porygon2 [Normal] {Trace} (Leftovers)
Lv60 Houndoom [Dark/Fire] {Early Bird} (Leftovers)
Lv61 Heracross [Bug/Fighting] {Swarm} (Leftovers)
Lv62 Umbreon [Dark] {Synchronize} (Leftovers)
Prize: P7440


BRELOOM: Spore, Sky Uppercut, Swords Dance, Leech Seed
LAPRAS: Rest, Sleep Talk, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt
PORYGON2: Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Psychic, Recover
HOUNDOOM: Sunny Day, Solarbeam, Fire Blast, Crunch
HERACROSS: Swords Dance, Megahorn, Rock Slide, Brick Break
UMBREON: Mean Look, Protect, Wish, Toxic

Just when it seemed like he was going in a new direction he’s back to typical Rival mode, vowing to defeat you next time. But he has a gift you, HM08 Dive! That’s very generous of him, considering he aims to almost murder your Pokemon in the next match 🙂 the HMs have all been obtained now but you need the Earth Badge in order to use Dive outside of battles.

[rt24] ROUTE 24

**HMs Needed: Surf.

Pokemon Found
Oddish [Grass/Poison] (Levels 12-22, Rate 25%)
Weedle [Bug/Poison] (Levels 7-22, Rate 20%)
Caterpie [Bug] (Levels 7-22, Rate 20%)
Pidgey [Normal/Flying] (Levels 11-22, Rate 15%)
Abra [Psychic] (Levels 8-22, Rate 15%) {Twisted Spoon 5%}
Kakuna [Bug/Poison] (Levels 8-22, Rate 4%)
Metapod [Bug] (Levels 8-22, Rate 1%)
Tentacool [Water/Poison] (Levels 5-40, Rate 100%)
Magikarp [Water] (Level 5, Rate 100%)
Horsea [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 60%)
Magikarp [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Krabby [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Horsea [Water] (Levels 15-35, Rate 84%)
Gyarados [Water/Flying] (Levels 15-25, Rate 15%)
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 25-35, Rate 1%)

No more challengers on Nugget Bridge, instead the Trainers have moved up to Route 25. In the southwest area is the entrance to Cerulean Cave, waiting to be explored. If you think you are ready to dive in there then carry on reading because I’m going to cover that next. If you’re not ready, continue north from Nugget Bridge onto Route 25.


**HMs Needed: Surf, Rock Smash.


Pokemon Found
Kadabra [Psychic] (Levels 58-67, Rate 25%) {Twisted Spoon 5%}
Ditto [Normal] (Levels 58-67, Rate 25%) {Metal Powder 5%}
Parasect [Bug/Grass] (Levels 55-64, Rate 14%) {Tinymushroom 50%/Big Mushroom 5%}
Golbat [Poison/Flying] (Levels 52-61, Rate 11%)
Magneton [Electric/Steel] (Levels 55, Rate 10%) {Magnet 5%}
Machoke [Fighting] (Level 52, Rate 10%) {Focus Band 5%}
Electrode [Electric] (Level 64, Rate 4%)
Wobbuffet [Psychic] (Level 61, Rate 1%)
Geodude [Rock/Ground] (Levels 40-60, Rate 91%)
Graveler [Rock/Ground] (Levels 50-65, Rate 9%) {Hard Stone 5%}
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 40-60, Rate 91%)
Golduck [Water] (Levels 55-60, Rate 9%)
Magikarp [Water] (Levels 5-10, Rate 100%)
Poliwag [Water] (Levels 5-10, Rate 60%)
Magikarp [Water] (Levels 5-10, Rate 20%)
Goldeen [Water] (Levels 10-15, Rate 20%)
Poliwag [Water] (Levels 10-15, Rate 40%)
Poliwhirl [Water] (Levels 10-15, Rate 40%)
Gyarados [Water/Flying] (Levels 15-35, Rate 16%)
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 20-30, Rate 4%)

As you would expect, a number of high level Pokemon are here and that makes this place a fine spot for training for the time being. Surf up to northeast corner and climb the ladder.


Pokemon Found
Kadabra [Psychic] (Levels 58-67, Rate 25%) {Twisted Spoon 5%}
Ditto [Normal] (Levels 58-67, Rate 25%) {Metal Powder 5%}
Parasect [Bug/Grass] (Levels 55-64, Rate 14%) {Tinymushroom 50%/Big Mushroom 5%}
Golbat [Poison/Flying] (Levels 52-61, Rate 11%)
Magneton [Electric/Steel] (Levels 55, Rate 10%) {Magnet 5%}
Machoke [Fighting] (Level 52, Rate 10%) {Focus Band 5%}
Electrode [Electric] (Level 64, Rate 4%)
Wobbuffet [Psychic] (Level 61, Rate 1%)
Geodude [Rock/Ground] (Levels 40-60, Rate 91%)
Graveler [Rock/Ground] (Levels 50-65, Rate 9%) {Hard Stone 5%}

Follow the path all the way to the bottom right to pick up an Escape Rope. Return to 1F and Surf west then south to a spot that is dotted with breakable rocks. You’ll find a Red Shard among them. On the western rocky platform there’s a Star Piece and a ladder near it which leads to a 2F corridor that ends with a Max Repel. In the top right corner of the southeastern rocky platform is a Guard Spec. and the ladder near it leads to a corridor that ends with a Max Ether. Before climbing the ladder at the center of 1F, check the rock on the left side of the ladder’s platform for a hidden Ultra Ball.

Back in the maze, go along the first turn that you’ll reach and head south until you reach 3 paths: a left path which is blocked by a rock, a south path and a right path). Enter the right path and stick with it all the way to the northwest side where there’s a ladder back to 1F. After that ladder is the one which leads to the basem*nt.


Pokemon Found
Kadabra [Psychic] (Levels 58-67, Rate 25%) {Twisted Spoon 5%}
Ditto [Normal] (Levels 58-67, Rate 25%) {Metal Powder 5%}
Parasect [Bug/Grass] (Levels 55-64, Rate 14%) {Tinymushroom 50%/Big Mushroom 5%}
Golbat [Poison/Flying] (Levels 52-61, Rate 11%)
Magneton [Electric/Steel] (Levels 55, Rate 10%) {Magnet 5%}
Machoke [Fighting] (Level 52, Rate 10%) {Focus Band 5%}
Electrode [Electric] (Level 64, Rate 4%)
Wobbuffet [Psychic] (Level 61, Rate 1%)
Geodude [Rock/Ground] (Levels 40-60, Rate 91%)
Graveler [Rock/Ground] (Levels 50-65, Rate 9%) {Hard Stone 5%}
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 40-60, Rate 91%)
Golduck [Water] (Levels 55-60, Rate 9%)
Magikarp [Water] (Levels 5-10, Rate 100%)
Poliwag [Water] (Levels 5-10, Rate 60%)
Magikarp [Water] (Levels 5-10, Rate 20%)
Goldeen [Water] (Levels 10-15, Rate 20%)
Poliwag [Water] (Levels 10-15, Rate 40%)
Poliwhirl [Water] (Levels 10-15, Rate 40%)
Gyarados [Water/Flying] (Levels 15-35, Rate 16%)
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 20-30, Rate 4%)

Among the rocks in the northeast corner is a Parlyz Heal. Then over on the southwest platform where Mewtwo would usually be found, you’ll find a DNA Sample (it’s not actually show, you have to press A on the tile in between the two rocks to pick it up). It’s the very first time I’m finding this, because during my original playthrough I didn’t check that spot after not finding what I thought might be down here (Mewtwo). The thought of checking for an unseen item hadn’t even crossed my mind 🙂 but I am more careful now in my walkthroughs. The description for the DNA Sample just points out where it is from and states that its use is unknown. Because this game is incomplete, the DNA Sample will remain just a Key Item that you carry around. According to creator LaZ it was meant to be related to an NPC on Mandarin Island, which is where the current update ends. Exit the cave and continue to Route 25.

[rt25] ROUTE 25

**HMs/TMs Needed: Cut, Surf, Headbutt.

Pokemon Found
Oddish [Grass/Poison] (Levels 13-22, Rate 25%)
Weedle [Bug/Poison] (Levels 8-22, Rate 20%)
Caterpie [Bug] (Levels 8-22, Rate 20%)
Pidgey [Normal/Flying] (Levels 11-22, Rate 15%)
Abra [Psychic] (Levels 9-22, Rate 15%) {Twisted Spoon 5%}
Kakuna [Bug/Poison] (Levels 9-22, Rate 4%)
Metapod [Bug] (Levels 9-22, Rate 1%)
Pineco [Bug] (Level 10, Rate 60%)
Ledyba [Bug/Flying] (Level 10, Rate 30%)
Sandshrew [Ground] (Level 10, Rate 5%)
Sentret [Normal] (Level 10, Rate 4%) {Oran Berry 5%}
Surskit [Bug/Water] (Level 20, Rate 1%)
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 20-40, Rate 100%)
Magikarp [Water] (Level 5, Rate 100%)
Poliwag [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 60%)
Magikarp [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Krabby [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Poliwag [Water] (Levels 15-25, Rate 40%)
Poliwhirl [Water] (Levels 20-30, Rate 40%)
Gyarados [Water/Flying] (Levels 15-25, Rate 15%)
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 15-35, Rate 5%)

On the northwest hill there’s a hidden Elixir on the rock next to the big tree. Then follow the road east to meet the 6 Trainers that have to be defeated for a prize.

Schoolboy Dudley
((1 Super Potion))
Lv57 Scyther [Bug/Flying]
Prize: P3192

Just before you meet Ellen, you can follow that path between the trees behind her to reach an Orange Mail.

Lass Ellen
((1 Super Potion))
Lv55 Wigglytuff [Normal]
Lv57 Granbull [Normal]
Prize: P1596

Schoolboy Joe
((1 Super Potion))
Lv57 Tangela [Grass]
Lv58 Vaporeon [Water]
Prize: P3248

Lass Laura
((1 Super Potion))
Lv58 Gloom [Grass/Poison]
Lv56 Bellossom [Grass]
Lv57 Pidgeot [Normal/Flying]
Prize: P1568

Camper Lloyd
((1 Super Potion))
Lv59 Nidoking [Poison/Ground]
Prize: P1180

Lass Shannon
((1 Super Potion))
Lv57 Paras [Bug/Grass]
Lv58 Paras [Bug/Grass]
Lv56 Parasect [Bug/Grass]
Prize: P1624

Those were the 6 Trainers…but then there’s Pat, who is only here to ambush people who’ve just dealt with those 6. Scumbag Pat indeed 🙂

Super Nerd Pat
((1 Super Potion))
Lv56 Porygon [Normal]
Prize: P1344

In the blocked off area behind him you’ll find a Protein. At the end of the main path is Kevin, speak to him to receive TWO prizes: a Nugget and one more battle.

Cooltrainer Kevin
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv58 Rhyhorn [Ground/Rock]
Lv58 Charmeleon [Fire]
Lv57 Wartortle [Water]
Prize: P2088

Damn, even the usual dating spot by Cerulean Cape is empty. What’s going on here? Bill’s grandfather is in the Sea Cottage though, house-sitting while Bill is away in Johto. If today is Wednesday then you can play the TM Finder mini game in the cave behind the cottage. It involves using a breakable shovel to dig around for TMs. Any TMs that you manage to find before the shovel reaches its limit are yours. P2000 to play the game, but if you say No after he asks you to play he’ll drop the price to P1000 since you know his grandson 🙂

Well since Misty isn’t here, only one place remains for us to check so return to Cerulean and head east to Route 9. Bring Pokemon that know Cut, Surf and Waterfall.

[rt09] ROUTE 9

**HMs/TMs Needed: Cut, Surf, Headbutt.

Pokemon Found
Spearow [Normal/Flying] (Levels 16-17, Rate 25%)
Rattata [Normal] (Levels 14-16, Rate 24%)
Raticate [Normal] (Levels 14-19, Rate 11%) {Oran Berry 50%/Sitrus Berry 5%}
Zubat [Poison/Flying] (Level 11, Rate 10%)
Ekans [Poison] (Level 15, Rate 10%)
Fearow [Normal/Flying] (Levels 13-19, Rate 10%) {Sharp Beak 5%}
Venonat [Bug/Poison] (Level 17, Rate 5%)
Venomoth [Bug/Poison] (Levels 13-19, Rate 4%) {Silver Powder 5%}
Marowak [Ground] (Levels 17-19, Rate 1%) {Thick Club 5%}
Venonat [Bug/Poison] (Level 10, Rate 95%)
Spearow [Normal/Flying] (Level 10, Rate 4%)
Venomoth [Bug/Poison] (Level 10, Rate 1%) {Silver Powder 5%}
Goldeen [Water] (Level 20, Rate 95%)
Seaking [Water] (Level 20, Rate 4%)
Clamperl [Water] (Level 20, Rate 1%) {Blue Shard 5%}
Goldeen [Water] (Levels 5-10, Rate 100%)
Goldeen [Water] (Levels 5-10, Rate 80%)
Seaking [Water] (Levels 10-15, Rate 20%)
Goldeen [Water] (Levels 10-25, Rate 95%)
Seaking [Water] (Levels 20-40, Rate 5%)

The road will turn south onto a path of slopes, after jumping a couple of them you’ll face Edna in a Double Battle.

Picnicker Edna
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv57 Nidorina [Poison]
Lv58 Raichu [Electric]
Prize: P3248

Head north then northwest to find Sid.

Camper Sid
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv56 Dugtrio [Ground]
Lv57 Marowak [Ground] (Thick Club)
Lv58 Poliwrath [Water/Fighting]
Prize: P1140

Back to Edna’s area and carry on east to Dean.

Camper Dean
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv56 Golduck [Water]
Lv57 Sandslash [Ground]
Prize: P1140

Below him is a Smoke Ball and if you stay in that area as you move to the right you’ll find Sidney.

Hiker Sidney
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv56 Dugtrio [Ground]
Lv56 Onix [Rock/Ground]
Prize: P1792

Northeast from Dean there’s Tim, one Dream Mail and Heidi.

Hiker Tim
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv54 Graveler [Rock/Ground]
Lv54 Graveler [Rock/Ground]
Lv54 Graveler [Rock/Ground]
Prize: P1728

Picnicker Heidi
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv55 Skiploom [Grass/Flying]
Lv55 Skiploom [Grass/Flying]
Prize: P1540

Then you’ll reach the river that flows south to Route 10 and the Power Plant. Continue on land, heading south to find a Burn Heal among some trees before reaching the PokeCenter and Rock Tunnel’s entrance. A Scientist in the PC reveals that the Power Plant’s Manager needs the help of a strong Trainer because something has been stolen from there. Heal up and return to the river, Surf onto the northern bank where you’ll find TM40 Defense Curl and the entrance to what we’ll call “Route 9 Cave”.

[rt09c] ROUTE 9 CAVE

Pokemon Found
Geodude [Rock/Ground] (Levels 22-28, Rate 40%)
Golbat [Poison/Flying] (Levels 22-28, Rate 20%)
Graveler [Rock/Ground] (Levels 22-28, Rate 20%) {Hard Stone 5%}
Rattata [Normal] (Levels 22-28, Rate 10%)
Paras [Bug/Grass] (Levels 22-28, Rate 8%) {Tinymushroom 50%/Big Mushroom 5%}
Magnemite [Electric/Steel] (Levels 22-28, Rate 1%)
Magneton [Electric/Steel] (Levels 28-28, Rate 1%) {Magnet 5%}

It is a shortcut from the Power Plant, the only thing you can get from this side is TM33 Ice Punch. Exit and Surf down river.

[rt10n] ROUTE 10 (North)

**HMs/TMs Needed: Surf, Waterfall, Headbutt.

Pokemon Found
Voltorb [Electric] (Levels 14-24, Rate 40%)
Spearow [Normal/Flying] (Levels 13-24, Rate 35%)
Ekans [Poison] (Levels 11-24, Rate 20%)
Pikachu [Electric] (Levels 13-24, Rate 4%)
Electabuzz [Electric] (Levels 17-24, Rate 1%)
Spearow [Normal/Flying] (Level 10, Rate 90%)
Venonat [Bug/Poison] (Level 10, Rate 9%)
Venomoth [Bug/Poison] (Level 20, Rate 1%) {Silver Powder 5%}
Tentacool [Water/Poison] (Levels 5-40, Rate 100%)
Magikarp [Water] (Level 5, Rate 100%)
Horsea [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 60%)
Magikarp [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Krabby [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Horsea [Water] (Levels 15-35, Rate 84%)
Gyarados [Water/Flying] (Levels 15-25, Rate 15%)
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 25-35, Rate 1%)

No sign of Misty outside or inside the Power Plant, but Axel is there and he confirms what we’ve heard about something being stolen: it’s a part which the new generator requires. Axel suspects that Team Rocket is responsible for the theft. On the way to the generator room to speak with the Manager, you’ll find a Scientist seated on one of the blue seats. This is Forest, he wants to trade his Magneton Maggie for a Dugtrio. Maggie will be holding a Big Mushroom. The Manager is boiling mad about the situation, too furious to be of much help so go back to Axel and leave. As you do, the policeman standing near the entrance shares some information that he has received about an odd character who has been spotted in Cerulean. Bingo. Return to Cerulean and enter the Gym, you’ll bump into the suspect as he dashes for the exit – a foreign-sounding Rocket Grunt who is in a rush to get to Cinnabar Island. At least he isn’t rude like the usual Grunt 🙂 after he leaves, go over to the central section of the walkway and check the top left corner, you’ll find the Machine Part. Back to the Power Plant, return the Machine Part to the Manager and receive TM07 Zap Cannon as a reward. Axel learns about what the Rocket Grunt said and sets Cinnabar Island as his next destination, which could be where Team Saturn are as well. Axel says he’ll find a way to access Diglett’s Cave too. Fingers crossed for that. With the generator up and running again, the Magnet Train can resume its services and the Kanto Radio Tower can broadcast. Go back to the tower and receive the Program from the Director. You are to deliver it to the other Director in the Johto Radio Tower. But you need a Pass first for the Magnet Train, and the person who will give you one is the Copycat Girl in Saffron. Go and speak to her, she says she lost one of her dolls in Vermilion and if you can retrieve it for her she’ll give you the Pass. The doll is the Clefairy Poke Doll in the Pokemon Fan Club. Speak to the man sitting next to it to receive the Doll then return it to Copycat Girl. You’ll get the Pass, then go board the Magnet Train back to Johto to deliver the Program. The Director will give you the PokeTar as thanks.

Return to Kanto and then Cerulean’s Cape, this time Misty is there and is on that secret date 🙂 Right on cue, as soon as you arrive, Misty’s date runs off. Misty confronts you for spoiling things but once she sees your Johto Badges she gets back to business and will await your challenge at the Gym. Who was that guy anyway…?


**HMs Needed: Surf.

Leader: Misty – The Tomboyish Mermaid

Everyone is here now, let’s get to work. On the left is Briana, on the right is Parker and Diana is the final Gym Trainer. They won’t come to you while you’re on the walkway, you’ll have to Surf to them.

Swimmer(F) Briana
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv62 Seaking [Water]
Lv61 Seaking [Water]
Prize: P1952

Swimmer(M) Parker
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv60 Horsea [Water]
Lv62 Horsea [Water]
Lv61 Seadra [Water]
Prize: P2440

Swimmer(F) Diana
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv59 Golduck [Water]
Prize: P1888

How much stronger has Misty gotten over these past 3 years?

Gym Battle
Leader Misty
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv62 Golduck [Water] {Damp}
Lv62 Lapras [Water/Ice] {Water Absorb}
Lv61 Quagsire [Water/Ground] {Damp}
Lv63 Starmie [Water/Psychic] {Illuminate}
Prizes: P3780 + Cascade Badge


GOLDUCK: Surf, Disable, Psych Up, Psychic
LAPRAS: Surf, Perish Song, Blizzard, Rain Dance
QUAGSIRE: Surf, Amnesia, Earthquake, Rain Dance
STARMIE: Surf, Confuse Ray, Recover, Ice Beam

And so ends the Cerulean City arc. We’ve got the PokeTar now so return to Vermilion, tune up the band and wake Snorlax up! Catch or defeat it.

SNORLAX – The Sleeping Pokemon
Level: 50
Type: Normal
Abilities: Immunity/Thick Fat
Moves: Sleep Talk, Block, Covet, Rollout
Item: Chesto Berry

Lovely, the locals can thank you for clearing the road up. Bring a Pokemon that can Cut and let’s finally get through Diglett’s Cave.


Pokemon Found
Diglett [Ground] (Levels 4-32, Rate 95%)
Dugtrio [Ground] (Levels 29-31, Rate 5%)

3 years later and it’s still a straightforward cave, follow the path northwest to the exit and step out onto Route 2.

[rt02] ROUTE 2

**HMs/TMs Needed: Cut, Headbutt.

Pokemon Found
Rattata [Normal] (Levels 2-5, Rate 45%)
Pidgey [Normal/Flying] (Levels 2-5, Rate 45%)
Caterpie [Bug] (Levels 4-5, Rate 5%)
Weedle [Bug/Poison] (Levels 4-5, Rate 5%)
Caterpie [Bug] (Level 10, Rate 90%)
Ledyba [Bug/Flying] (Level 10, Rate 9%)
Butterfree [Bug/Flying] (Level 20, Rate 1%) {Silver Powder 5%}

Behind the cave there’s one Carbos and to the south from the entrance is a house. The man inside will give you a Nugget just for paying him a visit. Continue south to a few slopes, in between them you’ll find a Dire Hit, and then there’s a Gate occupied by one of Prof. Oak’s Lab Aides. Further down from the Gate, at the bottom of a few more slopes is an Elixir. Then Cut the skinny tree on the left and step into the green city.


The Eternally Green Paradise

**HMs/TMs Needed: Cut, Surf, Headbutt.

Places of Interest
Pokemon Center
Pokemon Mart
Viridian City Gym
Trainer House

Ultra Ball P1200
Hyper Potion P1200
Full Heal P600
Revive P1500
Antidote P100
Parlyz Heal P200
Awakening P250
Burn Heal P250
Retro Mail P50

Pokemon Found
Hoothoot [Normal/Flying] (Level 10, Rate 95%)
Sentret [Normal] (Levels 10-20, Rate 5%) {Oran Berry 5%}
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 20-40, Rate 100%)
Magikarp [Water] (Level 5, Rate 100%)
Poliwag [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 60%)
Magikarp [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Goldeen [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Poliwag [Water] (Levels 15-25, Rate 40%)
Poliwhirl [Water] (Levels 20-30, Rate 40%)
Gyarados [Water/Flying] (Levels 15-25, Rate 15%)
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 15-35, Rate 5%)

It’s been MANY years since I followed the anime or snapped my fingers in tune to that 2 B A Master album, but I gotta ask – is Viridian City still the only city which actually got its own song? Some of you might remember it, that one “I’m on the road to Viridian City.” Perhaps some other cities from later generations got their own songs. Anyway, I digressed, welcome to Viridian 🙂 We’ll have a look around, then travel south to Pallet Town before turning north to cover Pewter City and beyond. When it’s time to travel to Cinnabar Island we’ll just Fly back to Pallet and carry on.

The snoozing guy by the southwest pond will give you TM42 Dream Eater.
At the Trainer House you get to battle a clone of yourself (a.k.a Cal) once per day. The clone has the same Pokemon you have, same levels, same number of party members. Original Cal would just have the fully evolved Johto Starters.

The new Gym Leader isn’t around. Apparently he’s some guy from Pallet Town. I wonder who that is…

To the west of town is Route 22 which would begin the road to the Indigo Plateau during its hey day. Now? Not really.

[rt22] ROUTE 22

**HMs/TMs Needed: Surf, Headbutt.

Pokemon Found
Rattata [Normal] (Levels 2-5, Rate 45%)
Mankey [Fighting] (Levels 2-5, Rate 45%)
Spearow [Normal/Flying] (Levels 3-5, Rate 10%)
Hoothoot [Normal/Flying] (Levels 10-20, Rate 100%)
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 20-40, Rate 100%)
Magikarp [Water] (Level 5, Rate 100%)
Poliwag [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 60%)
Magikarp [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Goldeen [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Poliwag [Water] (Levels 15-25, Rate 40%)
Poliwhirl [Water] (Levels 20-30, Rate 40%)
Gyarados [Water/Flying] (Levels 15-25, Rate 15%)
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 15-35, Rate 5%)

No ambush along the north road from a certain original Rival this time, instead you’ll find Gareth a little further to the left near the pond. Our very first (and only) encounter with a Trainer of the Eletist class. Come prepared, his team has some handy items that you might to “borrow”.

Eletist Battle
Eletist Gareth
((2 Hyper Potions + 1 Full Heal + 1 Full Restore))
Lv56 Hitmonlee [Fighting] {Limber} (King’s Rock)
Lv57 Medicham [Fighting/Psychic] {Pure Power} (Focus Band)
Lv59 Electabuzz [Electric] {Static} (Quick Claw)
Lv62 Tyranitar [Rock/Dark] {Sand Stream} (Salac Berry)
Prize: P1488


HITMONLEE: Brick Break, Reversal, Endure, Rock Tomb
MEDICHAM: Hi Jump Kick, Recover, Psychic, Fire Punch
ELECTABUZZ: Thunderbolt, Swift, Light Screen, Ice Punch
TYRANITAR: Earthquake, Crunch, Rock Slide, Thunderbolt

That’s all, the League Front Gate is next but no access to Mt. Silver yet so forget about it. Back to Viridian and south we go.

[rt01] ROUTE 1

**TMs Needed: Headbutt.

Pokemon Found
Pidgey [Normal/Flying] (Levels 2-5, Rate 50%)
Rattata [Normal] (Levels 2-5, Rate 50%)
Furret [Normal] (Level 10, Rate 90%)
Hoothoot [Normal/Flying] (Level 10, Rate 9%)
Sentret [Normal] (Level 20, Rate 1%)

Along this starter route of all routes you’ll find Danny and then Quinn before arriving in the town where everything began all those years ago now.

Schoolboy Danny
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv57 Jynx [Ice/Psychic]
Lv55 Electabuzz [Electric]
Lv62 Magmar [Fire]
Prize: P3472

Cooltrainer Quinn
Lv60 Ivysaur [Grass/Poison]
Lv60 Starmie [Water/Psychic]
Prize: P2160

[paleto] PALLET TOWN

A Tranquil Setting of Peace & Purity

**HMs Needed: Surf.

Places of Interest
Red’s House
Blue’s House
Oak Pokemon Research Lab

Pokemon Found
Magikarp [Water] (Levels 10-20, Rate 99%)
Staryu [Water] (Levels 15-25, Rate 1%) {Stardust 50%/Star Piece 5%}

Same old Pallet Town, let’s see who is still around:

That Cooltrainer near Red’s house is Valo, an old friend of Red’s who is here to visit. He’s got time for a quick match too if you’re up for it.

Player Battle
Player Valo
((4 Full Restores))
Lv59 Typhlosion [Fire] {Blaze} (Leftovers)
Lv58 Pichu [Electric] {Static} (Leftovers)
Lv59 Ampharos [Electric] {Static}
Lv60 Aggron [Steel/Rock] {Sturdy} (Leftovers)
Lv61 Gardevoir [Psychic] {Synchronize}
Lv62 Metagross [Steel/Psychic] {Clear Body}
Prize: P1856


TYPHLOSION: Return, Thunder Punch, Earthquake, Flamethrower
PICHU: Volt Tackle, Thunder Punch, Iron Tail, Double Team
AMPHAROS: Reflect, Thunder, Double Team, Hyper Beam
AGGRON: Earthquake, Flamethrower, Ice Punch, Thunder
GARDEVOIR: Recover, Psychic, Substitute, Thunderbolt
METAGROSS: Psychic, Meteor Mash, Substitute, Hyper Beam

Red’s mom is home, she’s fine but worried about her son because there hasn’t been any word from him. Where could he be now, hmm…?

The Bug Catcher near Blue’s house is the Belly Drum Tutor. Blue’s big sister Daisy is home, just to update you on what Blue is up to these days and as a result frustrating the Trainers who want to challenge the final Gym 🙂 that’s Blue, alright.

At the Lab you’ll find Prof. Oak and he is happy to see that you are in Kanto now. Once you’ve collected all the Kanto Gym Badges you must see Oak again. That’s Pallet Town for now, return to Viridian and back to Route 2 so that we cover the main road. On the way to the first Viridian Forest Gate you’ll see Rob then Doug.

Bug Catcher Rob
Lv62 Beedrill [Bug/Poison]
Lv63 Butterfree [Bug/Flying]
Prize: P252

Bug Catcher Doug
Lv61 Ariados [Bug/Poison]
Prize: P244

There’s a Max Potion right by the Gate entrance.


**TMs Needed: Headbutt.

Pokemon Found
Weedle [Bug/Poison] (Levels 10-20, Rate 40%)
Kakuna [Bug/Poison] (Levels 10-20, Rate 35%)
Caterpie [Bug] (Levels 10-20, Rate 19%)
Oddish [Grass/Poison] (Levels 10-20, Rate 4%)
Wurmple [Bug] (Levels 10-20, Rate 1%)
Anorith [Rock/Bug] (Levels 10-20, Rate 1%)
Pineco [Bug] (Level 10, Rate 100%)

A lot of trees had been cut down in the original games and Viridian Forest was no longer the big green maze that it used to be. In this game though, that big green maze is waiting for you. From the Gate go straight up to the big tree facing it and check the bottom left side for a hidden Antidote.

On the far left from the tree there’s Timmy and on the far right there’s Jason.

Bug Catcher Timmy
((1 Full Restore))
Lv61 Beedrill [Bug/Poison]
Lv60 Beautifly [Bug/Flying]
Prize: P240

Go north from Timmy’s area until you can turn left, there’s a Poke Ball in the corner.

Bug Catcher Jason
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv62 Victreebel [Grass/Poison]
Lv61 Vileplume [Grass/Poison]
Prize: P244

Go north a few steps until you see a path of grass extending to the left, follow that path to find a Potion between 3 big trees. Return to the right and continue going up to find Jim.

Bug Catcher Jim
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv61 Ledian [Bug/Flying]
Lv63 Ariados [Bug/Poison]
Prize: P252

Just to the west from Jim is an Antidote next to a log. Continue going left along the grass until you can turn south to find a Potion. On the left is a sandy patch, go north from there to reach Ashley the final Trainer.

Bug Catcher Ashley
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv61 Ninjask [Bug/Flying]
Lv61 Yanma [Bug/Flying]
Prize: P244

Head back down to the sandy patch and move up through the grass on the left. Along the way you’ll see a tree stump on the left, there’s a hidden Potion on it. Carry on through the north Gate and back on the north side of Route 2 to find Ed before arriving in Pewter.

Bug Catcher Ed
Lv57 Beedrill [Bug/Poison]
Lv58 Beedrill [Bug/Poison]
Lv58 Beedrill [Bug/Poison]
Prize: P232


A Stone Gray City

Places of Interest
Pokemon Center
Pokemon Mart
Pewter City Gym
Pewter Museum of Science (Closed for Renovations)

Great Ball P600
Hyper Potion P1200
Super Repel P500
Antidote P100
Parlyz Heal P200
Awakening P250
Burn Heal P250

Brock’s hometown, let’s see what’s up: In the PokeCenter there’s a Hiker looking for a Haunter, he’ll trade for his Xatu…except that when you speak to him, he just gives you the post-trade dialogue.

There’s an old man on the eastern hill facing the PokeMart, he’ll give you a very important item that he found in Johto during his Trainer days – the Silver Wing! Excellent, we’ll head off to the Whirl Islands after the Gym. Speaking of the Gym, another old man lives in the house near there and he’ll give you the final Kanto Starter Bulbasaur. Now it’s time to prepare for Brock.


Leader: Brock – The Rock Solid Pokemon Trainer!

3 years later and there’s still just one Gym Trainer 🙂 what’s up with that?

Camper Muse
Lv63 Sandslash [Ground]
Prize: P1260

Gym Battle
Leader Brock
((2 Full Restores + 1 Full Heal))
Lv63 Graveler [Rock/Ground] {Rock Head}
Lv63 Rhyhorn [Ground/Rock] {Lightning Rod}
Lv64 Omastar [Rock/Water] {Swift Swim}
Lv64 Kabutops [Rock/Water] {Swift Swim}
Lv65 Onix [Rock/Ground] {Rock Head}
Prizes: P3780 + Boulder Badge


GRAVELER: Defense Curl, Rock Slide, Rollout, Earthquake
RHYHORN: Fury Attack, Scary Face, Earthquake, Horn Drill
OMASTAR: Bite, Surf, Protect, Spike Cannon
KABUTOPS: Slash, Surf, Endure, Giga Drain
ONIX: Bind, Rock Slide, Bide, Sandstorm

Alright, prepare yourselves for the Whirl Islands. Surf, Flash and Whirlpool will be needed.


Enter the northeast island cave.

-1F- (Northeast)

Pokemon Found
Zubat [Poison/Flying] (Levels 17-25, Rate 50%)
Seel [Water] (Levels 5-25, Rate 30%) {Aspear Berry 50%}
Golbat [Poison/Flying] (Levels 17-25, Rate 10%)
Krabby [Water] (Levels 17-25, Rate 9%)
Kingler [Water] (Levels 17-25, Rate 1%)
Tentacool [Water/Poison] (Levels 19-25, Rate 90%)
Tentacruel [Water/Poison] (Levels 19-25, Rate 5%)
Horsea [Water] (Levels 19-25, Rate 4%)
Seadra [Water] (Levels 19-25, Rate 1%)

There are 2 ladders here, go for the one in the northeast corner.


No wild Pokemon here. You’ll drop onto the northeast rocky platform, go down to the next ladder.


Pokemon Found
Golbat [Poison/Flying] (Levels 17-26, Rate 34%)
Zubat [Poison/Flying] (Levels 17-26, Rate 30%)
Seel [Water] (Levels 17-26, Rate 22%) {Aspear Berry 50%}
Krabby [Water] (Levels 17-26, Rate 14%)
Tentacool [Water/Poison] (Levels 20-25, Rate 95%)
Horsea [Water] (Levels 20-25, Rate 4%)
Seadra [Water] (Levels 20-25, Rate 1%)

On the left is a Max Revive. Get in the water and Surf down the waterfall on the right and you’ll land near the entrance to Lugia’s chamber. Good luck.

[lugii] LUGIA – The Diving Pokemon
Level: 60
Type: Psychic/Flying
Ability: Pressure
Moves: Gust, Recover, Hydro Pump, Rain Dance

All but one of the Johto Legendary Pokemon have now been caught, only the Ilex Forest Guardian remains. Exit the chamber and climb the ladder on the right, it will take you to the lower section of the southwest island. Surf to the left to climb the next ladder (leads to the lower section of the northwest island, a closed off room) then climb one more ladder to a room which lies in between B1F and B2F. Head up the corridor to the exit back into B1F. Now you’ll appear in the central area of B1F, jump down the ledge to reach the Escape Rope down below and continue to the bottom left to climb a ladder which leads to the southwest island’s upper section. Surf to the right where you’ll find an Ultra Ball and a ladder going back to B1F. This time you’ll be on the southeast side, head to the right and get onto the rocky platform to pick up a Calcium. The ladder below leads to the southeast island’s cave, ignore it. Instead, use the Escape Rope to exit out of the northeast island cave then go back inside and get onto the rocky platform, there’s another Ultra Ball there next to a ladder. Climb it and appear on the northeast side of B1F. Go down and jump over the ledge heading to the left to pick up a Full Restore before climbing onto the northwest rocky platform. Ignore the ladder in the upper left corner and head down to get off the platform and pick up the Carbos on the bottom left. Climb onto the south rocky platform and descend the ladder on it back to B2F to pick up a Max Elixir and another Full Restore. That covers everything, no hidden items like in the original Crystal. Exit and return to Pewter then get ready for the trip to Mt. Moon.

[rt03] ROUTE 3

**TMs Needed: Headbutt.

Pokemon Found
Spearow [Normal/Flying] (Levels 6-8, Rate 35%)
Pidgey [Normal/Flying] (Levels 6-7, Rate 30%)
Nidoran(both) [Poison] (Levels 6-7, Rate 15%)
Mankey [Fighting] (Level 7, Rate 10%)
Jigglypuff [Normal] (Levels 3-7, Rate 10%) {Oran Berry 50%}
Sandshrew [Ground] (Level 10, Rate 90%)
Pineco [Bug] (Levels 10-20, Rate 9%)

Youngster Warren
Lv58 Fearow [Normal/Flying]
Prize: P1624

Carry on along the north side to find Jimmy.

Youngster Jimmy
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv59 Raticate [Normal]
Lv58 Arbok [Poison]
Prize: P928

Ignore the ledge facing south, just continue heading east.

Firebreather Otis
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv60 Magmar [Fire]
Lv57 Magmar [Fire]
Lv59 Weezing [Poison]
Prize: P1596

Ace Trainer Raqib
((2 Full Restores))
Lv56 Gardevoir [Psychic]
Lv55 Blaziken [Fire/Fighting]
Prize: P2860

Firebreather Burt
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv59 Koffing [Poison]
Lv58 Slugma [Fire]
Prize: P1624

Be ready because the new Team Rocket boss will ambush you as soon as you enter Mt. Moon.

[mtmo] MT. MOON

**HMs/TMs Needed: Rock Smash, Headbutt.


Pokemon Found
Zubat [Poison/Flying] (Levels 6-9, Rate 70%)
Golbat [Poison/Flying] (Levels 6-9, Rate 15%)
Geodude [Rock/Ground] (Levels 6-9, Rate 9%)
Graveler [Rock/Ground] (Levels 6-9, Rate 5%) {Hard Stone 5%}
Anorith [Rock/Bug] (Levels 6-9, Rate 1%)

Silver is quick to remind you that he’s no longer concerned about you, there are bigger things now for him to worry about such as leading Team Rocket. Despite this though, he still wants to prove himself against you.

Rocket Boss Battle
Rival Silver
((2 Full Restores + 1 Full Heal))
Lv63 Sneasel [Dark/Ice] {Inner Focus}
Lv63 Magneton [Electric/Steel] {Magnet Pull}
Lv64 Golbat [Poison/Flying] {Inner Focus}
Lv65 Gengar [Ghost/Poison] {Levitate}
Lv65 Alakazam [Psychic] {Synchronize}
Lv66 Meganium [Grass] {Overgrow}
Lv66 Typhlosion [Fire] {Fire}
Lv66 Feraligatr [Water] {Torrent}
Prize: P2304

If Silver has Typhlosion, Magneton does not know Thundershock and Golbat does not know Leech Life. Golbat’s case is the same if Silver has Feraligatr.

SNEASEL: Faint Attack, Leer, Quick Attack, Screech
MAGNETON: Sonicboom, Thunder Wave, Supersonic, Thundershock
GOLBAT: Wing Attack, Confuse Ray, Bite, Leech Life
GENGAR: Shadow Ball, Curse, Mean Look, Confuse Ray
ALAKAZAM: Recover, Future Sight, Disable, Psybeam
MEGANIUM: Poison Powder, Razor Leaf, Body Slam, Light Screen
TYPHLOSION: Ember, Smokescreen, Quick Attack, Flame Wheel
FERALIGATR: Bite, Scary Face, Rage, Water Gun

He accepts his defeat but things are not done for him, there’s something major about to happen which he hints at. We’ll have to watch out for that and Silver too since he’s got Team Rocket backing him now. In the version of the game which I played previously there was some kind of glitch here which would make Silver ambush you whenever you entered Mt. Moon, whether you were from Route 3 or from Route 4. He wouldn’t be shown but his pre-battle dialogue will start up and then you battled him again. The glitch looks to be absent from this version of the game that I’m currently playing (I got it from romhacking.net). After Silver leaves, go to the right and climb the ladder up then out to Mt. Moon Square.


Pokemon Found
Pineco [Bug] (Level 10, Rate 95%)
Clefairy [Normal] (Levels 20-29, Rate 5%) {Moon Stone 5%}

On the right you’ll see a Scientist standing by another entrance. He’s checking inside for fossils so you’ll have to come back later. On the left is a shop with a few knick-knacks:

Poke Doll P1000
Fresh Water P200
Soda Pop P300
Lemonade P350
Repel P350
Mech Mail P50

The Lass who is here mentions that Clefairy show up after sundown, possibly in the flower field next to the shop. This refers to the two Clefairy who appear in the field on Mondays at 9pm. They will dance around a rock until they see you and run away, leaving behind the rock for you to smash and get a Moon Stone from it. Southeast from the shop is a 3rd entrance, this one is not blocked at least, go in to pick up a Calcium before climbing the ladder back to 1F. You’ll be near the southeast corner, there’s an X Accuracy near the ladder. Jump down the ledge and head for the exit.

[rt04] ROUTE 4

**TMs Needed: Headbutt.

Pokemon Found
Spearow [Normal/Flying] (Levels 8-16, Rate 35%)
Rattata [Normal] (Levels 8-16, Rate 35%)
Ekans [Poison] (Levels 6-16, Rate 25%)
Mankey [Fighting] (Levels 10-16, Rate 5%)
Zubat [Poison/Flying] (Level 10, Rate 95%)
Sandshrew [Ground] (Levels 10-20, Rate 5%)

After stepping out head to the right to meet Hope, the first of only 3 Trainers on this route.

Picnicker Hope
Lv56 Flaaffy [Electric]
Prize: P1568

Hank is in the gap between the hill Hope is on and the next one, then Sharon is between the next two hills.

Bird Keeper Hank
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv56 Pidgey [Normal/Flying]
Lv58 Pidgeot [Normal/Flying]
Prize: P1624

Picnicker Sharon
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv60 Furret [Normal]
Lv58 Rapidash [Fire]
Prize: P1624

An HP Up is at the top of the second hill and that ends our trip to the north side of Kanto. Back to Pallet and carry on south to Route 21. Destination – Cinnabar!

[rt21] ROUTE 21

**HMs Needed: Surf.

Pokemon Found
Tangela [Grass] (Levels 17-28, Rate 71%)
Mr. Mime [Psychic] (Levels 24-27, Rate 29%)
Tentacool [Water/Poison] (Levels 5-40, Rate 100%)
Magikarp [Water] (Level 5, Rate 100%)
Horsea [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 60%)
Magikarp [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Krabby [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Horsea [Water] (Levels 15-35, Rate 80%)
Gyarados [Water/Flying] (Levels 15-25, Rate 15%)
Seadra [Water] (Levels 25-35, Rate 4%)
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 25-35, Rate 1%)

Just on the right near the shoreline you’ll see a Dive spot, make a note of that. Then it’s a straightforward route headed south, along the way you meet these Trainers:

Swimmer(F) Nikki
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv60 Seel [Water]
Lv60 Seel [Water]
Lv60 Seel [Water]
Lv60 Dewgong [Water/Ice]
Prize: P1920

Fisher Arnold
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv62 Tentacruel [Water/Poison]
Prize: P1488

Swimmer(M) Seth
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv61 Quagsire [Water/Ground]
Lv61 Octillery [Water]
Lv63 Quagsire [Water/Ground]
Prize: P1008

Let’s see what’s left of the famous fiery island.


The (Once) Fiery Town of Burning Desire

**HMs Needed: Surf.

Places of Interest
Pokemon Center
Cinnabar Volcano

Pokemon Found
Tentacool [Water/Poison] (Levels 5-40, Rate 100%)
Magikarp [Water] (Level 5, Rate 100%)
Horsea [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 60%)
Magikarp [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Krabby [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Horsea [Water] (Levels 15-25, Rate 40%)
Shellder [Water] (Levels 15-25, Rate 40%) {Pearl 50%/Big Pearl 5%}
Gyarados [Water/Flying] (Levels 15-25, Rate 15%)
Seadra [Water] (Levels 25-35, Rate 4%)
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 25-35, Rate 1%)

Yup, just a PokeCenter now. You’ll find Axel and Viridian’s Gym Leader Blue on the north side and receive some bad news. Axel has not found any sign of Teams Rocket and Saturn here even though both have shown interest in Cinnabar. It doesn’t make sense to him but he wonders if maybe the Regis might have to do with it. As for Blue, he’s not in the mood to battle anyone at the moment but he is curious about the small opening in the rockwall just above him. Examine it and knock the rocks away to create an entrance into the volcano. This motivates Axel and he hurries right in to continue searching for the Teams. Get ready and follow after him.


**HMs Needed: Surf, Dive.

Pokemon Found
Geodude [Rock/Ground] (Levels 23-33, Rate 40%)
Graveler [Rock/Ground] (Levels 23-33, Rate 20%) {Hard Stone 5%}
Aron [Steel/Rock] (Levels 23-33, Rate 20%) {Hard Stone 5%}
Zubat [Poison/Flying] (Levels 23-33, Rate 10%)
Golbat [Poison/Flying] (Levels 23-33, Rate 8%)
Slowpoke [Water/Psychic] (Levels 23-33, Rate 2%)

-AREA 1-

Business picks up real fast here, you’ve got 2 Admins and an Executive coming up, damn.

Saturn Admin Battle
Saturn Admin
((2 Hyper Potions))
Lv59 Manectric [Electric] {Static}
Lv60 Electabuzz [Electric] {Static}
Prize: P3120


MANECTRIC: Roar, Bite, Thunder, Charge
ELECTABUZZ: Swift, Screech, Thunderbolt, Thunder

Saturn Admin Battle
Saturn Admin
((2 Hyper Potions))
Lv60 Jolteon [Electric] {Volt Absorb}
Lv61 Jolteon [Electric] {Volt Absorb}
Prize: P3120


JOLTEON (both): Pin Missile, Thunder Wave, Agility, Thunder

Rocket Exec. Battle
Rocket Executive
((1 Full Restore))
Lv62 Exeggcute [Grass/Psychic] {Chlorophyll}
Lv61 Exeggutor [Grass/Psychic] {Chlorophyll}
Prize: P2440


EXEGGCUTE: Sleep Powder, Poison Powder, Stun Spore, Confusion
EXEGGUTOR: Egg Bomb, Stomp, Confusion, Hypnosis

-AREA 2-

No wild Pokemon here but there is a second Executive just up ahead. If he plays his cards right, he could be an extra in a certain major pirate adventure manga/anime series…

Rocket Exec. Battle
Rocket Executive
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv62 Octillery [Water] {Suction Cups}
Lv59 Tentacruel [Water/Poison] {Clear Body}
Prize: P2360


OCTILLERY: Bubblebeam, Octazooka, Focus Energy, Ice Beam
TENTACRUEL: Wrap, Barrier, Screech, Hydro Pump

Saturn Admin Battle
Saturn Admin
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv59 Nidoking [Poison/Ground] {Poison Point}
Lv62 Nidoqueen [Poison/Ground] {Poison Point}
Prize: P3224


NIDOKING: Double Kick, Poison Sting, Thrash, Megahorn
NIDOQUEEN: Double Kick, Poison Sting, Body Slam, Superpower

Then you’ll meet Jess and Jim, the Jessie and James tribute duo or…?

Rockets Jess & Jim
((2 Hyper Potions))
Lv62 Ekans [Poison] {Intimidate}
Lv62 Koffing [Poison] {Levitate}
Lv60 Arbok [Poison] {Intimidate}
Lv60 Weezing [Poison] {Levitate}
Prize: P4800


EKANS: Stockpile, Swallow, Spit Up, Haze
KOFFING: Haze, Explosion, Destiny Bond, Memento
ARBOK: Stockpile, Swallow, Spit Up, Haze
WEEZING: Haze, Explosion, Destiny Bond, Memento

Up front there’s Axel, Silver, Russel…and some McDonald’s? *record scratch* wait, what?? Apparently Celadon has a McDonalds branch that we find out about here and now, Silver bought some takeaways there at some point and now Axel wants to have a bite. An apple pie was part of the meal but Russel “had it on reserve” and ate it already, what’s going on here?? Then everyone gets back on script, Axel won’t let Russel take the Regis, which are just up ahead and have not awakened yet. Russel had not expected to find them like that so he decides to take out his frustration on you. Doesn’t even share some of that Mac food with you, that’s not fair!

Saturn Boss Battle
Saturn Boss Russel
((2 Hyper Potions + 1 Full Heal))
Lv64 Ampharos [Electric] {Static}
Lv63 Electabuzz [Electric] {Static}
Lv64 Electrode [Electric] {Soundproof}
Lv64 Manectric [Electric] {Static}
Lv65 Jolteon [Electric] {Volt Absorb}
Prize: P3276


AMPHAROS: Thunder Punch, Thunder Wave, Light Screen, Cotton Spore
ELECTABUZZ: Thunder Punch, Thunder Wave, Earthquake, Submission
ELECTRODE: Sonicboom, Supersonic, Explosion, Earthquake
MANECTRIC: Howl, Bite, Thunder, Thunder Wave
JOLTEON: Earthquake, Thunder, Double Kick, Light Screen

After being defeated a 3rd time Russel has finally had enough and in a shocking move he decides to disband Team Saturn, much to the surprise of his Grunts. Russel is moving to Sinnoh to cause trouble there and show Team Galactic how that’s done. Silver won’t join him, he’s staying to continue leading Team Rocket since Giovanni isn’t around to do that. Then you get a little note from creator LaZ which says that some of the Saturn Grunts did not go away just because the crew is no more…they’ve got other plans. Red flag. Back to you and Axel, he also can’t believe just happened. But the surprises don’t stop there because the Regis suddenly wake up and fly off! Wow, that timing though! At least they won’t be anywhere near Team Saturn. Axel says goodbye, maybe for good this time? He wasn’t a typical annoying Rival character but he could’ve been more helpful during this Team Saturn fight, you know? Just a little bit. Exit the volcano and speak to Blue again, this time the chat is enough to motivate him to return to the Gym and await your challenge. On the southeastern side of the island is another entrance into the volcano, be ready because you’ll meet Monkey D. Cooltrainer as soon as you walk in.

Cooltrainer Monkey
Lv61 Typhlosion [Fire]
Lv60 Blaziken [Fire/Fighting]
Lv61 Flareon [Fire]
Lv62 Charizard [Fire/Fighting]
Prize: P2196

Continue going north then descend to the bottom of the volcano where you’ll find a pool of water with a Dive spot. Noted. Return outside and carry on east.

[rt20] ROUTE 20

Pokemon Found
Tentacool [Water/Poison] (Levels 5-40, Rate 100%)
Magikarp [Water] (Level 5, Rate 100%)
Horsea [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 60%)
Magikarp [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Krabby [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Horsea [Water] (Levels 15-35, Rate 80%)
Gyarados [Water/Flying] (Levels 15-25, Rate 15%)
Seadra [Water] (Levels 25-35, Rate 4%)
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 25-35, Rate 1%)

Surf along the upper side to find Cameron and then Lori further on.

Swimmer(M) Cameron
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv64 Marill [Water]
Prize: P1024

Swimmer Lori
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv62 Starmie [Water/Psychic]
Lv61 Starmie [Water/Psychic]
Prize: P1952


It might as well just be called Seafoam Island now, with only a cave remaining after the volcano’s eruption.


Leader: Blaine

He’ll rebuild the proper thing someday, but for now though this is it 🙂

Gym Battle
Leader Blaine
((1 Full Restore + 1 Full Heal))
Lv64 Magcargo [Fire/Rock] {Magmar Armor}
Lv62 Magmar [Fire] {Flame Body}
Lv65 Rapidash [Fire] {Run Away}
Prizes: P3900 + Volcano Badge


MAGCARGO: Curse, Smog, Flamethrower, Rock Slide
MAGMAR: Thunder Punch, Fire Punch, Sunny Day, Confuse Ray
RAPIDASH: Quick Attack, Fire Spin, Fury Attack, Fire Blast

I guess as a sign of some progress the Gym Guide arrives after the battle, having not found the actual Gym on Cinnabar. If there weren’t so many remakes from Nintendo, it would’ve been nice to have “revisit” games instead to show how the older regions look like in the current generation. Maybe that’s how we would find out if things got better for Blaine and Cinnabar. Only one Badge remains but let’s continue along the sea route and cover the rest of it before returning to Viridian. Just off the eastern coast of the island is Nicole.

Swimmer(F) Nicole
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv61 Marill [Water]
Lv61 Marill [Water]
Lv63 Lapras [Water/Ice]
Prize: P2016

[rt19] ROUTE 19

Pokemon Found
Tentacool [Water/Poison] (Levels 5-40, Rate 100%)
Magikarp [Water] (Level 5, Rate 100%)
Horsea [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 60%)
Magikarp [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Krabby [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Horsea [Water] (Levels 15-35, Rate 80%)
Gyarados [Water/Flying] (Levels 15-25, Rate 15%)
Seadra [Water] (Levels 25-35, Rate 4%)
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 25-35, Rate 1%)

On the upper side you’ll see Dawn and her boyfriend Tucker.

Swimmer(F) Dawn
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv63 Seaking [Water]
Prize: P2016

Swimmer(M) Tucker
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv59 Shellder [Water]
Lv62 Cloyster [Water/Ice]
Prize: P992

Just southeast from them is Harold and a small island with a cave entrance. Could it be…?

Swimmer(M) Harold
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv61 Remoraid [Water]
Lv62 Seadra [Water]
Prize: P992

There’s Jerome up north and the beach south of Fuchsia which is now cleared up, finally.

Swimmer(M) Jerome
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv61 Seadra [Water]
Lv60 Tentacool [Water/Poison]
Lv60 Goldeen [Water]
Lv62 Tentacruel [Water/Poison]
Prize: P960

Back to Harold and into the small island cave. This is the island we heard about at Silph Co. when Russel was digging for information.

[uncav19] UNDERSEA CAVERN (Route 19)

A straightforward area with no wild encounters, just follow the corridors all the way to either Latios or Latias waiting at the end. Then it’s back to Viridian for the final Gym.


Leader: Blue

No Gym Trainers, no puzzles, none of that. It’s just you and the former Champion. Fight!

Gym Battle
Leader Blue
((2 Full Restores + 1 Full Heal))
Lv63 Pidgeot [Normal/Flying] {Keen Eye}
Lv63 Alakazam [Psychic] {Synchronize}
Lv65 Exeggutor [Grass/Psychic] {Chlorophyll}
Lv65 Arcanine [Fire] {Intimidate}
Lv62 Rhydon [Ground/Rock] {Lightning Rod}
Lv62 Gyarados [Water/Flying] {Intimidate}
Prizes: P3900 + Earth Badge


PIDGEOT: Quick Attack, Whirlwind, Wing Attack, Mirror Move
ALAKAZAM: Disable, Recover, Psychic, Reflect
EXEGGUTOR: Sunny Day, Leech Seed, Egg Bomb, Solarbeam
ARCANINE: Roar, Swift, Flamethrower, Extremespeed
RHYDON: Fury Attack, Sandstorm, Rock Slide, Earthquake
GYARADOS: Twister, Hydro Pump, Rain Dance, Hyper Beam

Done and done and done some more! All the Kanto Gyms have been conquered, you can Dive now and with Prof. Oak’s permission you can climb the formidable Mt. Silver 🙂 but first, go back to Vermillion and show off that Earth Badge to the Cooltrainer who scoffed at you for not having it.

Trainer Battle
Pokemon Trainer Aaron
((4 Full Restores))
Lv66 Charmeleon [Fire] {Blaze} (Charcoal)
Lv64 Lapras [Water/Ice] {Water Absorb} (Nevermeltice)
Lv64 Blaziken [Fire/Fighting] {Blaze} (Leftovers)
Lv63 Nidoqueen [Poison/Ground] {Poison Point} (Leftovers)
Lv63 Linoone [Normal] {Pickup} (Pink Scarf)
Lv62 Sceptile [Grass] {Overgrow} (Miracle Seed)
Prize: P252


CHARMELEON: Fire Punch, Flamethrower, Iron Tail, Hyper Beam
LAPRAS: Surf, Ice Beam, Body Slam, Psychic
BLAZIKEN: Blaze Kick, Mega Kick, Sky Uppercut, Fire Punch
NIDOQUEEN: Earthquake, Superpower, Sludge Bomb, Mega Punch
LINOONE: Headbutt, Slash, Covet, Shadow Ball
SCEPTILE: Leaf Blade, Giga Drain, Screech, Cut

He is interested in having a rematch and says you should come back when you are stronger. I’m not sure if this is just typical dialogue or if it’s possible to face him again later, we’ll check up on him. There is one more backtrack run which can be done now that you can Dive, but let’s save that for after we cover Mt. Silver. Return to Pallet Town and get permission from Prof. Oak then back to Viridian and go out through the door at the end of the left side corridor in the Pokemon League Front Gate. Bring Pokemon that can use Cut, Surf, Flash and Waterfall.

[rt28] ROUTE 28

**HMs/TMs Needed: Cut, Surf.

Pokemon Found
Golbat [Poison/Flying] (Levels 38-45, Rate 40%)
Arbok [Poison] (Levels 38-45, Rate 20%) {Poison Barb 5%}
Poliwag [Water] (Levels 38-45, Rate 10%)
Poliwhirl [Water] (Levels 38-45, Rate 10%)
Ponyta [Fire] (Levels 38-45, Rate 10%)
Rapidash [Fire] (Levels 38-45, Rate 4%)
Doduo [Normal/Flying] (Levels 38-45, Rate 4%)
Dodrio [Normal/Flying] (Levels 38-45, Rate 1%) {Sharp Beak 5%}
Tangela [Grass] (Levels 38-45, Rate 1%)
Pineco [Bug] (Level 10, Rate 100%)
Poliwag [Water] (Levels 38-45, Rate 95%)
Poliwhirl [Water] (Levels 38-45, Rate 5%)
Poliwag [Water] (Level 40, Rate 100%)
Poliwag [Water] (Level 40, Rate 60%)
Poliwhirl [Water] (Level 40, Rate 40%)
Poliwag [Water] (Level 40, Rate 99%)
Poliwhirl [Water] (Level 40, Rate 1%)

Go south from the Gate entrance and go west until you step out of the route and arrive in the outside area of Mt. Silver.

[silca1] SILVER CAVE (Exterior)

**HMs/TMs Needed: Cut, Surf.

Pokemon Found
Arbok [Poison] (Levels 38-45, Rate 41%) {Poison Barb 5%}
Golbat [Poison/Flying] (Levels 38-45, Rate 10%)
Ponyta [Fire] (Levels 38-45, Rate 10%)
Rapidash [Fire] (Levels 38-45, Rate 10%)
Doduo [Normal/Flying] (Levels 38-45, Rate 10%)
Dodrio [Normal/Flying] (Levels 38-45, Rate 5%) {Sharp Beak 5%}
Tangela [Grass] (Levels 38-45, Rate 6%)
Poliwag [Water] (Levels 38-45, Rate 4%)
Poliwhirl [Water] (Levels 38-45, Rate 4%)
Poliwag [Water] (Levels 38-45, Rate 95%)
Poliwhirl [Water] (Levels 38-45, Rate 5%)
Poliwag [Water] (Level 40, Rate 100%)
Poliwag [Water] (Level 40, Rate 100%)
Poliwag [Water] (Level 40, Rate 95%)
Poliwhirl [Water] (Level 40, Rate 5%)

The path will branch and go north, follow that way up to reach the PokeCenter that is near the entrance to the mountain. Head back east from the PokeCenter to find the house that is occupied by a female celebrity. She’s just out here hiding from people and will give you TM47 Steel Wing as thanks for you keeping her location a secret. Continue going east from the house to see Zach.

Cooltrainer Zach
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv63 Ampharos [Electric]
Lv63 Umbreon [Dark]
Lv63 Typholsion [Fire]
Lv62 Poliwrath [Water/Fighting] (Quick Claw)
Prize: P2268

Back to the PokeCenter and when you are ready, head for the cave entrance and meet Zane after he steps out from there. What a surprise, it has been a while since we last saw him. He is here because of a certain legendary Trainer who is around here somewhere…but since you’re here too Zane wants another match.

Rival Battle
Pokemon Trainer Zane
((3 Hyper Potions + 1 Full Restore))
Lv63 Breloom [Grass/Fighting] {Effect Spore} (Leftovers)
Lv64 Heracross [Bug/Fighting] {Swarm} (Leftovers)
Lv64 Houndoom [Dark/Fire] {Early Bird} (Leftovers)
Lv62 Lapras [Water/Ice] {Water Absorb} (Leftovers)
Lv62 Porygon2 [Normal] {Trace} (Leftovers)
Lv66 Umbreon [Dark] {Synchronize} (Leftovers)
Prize: P7920


BRELOOM: Spore, Sky Uppercut, Swords Dance, Leech Seed
HERACROSS: Swords Dance, Megahorn, Rock Slide, Brick Break
HOUNDOOM: Sunny Day, Solarbeam, Fire Blast, Crunch
LAPRAS: Rest, Sleep Talk, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt
PORYGON2: Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Psychic, Recover
UMBREON: Mean Look, Protect, Wish, Toxic

Previously he would throw a fit after losing, but funny enough this time he accepts the loss and admits that he doesn’t mind losing. Lol, what’s up with that? Is he no longer going to the Dark Side? As you would expect, Zane makes it clear that there will be a next time and then off he goes. I thought he would go back into the mountain to continue searching for Red. It’s now up to you to do that so here we go.

[silca2] SILVER CAVE (Interior)

**HMs Needed: Surf, Flash, Waterfall.


Pokemon Found
Golbat [Poison/Flying] (Levels 38-45, Rate 20%)
Parasect [Bug/Grass] (Levels 38-45, Rate 20%) {Tinymushroom 50%/Big Mushroom 5%}
Golduck [Water] (Levels 38-45, Rate 10%)
Graveler [Rock/Ground] (Levels 38-45, Rate 10%) {Hard Stone 5%}
Onix [Rock/Ground] (Levels 38-45, Rate 10%) {Hard Stone 5%}
Magmar [Fire] (Levels 38-45, Rate 10%)
Misdreavus [Ghost] (Levels 38-45, Rate 6%) {Spell Tag 5%}
Ursaring [Normal] (Levels 38-45, Rate 6%) {Oran Berry 50%/Sitrus Berry 5%}
Larvitar [Rock/Ground] (Levels 38-45, Rate 4%)
Pupitar [Rock/Ground] (Levels 38-45, Rate 4%)

On the rocky platform on the right side from the entrance, you’ll find a Protein there. After going up and passing the platform, turn left and jump down a ledge to get an Escape Rope that is between that ledge and a second one. Continue going north, right after getting off of the middle rocky platform you’ll see an Ultra Ball on the left. Before climbing onto the final platform, you’ll see a pile of rocks in between two rocks on the right. Check the bottom rock for a hidden Ice Heal.

Get onto the platform and descend from it via the steps on the left to reach a Max Elixir that is between ledges. Afterwards carry on north to the next area.


Pokemon Found
Golbat [Poison/Flying] (Levels 38-45, Rate 21%)
Parasect [Bug/Grass] (Levels 38-45, Rate 21%) {Tinymushroom 50%/Big Mushroom 5%}
Golduck [Water] (Levels 38-45, Rate 10%)
Graveler [Rock/Ground] (Levels 38-45, Rate 10%) {Hard Stone 5%}
Onix [Rock/Ground] (Levels 38-45, Rate 10%) {Hard Stone 5%}
Magmar [Fire] (Levels 38-45, Rate 10%)
Misdreavus [Ghost] (Levels 38-45, Rate 5%) {Spell Tag 5%}
Ursaring [Normal] (Levels 38-45, Rate 5%) {Oran Berry 50%/Sitrus Berry 5%}
Larvitar [Rock/Ground] (Levels 38-45, Rate 4%)
Pupitar [Rock/Ground] (Levels 38-45, Rate 4%)
Poliwag [Water] (Levels 38-42, Rate 60%)
Poliwhirl [Water] (Levels 38-42, Rate 35%)
Goldeen [Water] (Levels 38-42, Rate 4%)
Seaking [Water] (Levels 38-42, Rate 1%)

Turn left and scale up the waterfall, on the upper left of it there’s a PP Up and just north of the waterfall is an opening to a small room. Inside is a man identified as Mister G. He rushes up to you in an attempt to capture you, but then he realises that you are not the person he was expecting so he tells you to run along and not interrupt whatever is going on here. He also mentions that two of his associates are in the cave too. Not good, who are these shady characters anyway? On the left is a Max Revive. Exit the room, Surf back to the entrance side of 2F and before going up the steps you can grab the Ultra Ball on the right. As you ascend the platform after the steps you’ll see an opening on the left that is unreachable from this side. It’s the opening you came out of from the Team Saturn Hideout in Dragon’s Den. At the top of the platform, get in the water on the right and scale up the waterfall to the northeast platform, you’ll find a Calcium and an opening to another room. In there is Mister H, who is also expecting someone else and since you’re not “him” he tells to mind your business and NOT to enter the north room. How rude. Also in this room with Mister H you’ll find a Full Restore on the right. Exit and go through the north opening.


Pokemon Found
Golbat [Poison/Flying] (Levels 38-45, Rate 21%)
Parasect [Bug/Grass] (Levels 38-45, Rate 20%) {Tinymushroom 50%/Big Mushroom 5%}
Graveler [Rock/Ground] (Levels 38-45, Rate 11%) {Hard Stone 5%}
Golduck [Water] (Levels 38-45, Rate 10%)
Onix [Rock/Ground] (Levels 38-45, Rate 10%) {Hard Stone 5%}
Magmar [Fire] (Levels 38-45, Rate 10%)
Misdreavus [Ghost] (Levels 38-45, Rate 5%) {Spell Tag 5%}
Ursaring [Normal] (Levels 38-45, Rate 5%) {Oran Berry 50%/Sitrus Berry 5%}
Larvitar [Rock/Ground] (Levels 38-45, Rate 4%)
Pupitar [Rock/Ground] (Levels 38-45, Rate 4%)

Waiting for you here is Mister R, not the other R who should be here. These 3 old guys are just here in hope of battling Red and soundly defeating him, so since you are not Red Mister R tells you to leave and go face the Elite 4 in rematches. Initially I thought he was joking but he is not and the Gentlemen trio won’t leave Silver Cave until you’ve gone through the League again. Exit Silver Cave and return to the League. Everyone has levelled up, filled out their teams and of course each Pokemon is holding Leftovers 🙂 did you expect anything less?

Elite 4 Rematches

Elite 4 Will
((2 Full Restores))
Lv64 Xatu [Psychic/Flying] {Synchronize} (Leftovers)
Lv65 Espeon [Psychic] {Synchronize} (Leftovers)
Lv66 Slowbro [Water/Psychic] {Oblivious} (Leftovers)
Lv67 Metagross [Steel/Psychic] {Clear Body} (Leftovers)
Lv67 Gardevoir [Psychic] {Synchronize} (Leftovers)
Lv68 Alakazam [Psychic] {Synchronize} (Leftovers)
Prize: P4080


XATU: Reflect, Wish, Calm Mind, Psychic
ESPEON: Psychic, Calm Mind, Baton Pass, Substitute
SLOWBRO: Curse, Earthquake, Shadow Ball, Ice Beam
METAGROSS: Meteor Mash, Earthquake, Explosion, Rock Slide
GARDEVOIR: Psychic, Calm Mind, Destiny Bond, Hypnosis
ALAKAZAM: Psychic, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Recover

Elite 4 Koga
((2 Full Restores))
Lv66 Nidoking [Poison/Ground] {Poison Point} (Leftovers)
Lv66 Crobat [Poison/Flying] {Inner Focus} (Leftovers)
Lv65 Tentacruel [Water/Poison] {Clear Body} (Leftovers)
Lv65 Weezing [Poison] {Levitate} (Leftovers)
Lv68 Muk [Poison] {Stench} (Leftovers)
Lv64 Venomoth [Bug/Poison] {Shield Dust} (Leftovers)
Prize: P3960


NIDOKING: Earthquake, Megahorn, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt
CROBAT: Confuse Ray, Sludge Bomb, Aerial Ace, Shadow Ball
TENTACRUEL: Sludge Bomb, Surf, Swords Dance, Substitute
WEEZING: Explosion, Will-O-Wisp, Sludge Bomb, Flamethrower
MUK: Curse, Ice Beam, Sludge Bomb, Explosion
VENOMOTH: Toxic, Signal Beam, Psychic, Silver Wind

Elite 4 Bruno
((2 Full Restores))
Lv65 Hariyama [Fighting] {Thick Fat} (Leftovers)
Lv65 Blaziken [Fire/Fighting] {Blaze} (Leftovers)
Lv67 Heracross [Bug/Fighting] {Swarm} (Leftovers)
Lv67 Steelix [Steel/Ground] {Rock Head} (Leftovers)
Lv68 Medicham [Fighting/Psychic] {Pure Power} (Leftovers)
Lv69 Machamp [Fighting] {Guts} (Leftovers)
Prize: P4140


HARIYAMA: Whirlwind, Knock Off, Cross Chop, Ice Punch
BLAZIKEN: Swords Dance, Sky Uppercut, Overheat, Rock Slide
HERACROSS: Megahorn, Focus Punch, Rock Slide, Swords Dance
STEELIX: Earthquake, Roar, Explosion, Rock Slide
MEDICHAM: Bulk Up, Shadow Ball, Thunder Punch, Brick Break
MACHAMP: Bulk Up, Cross Chop, Rock Slide, Earthquake

Elite 4 Karen
((2 Full Restores))
Lv65 Umbreon [Dark] {Synchronize} (Leftovers)
Lv67 Houndoom [Dark/Fire] {Early Bird} (Leftovers)
Lv67 Vileplume [Grass/Poison] {Chlorophyll} (Leftovers)
Lv66 Gengar [Ghost/Poison] {Levitate} (Leftovers)
Lv68 Wobbuffet [Psychic] {Shadow Tag} (Leftovers)
Lv69 Tyranitar [Rock/Dark] {Sand Stream} (Leftovers)
Prize: P4140


UMBREON: Toxic, Mean Look, Wish, Protect
HOUNDOOM: Sunny Day, Solarbeam, Flamethrower, Crunch
VILEPLUME: Leech Seed, Substitute, Sleep Powder, Sludge Bomb
GENGAR: Shadow Ball, Ice Punch, Thunderbolt, Explosion
WOBBUFFET: Encore, Safeguard, Mirror Coat, Counter
TYRANITAR: Rock Slide, Earthquake, Crunch, Dragon Dance

Despite that this is a remake of Crystal (with lots of extras) I think it would’ve been nice to defend the Championship against a new challenger. A familiar face that we have not met until now (Kris? Ethan?) or someone new who has just defeated former Champ Lance and is waiting to fight you now. But sadly no, you battle Lance again. You know how those damn championship contracts work: they have a rematch clause so that former champions don’t have to wait until the next pay-per-view for a rematch…which might not even main event the darn thing! 🙂

Johto League Championship Rematch
Champion Lance
((4 Full Restores))
Lv69 Gyarados [Water/Flying] {Intimidate} (Leftovers)
Lv69 Dragonite [Dragon/Flying] {Inner Focus} (Leftovers)
Lv69 Charizard [Fire/Flying] {Blaze} (Salac Berry)
Lv65 Flygon [Ground/Dragon] {Levitate} (Leftovers)
Lv65 Kingdra [Water/Dragon] {Swift Swim} (Leftovers)
Lv66 Salamence [Dragon/Flying] {Intimidate} (Leftovers)
Prize: P11868


GYARADOS: Taunt, Dragon Dance, Earthquake, Hydro Pump
DRAGONITE: Thunder, Earthquake, Dragon Dance, Aerial Ace
CHARIZARD: Belly Drum, Rock Slide, Earthquake, Fire Blast
FLYGON: Dragon Claw, Earthquake, Screech, Rock Slide
KINGDRA: Rain Dance, Surf, Ice Beam, Toxic
SALAMENCE: Brick, Dragon, Fire Blast, Hydro Pump

Title defence successful, roll credits for a second time and you’re back in New Bark. Get ready and return to Silver Cave. The 3 Gentlemen are standing by the opening to the summit and this is after the guy they were all waiting for finally showed up and walloped them in a 1 vs 3 encounter. Vicious. Carry on to the summit and meet Red. No Leftovers or other items being held by his Pokemon, just good old fashioned Full Restores. Good luck.

Special Battle
Pokemon Trainer Red
((3 Full Restores))
Lv81 Pikachu [Electric] {Static}
Lv77 Venusaur [Grass/Poison] {Overgrow}
Lv77 Blastoise [Water] {Torrent}
Lv77 Charizard [Fire/Flying] {Blaze}
Lv73 Espeon [Psychic] {Synchronize}
Lv75 Snorlax [Normal] {Immunity}
Prize: P1848


PIKACHU: Charm, Quick Attack, Thunderbolt, Thunder
VENUSAUR: Sunny Day, Giga Drain, Synthesis, Solarbeam
BLASTOISE: Rain Dance, Blizzard, Surf, Whirlpool
CHARIZARD: Flamethrower, Wing Attack, Slash, Fire Spin
ESPEON: Mud-Slap, Swift, Reflect, Psychic
SNORLAX: Amnesia, Snore, Rest, Body Slam

And in classic Red style he leaves without a word. Until the final main game in the final generation of Pokemon is released someday, I believe Red’s journey is still ongoing. That’s one way of maintaining the aura and mystique of this character now that Ash Ketchum’s journey of over 20 years is done 🙂 After the battle you’ll receive a surprise phone call from Axel. What the…I thought he left for good, he’s still around lol. He wants to meet with you right away at the Office Block in Vermilion. That’s where we’ll go to move things along but first let’s get that Dive backtrack run out of the way. Bring Pokemon that can use Waterfall.


– The Dive spot is just south of the PokeCenter on the northwest side of the city. Beneath the surface is another Undersea Cavern.

[uncavv] UNDERSEA CAVERN (via Vermillion City)


Pokemon Found
Steelix [Steel/Ground] (Levels 15-35, Rate 30%) {Metal Coat 5%}
Aggron [Steel/Rock] (Levels 15-35, Rate 25%) {Hard Stone 5%}
Shuppet [Ghost] (Levels 15-35, Rate 20%) {Spell Tag 5%}
Sableye [Dark/Ghost] (Levels 15-35, Rate 13%)
Vigoroth [Normal] (Levels 15-35, Rate 10%)
Haunter [Ghost/Poison] (Levels 15-35, Rate 2%) {Spell Tag 5%}
Clamperl [Water] (Levels 15-35, Rate 90%) {Blue Shard 5%}
Relicanth [Water/Rock] (Levels 15-35, Rate 5%)
Dragonair [Dragon] (Levels 15-35, Rate 4%) {Dragon Fang 5%}
Seadra [Water] (Levels 15-35, Rate 1%)

-AREA 1-

Right after getting out of the water you’ll see an unreachable opening just up ahead. Turn left and go all the way in that direction to an opening that you can go through.

-AREA 2-

A few paces to the left is an opening to Area 3, where you’ll find a pool on that right which leads to the Route 21 Dive spot and on the left is an opening to Area 4 where there’s a pool which links to the Cinnabar Volcano Dive spot. Carry on to the opening at the western end of Area 2.

-AREA 5-

On the left is a pool which links to the Route 27 Dive spot, ignore it and continue going left to the next opening.

-AREA 6-

You’ll see a pool as soon as you get here, it is connected to the Dive spot just off of the Cherrygrove City beach. A little further to the left of the pool is John.

Pokemon Trainer John
((2 Hyper Potions))
Lv45 Typhlosion [Fire]
Lv46 Blaziken [Fire/Fighting]
Lv43 Swellow [Normal/Flying]
Prize: P184

Onwards to the next opening.


Pokemon Found
Aggron [Steel/Rock] (Levels 15-35, Rate 40%) {Hard Stone 5%}
Minun [Electric] (Levels 15-35, Rate 20%)
Nosepass [Rock] (Levels 15-35, Rate 10%)
Granbull [Normal] (Levels 15-35, Rate 10%)
Murkrow [Dark/Flying] (Levels 15-35, Rate 5%)
Steelix [Steel/Ground] (Levels 15-35, Rate 5%) {Metal Coat 5%}
Sableye [Dark/Ghost] (Levels 15-35, Rate 4%)
Makuhita [Fighting] (Levels 15-35, Rate 4%)
Larvitar [Rock/Ground] (Levels 15-35, Rate 1%)
Haunter [Ghost/Poison] (Levels 15-35, Rate 1%) {Spell Tag 5%}
Clamperl [Water] (Levels 15-35, Rate 90%) {Blue Shard 5%}
Dragonair [Dragon] (Levels 15-35, Rate 5%) {Dragon Fang 5%}
Relicanth [Water/Rock] (Levels 15-35, Rate 5%)

-AREA 7-

There are 2 openings here, the northeast one straight ahead and the northwest one. On the south side is a pool that takes you to the Dive spot in the Johto Day Care’s backyard. There’s an arrangement of rocks on the southwest side, check the rock in the middle of it for a hidden Stardust.

The northeast opening is what we’ll go through when we’re finishing up so for now go through the northwest opening.


Pokemon Found
Aggron [Steel/Rock] (Levels 15-35, Rate 50%) {Hard Stone 5%}
Steelix [Steel/Ground] (Levels 15-35, Rate 30%) {Metal Coat 5%}
Sableye [Dark/Ghost] (Levels 15-35, Rate 14%)
Haunter [Ghost/Poison] (Levels 15-35, Rate 5%) {Spell Tag 5%}
Salamence [Dragon/Flying] (Levels 15-35, Rate 1%) {Dragon Scale 5%}
Seadra [Water] (Levels 15-35, Rate 95%)
Clamperl [Water] (Levels 15-35, Rate 4%) {Blue Shard 5%}
Remoraid [Water] (Levels 15-35, Rate 1%)

-AREA 8-

You’ll appear at the lowest level of the area. Head north to the top of the first set of steps then circle down to the southwest side and through the opening found there.


Pokemon Found
Aggron [Steel/Rock] (Levels 15-35, Rate 50%) {Hard Stone 5%}
Steelix [Steel/Ground] (Levels 15-35, Rate 25%) {Metal Coat 5%}
Sableye [Dark/Ghost] (Levels 15-35, Rate 13%)
Mightyena [Dark] (Levels 15-35, Rate 10%) {Pecha Berry 5%}
Haunter [Ghost/Poison] (Levels 15-35, Rate 2%) {Spell Tag 5%}
Relicanth [Water/Rock] (Levels 15-35, Rate 90%)
Clamperl [Water] (Levels 15-35, Rate 5%) {Blue Shard 5%}
Dragonair [Dragon] (Levels 15-35, Rate 4%) {Dragon Fang 5%}
Seadra [Water] (Levels 15-35, Rate 1%)

-AREA 9-

Get in the water and make your way to the southeast side where there’s an opening with a signpost outside that says “Type Master Dojo”. If you continue along that slope down from the Dojo opening you’ll reach a 3rd opening that leads to the northwest room of Section A, where there’s a pool that resurfaces just off of Cianwood’s northern beach. Next to that pool are 2 piles of rocks and 2 whole rocks, check to top right pile for a hidden Stardust.

Go through the Dojo opening, you’ll arrive in Section A’s northeast room where there’s a Metal Coat plus a hidden Tinymushroom…

…and a hidden Pearl in the crater just below it.


That signpost outside also said “Challenge if you dare!”, and that’s not a joke because here you will face 17 Trainers who each specialise in one type. Back to back battles against these Type Masters who have full teams of Level 100 Pokemon, Full Restores and held items. You cannot use items during the battles but your Pokemon will be healed after every 4th battle. If you lose, you will be teleported back to the last PokeCenter that you visited. In-game saving during the challenge cannot be done, no problem with state saving however. Defeat all the Type Masters and earn a prize. No time limit and you can go for the challenge as many times as you want. There is a PC available in the main room and an odd hole in the ground on the right from the front desk. Your playable character wonders about it if you take a look. If you’re ready just speak to the front desk attendant and issue the challenge to get started, or you can come back later when you think you’re ready. Here’s what you will be up against:

Type Master Battle

First up is Conan the Fire Barbarian.

Type Master Conan
((3 Full Restores))
Lv100 Rapidash [Fire] {Run Away} (Salac Berry)
Lv100 Typhlosion [Fire] {Blaze} (Leftovers)
Lv100 Arcanine [Fire] {Intimidate} (White Herb)
Lv100 Blaziken [Fire/Fighting] {Blaze} (Salac Berry)
Lv100 Magmar [Fire] {Flame Body} (Leftovers)
Lv100 Charizard [Fire/Flying] {Blaze} (Leftovers)
Prize: P4800


RAPIDASH: Hypnosis, Sunny Day, Agility, Baton Pass
TYPHLOSION: Thunder Punch, Solarbeam, Earthquake, Fire Blast
ARCANINE: Overheat, Extremespeed, Crunch, Double-Edge
BLAZIKEN: Swords Dance, Sky Uppercut, Blaze Kick, Thunder Punch
MAGMAR: Flamethrower, Confuse Ray, Cross Chop, Thunder Punch
CHARIZARD: Blast Burn, Fire Blast, Earthquake, Rock Slide

Substitute Raikage Jody is second.

Type Master Jody
((3 Full Restores))
Lv100 Pikachu [Electric] {Static} (Light Ball)
Lv100 Ampharos [Electric] {Static} (Leftovers)
Lv100 Magneton [Electric/Steel] {Magnet Pull} (Salac Berry)
Lv100 Lanturn [Water/Electric] {Volt Absorb} (Leftovers)
Lv100 Jolteon [Electric] {Volt Absorb} (Salac Berry)
Lv100 Electabuzz [Electric] {Static} (Leftovers)
Prize: P4800


PIKACHU: Volt Tackle, Surf, Iron Tail, Thunderbolt
AMPHAROS: Thunderbolt, Substitute, Focus Punch, Reflect
MAGNETON: Metal Sound, Thunder Wave, Thunderbolt, Tri Attack
LANTURN: Surf, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Rain Dance
JOLTEON: Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, Yawn, Rain Dance
ELECTABUZZ: Thunder, Cross Chop, Ice Punch, Quick Attack

Match #3 is against Becky with the good Grass-types.

Type Master Becky
((3 Full Restores))
Lv100 Ludicolo [Water/Grass] {Swift Swim} (Leftovers)
Lv100 Sceptile [Grass] {Overgrow} (Green Apricorn)
Lv100 Vileplume [Grass/Poison] {Chlorophyll} (Lum Berry)
Lv100 Exeggutor [Grass/Psychic] {Chlorophyll} (Salac Berry)
Lv100 Meganium [Grass] {Overgrow} (Leftovers)
Lv100 Venusaur [Grass/Poison] {Overgrow} (Leftovers)
Prize: P4800


LUDICOLO: Ice Beam, Surf, Thunder Punch, Leech Seed
SCEPTILE: Leaf Blade, Thunder Punch, Earthquake, Rock Tomb
VILEPLUME: Petal Dance, Sludge Bomb, Sleep Powder, Leech Seed
EXEGGUTOR: Leech Seed, Giga Drain, Psychic, Explosion
MEGANIUM: Body Slam, Frenzy Plant, Earthquake, Sleep Powder
VENUSAUR: Earthquake, Frenzy Plant, Body Slam, Sleep Powder

Water guy Steve is 4th.

Type Master Steve
((3 Full Restores))
Lv100 Sharpedo [Water/Dark] {Rough Skin} (Choice Band)
Lv100 Starmie [Water/Psychic] {Illuminate} (Salac Berry)
Lv100 Swampert [Water/Ground] {Torrent} (Leftovers)
Lv100 Feraligatr [Water] {Torrent} (Salac Berry)
Lv100 Vaporeon [Water] {Water Absorb} (Leftovers)
Lv100 Milotic [Water] {Marvel Scale} (Leftovers)
Prize: P4800


SHARPEDO: Waterfall, Crunch, Earthquake, Double-Edge
STARMIE: Psychic, Thunderbolt, Surf, Ice Beam
SWAMPERT: Hydro Cannon, Waterfall, Earthquake, Ice Punch
FERALIGATR: Swords Dance, Waterfall, Ice Punch, Earthquake
VAPOREON: Rain Dance, Surf, Toxic, Wish
MILOTIC: Surf, Toxic, Recover, Ice Beam

That’s the end of Round 1, your team gets healed and then Round 2 begins with (Gun Jack)son Number 5.

Type Master Jackson
((3 Full Restores))
Lv100 Hariyama [Fighting] {Thick Fat} (Leftovers)
Lv100 Hitmonlee [Fighting] {Limber} (Green Apricorn)
Lv100 Poliwrath [Water/Fighting] {Water Absorb} (Leftovers)
Lv100 Hitmonchan [Fighting] {Keen Eye} (Salac Berry)
Lv100 Machamp [Fighting] {Guts} (Chesto Berry)
Lv100 Breloom [Grass/Fighting] {Effect Spore} (Leftovers)
Prize: P4800


HARIYAMA: Cross Chop, Rock Slide, Fake Out, Earthquake
HITMONLEE: Brick Break, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Mach Punch
POLIWRATH: Waterfall, Ice Punch, Bulk Up, Hypnosis
HITMONCHAN: Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Fire Punch, Brick Break
MACHAMP: Rock Slide, Bulk Up, Cross Chop, Rest
BRELOOM: Spore, Leech Seed, Focus Punch, Substitute

Rocky John rolls in at 6th place.

Type Master John
((3 Full Restores))
Lv100 Tyranitar [Rock/Dark] {Sand Stream} (Leftovers)
Lv100 Armaldo [Rock/Bug] {Battle Armor} (Salac Berry)
Lv100 Magcargo [Fire/Rock] {Magmar Armor} (White Herb)
Lv100 Kabutops [Rock/Water] {Swift Swim} (Salac Berry)
Lv100 Aerodactyl [Rock/Flying] {Rock Head} (Leftovers)
Lv100 Cradily [Rock/Grass] {Suction Cups} (Leftovers)
Prize: P4800


TYRANITAR: Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Earthquake, Crunch
ARMALDO: Swords Dance, Rock Slide, Earthquake, Brick Break
MAGCARGO: Amnesia, Rest, Overheat, Rock Slide
KABUTOPS: Swords Dance, Rock Slide, Waterfall, Aerial Ace
AERODACTYL: Double-Edge, Earthquake, Wing Attack, Rock Slide
CRADILY: Toxic, Amnesia, Barrier, Rest

Drawing lucky #7 is Psy-queen Emma.

Type Master Emma
((3 Full Restores))
Lv100 Gardevoir [Psychic] {Synchronize} (Leftovers)
Lv100 Solrock [Rock/Psychic] {Levitate} (Leftovers)
Lv100 Slowbro [Water/Psychic] {Oblivious} (Leftovers)
Lv100 Medicham [Fighting/Psychic] {Pure Power} (Salac Berry)
Lv100 Hypno [Psychic] {Insomnia} (Leftovers)
Lv100 Alakazam [Psychic] {Synchronize} (Salac Berry)
Prize: P4800


GARDEVOIR: Will-O-Wisp, Calm Mind, Psychic, Thunderbolt
SOLROCK: Cosmic Power, Rest, Rock Slide, Earthquake
SLOWBRO: Surf, Ice Beam, Calm Mind, Rest
MEDICHAM: Brick Break, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Fake Out
HYPNO: Light Screen, Reflect, Toxic, Rest
ALAKAZAM: Psychic, Shadow Ball, Shock Wave, Calm Mind

Smartly dressed for #8 is Ghost King Jenkins.

Type Master Jenkins
((3 Full Restores))
Lv100 Shedinja [Bug/Ghost] {Wonder Guard} (Quick Claw)
Lv100 Banette [Ghost] {Insomnia} (Salac Berry)
Lv100 Sableye [Dark/Ghost] {Keen Eye} (Leftovers)
Lv100 Misdreavus [Ghost] {Levitate} (Salac Berry)
Lv100 Dusclops [Ghost] {Pressure} (Leftovers)
Lv100 Gengar [Ghost/Poison] {Levitate} (Leftovers)
Prize: P4800


SHEDINJA: Toxic, Aerial Ace, Silver Wind, Confuse Ray
BANETTE: Will-O-Wisp, Faint Attack, Destiny Bond, Return
SABLEYE: Night Shade, Will-O-Wisp, Fake Out, Recover
MISDREAVUS: Calm Mind, Psychic, Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball
DUSCLOPS: Will-O-Wisp, Confuse Ray, Pain Split, Shadow Punch
GENGAR: Shadow Ball, Giga Drain, Thunderbolt, Sludge Bomb

End of Round 2, it’s healing time before #9 Yami Ariel shows up.

Type Master Ariel
((3 Full Restores))
Lv100 Sneasel [Dark/Ice] {Inner Focus} (Salac Berry)
Lv100 Absol [Dark] {Pressure} (Leftovers)
Lv100 Houndoom [Dark/Fire] {Early Bird} (White Herb)
Lv100 Crawdaunt [Water/Dark] {Hyper Cutter} (Salac Berry)
Lv100 Cacturne [Grass/Dark] {Sand Veil} (Leftovers)
Lv100 Umbreon [Dark] {Synchronize} (Leftovers)
Prize: P4800


SNEASEL: Ice Punch, Aerial Ace, Brick Break, Pursuit
ABSOL: Double-Edge, Rock Slide, Aerial Ace, Perish Song
HOUNDOOM: Overheat, Solarbeam, Flamethrower, Crunch
CRAWDAUNT: Waterfall, Swords Dance, Aerial Ace, Crunch
CACTURNE: Leech Seed, Substitute, Need Arm, Destiny Bond
UMBREON: Toxic, Wish, Protect, Mean Look

Flying in at 10th place is Dug. Would’ve made for a nice Dig Dug reference if he had been the Ground-type Master, darn it *snaps fingers*

Type Master Dug
((3 Full Restores))
Lv100 Dodrio [Normal/Flying] {Run Away} (Salac Berry)
Lv100 Jumpluff [Grass/Flying] {Chlorophyll} (Leftovers)
Lv100 Gligar [Ground/Flying] {Hyper Cutter} (Leftovers)
Lv100 Gyarados [Water/Flying] {Intimidate} (Leftovers)
Lv100 Swellow [Normal/Flying] {Guts} (Green Apricorn)
Lv100 Xatu [Psychic/Flying] {Synchronize} (Leftovers)
Prize: P4800


DODRIO: Endure, Flail, Drill Peck, Quick Attack
JUMPFLUFF: Leech Seed, Giga Drain, Sleep Powder, Reflect
GLIGAR: Earthquake, Iron Tail, Swords Dance, Rock Slide
GYARADOS: Dragon Dance, Waterfall, Earthquake, Bounce
SWELLOW: Aerial Ace, Return, Facade, Agility
XATU: Calm Mind, Psychic, Wish, Shadow Ball

Kenny Leven is down to earth, enough said 🙂

Type Master Ken
((3 Full Restores))
Lv100 Marowak [Ground] {Rock Head} (Thick Club)
Lv100 Quagsire [Water/Ground] {Damp} (Leftovers)
Lv100 Nidoking [Poison/Ground] {Poison Point} (Salac Berry)
Lv100 Rhydon [Ground/Rock] {Lightningrod} (Salac Berry)
Lv100 Camerupt [Fire/Ground] {Magma Armor} (Leftovers)
Lv100 Claydol [Ground/Psychic] {Levitate} (Leftovers)
Prize: P4800


MAROWAK: Earthquake, Rock Slide, Double-Edge, Swords Dance
QUAGSIRE: Curse, Waterfall, Rest, Ice Punch
NIDOKING: Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Megahorn, Shadow Ball
RHYDON: Double-Edge, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Megahorn
CAMERUPT: Fire Blast, Rock Slide, Rest, Sleep Talk
CLAYDOL: Light Screen, Reflect, Psychic, Rest

Steel yourselves 12 times for Roll!

Type Master Roll
((3 Full Restores))
Lv100 Skarmory [Steel/Flying] {Keen Eye} (Leftovers)
Lv100 Scizor [Bug/Steel] {Swarm} (Leftovers)
Lv100 Mawile [Steel] {Hyper Cutter} (Leftovers)
Lv100 Aggron [Steel/Rock] {Sturdy} (Leftovers)
Lv100 Metagross [Steel/Psychic] {Clear Body} (Salac Berry)
Lv100 Steelix [Steel/Ground] {Rock Head} (Leftovers)
Prize: P4800


SKARMORY: Whirlwind, Spikes, Taunt, Drill Peck
SCIZOR: Steel Wing, Wing Attack, Quick Attack, Pursuit
MAWILE: Swords Dance, Substitute, Baton Pass, Fake Tears
AGGRON: Rock Slide, Earthquake, Double-Edge, Iron Tail
METAGROSS: Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Earthquake, Meteor Mash
STEELIX: Toxic, Bind, Rest, Earthquake

End of Round 3, heal up and here comes Youngster #13 Poison Dom. Still MANY years away from driving fast cars.

Type Master Dom
((3 Full Restores))
Lv100 Victreebel [Grass/Poison] {Chlorophyll} (Green Apricorn)
Lv100 Tentacruel [Water/Poison] {Clear Body} (Leftovers)
Lv100 Nidoqueen [Poison/Ground] {Poison Point} (Leftovers)
Lv100 Arbok [Poison] {Intimidate} (Leftovers)
Lv100 Weezing [Poison] {Levitate} (Leftovers)
Lv100 Crobat [Poison/Flying] {Inner Focus} (Leftovers)
Prize: P4800


VICTREEBEL: Growth, Sludge Bomb, Razor Leaf, Sleep Powder
TENTACRUEL: Surf, Ice Beam, Toxic, Rest
NIDOQUEEN: Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, Earthquake
ARBOK: Glare, Giga Drain, Rock Slide, Iron Tail
WEEZING: Will-O-Wisp, Flamethrower, Pain Split, Shadow Ball
CROBAT: Aerial Ace, Giga Drain, Steel Wing, Sludge Bomb

There are 14 ways of freezing to death in Ross’s world.

Type Master Ross
((3 Full Restores))
Lv100 Glalie [Ice] {Inner Focus} (Salac Berry)
Lv100 Piloswine [Ice/Ground] {Oblivious} (Leftovers)
Lv100 Cloyster [Water/Ice] {Shell Armor} (Leftovers)
Lv100 Jynx [Ice/Psychic] {Oblivious} (Leftovers)
Lv100 Walrein [Ice/Water] {Thick Fat} (Leftovers)
Lv100 Lapras [Water/Ice] {Water Absorb} (Leftovers)
Prize: P4800


GLALIE: Spikes, Taunt, Hail Ice Beam
PILOSWINE: Rock Slide, Earthquake, Blizzard, Light Screen
CLOYSTER: Spikes, Ice Beam, Surf, Hail
JYNX: Calm Mind, Ice Beam, Psychic, Shadow Ball
WALREIN: Protect, Substitute, Toxic, Super Fang
LAPRAS: Dragon Dance, Waterfall, Return, Thunderbolt

Now it’s time for the top 3 Masters, no healing after #16. At the 15th spot is just regular, average, typical, vanilla, normal Martin.

Type Master Martin
((3 Full Restores))
Lv100 Zangoose [Normal] {Immunity} (Choice Band)
Lv100 Snorlax [Normal] {Immunity} (Leftovers)
Lv100 Ursaring [Normal] {Guts} (Salac Berry)
Lv100 Miltank [Normal] {Thick Fat} (Leftovers)
Lv100 Blissey [Normal] {Natural Cure} (Leftovers)
Lv100 Noctowl [Normal/Flying] {Insomnia} (Leftovers)
Prize: P4800


ZANGOOSE: Frustration, Brick Break, Rock Slide, Aerial Ace
SNORLAX: Curse, Body Slam, Earthquake, Rest
URSARING: Thunder Punch, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Earthquake
MILTANK: Milk Drink, Defense Curl, Rollout, Body Slam
BLISSEY: Wish, Seismic Toss, Thunder Wave, Ice Beam
NOCTOWL: Psychic, Feather Dance, Reflect, Shadow Ball

Smith is #16. Former agent, now a Bug-type expert.

Type Master Smith
((3 Full Restores))
Lv100 Forretress [Bug/Steel] {Sturdy} (Leftovers)
Lv100 Pinsir [Bug] {Hyper Cutter} (Salac Berry)
Lv100 Heracross [Bug/Fighting] {Swarm} (Salac Berry)
Lv100 Venomoth [Bug/Poison] {Shield Dust} (Green Apricorn)
Lv100 Shuckle [Bug/Rock] {Sturdy} (Leftovers)
Lv100 Scyther [Bug/Flying] {Swarm} (Salac Berry)
Prize: P4800


FORRETRESS: Spikes, Toxic, Rest, Sleep Talk
PINSIR: Swords Dance, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Return
HERACROSS: Brick Break, Megahorn, Earthquake, Rock Slide
VENOMOTH: Sludge Bomb, Psychic, Signal Beam, Sleep Powder
SHUCKLE: Toxic, Encore, Protect, Rest
SCYTHER: Swords Dance, Aerial Ace, Reversal, Steel Wing

And finally, Type Master #17 is Zoe the true Dragon Master.

Type Master Zoe
((3 Full Restores))
Lv100 Altaria [Dragon/Flying] {Natural Cure} (Leftovers)
Lv100 Flygon [Ground/Dragon] {Levitate} (Leftovers)
Lv100 Salamence [Dragon/Flying] {Intimidate} (Salac Berry)
Lv100 Kingdra [Water/Dragon] {Swift Swim} (Lum Berry)
Lv100 Shelgon [Dragon] {Rock Head} (Salac Berry)
Lv100 Dragonite [Dragon/Flying] {Inner Focus} (Leftovers)
Prize: P4800


ALTARIA: Dragon Dance, Earthquake, Dragon Claw, Aerial Ace
FLYGON: Earthquake, Rock Slide, Giga Drain, Fire Blast
SALAMENCE: Crunch, Brick Break, Fire Blast, Hydro Cannnon
KINGDRA: Waterfall, Dragon Dance, Rest, Substitute
SHELGON: Dragon Dance, Double-Edge, Dragon Claw, Crunch
DRAGONITE: Dragon Dance, Earthquake, Fire Punch, Outrage

I suspect that the prizes are randomised because the very first prize I received was a Sun Stone and now I’m given a Slowpoketail lol, which is an item wild Relicanth in this game have a 5% chance of holding by the way. What’s up with that? Afterwards or if you’ve decided to save the challenge for later, exit the Dojo and return to Area 7 then go through the northeast opening. You’ll appear on the southeastern side of Area 8, go straight up to the next opening and end up in a room of Section A. As soon as you arrive check the rock on the right for a hidden Shoal Shell.

A few paces to the left is an opening, ignore it but check the rock that is second to the left from that opening, you’ll find a Dive Ball. Further to the left is a pool that takes you to a spot just east of the Olivine Lighthouse. Below the pool is another opening and 4 rock piles, check the top right pile for a hidden Star Piece.

Go through the opening back to Area 8, you’ll appear on the northwest slope. Enter the next opening on the left.


Pokemon Found
Steelix [Steel/Ground] (Levels 15-35, Rate 50%) {Metal Coat 5%}
Sableye [Dark/Ghost] (Levels 15-35, Rate 30%)
Aggron [Steel/Rock] (Levels 15-35, Rate 14%) {Hard Stone 5%}
Haunter [Ghost/Poison] (Levels 15-35, Rate 5%) {Spell Tag 5%}
Dragonite [Dragon/Flying] (Levels 15-35, Rate 1%) {Dragon Fang 5%}
Clamperl [Water] (Levels 15-35, Rate 90%) {Blue Shard 5%}
Seadra [Water] (Levels 15-35, Rate 5%)
Relicanth [Water/Rock] (Levels 15-35, Rate 5%)

-AREA 10-

A few paces forward you’ll see 3 rocks in between 2 piles of rocks, check the rock on the left for a hidden Stardust.

Continue going north until you reach 2 piles of rocks that will be on the left side of the path, check the bottom pile of a hidden Pearl.

The path leads to the next opening, which takes you to the southeast side of this area. Once you’re there get in the water and Surf down the small waterfall on the right. You’ll see a water corridor heading north, it leads to a spot where you can resurface in Mt. Mortar’s basem*nt. Pass the water corridor and continue Surfing to the right into some fast currents that will send you down a waterfall.

-AREA 11-

There are 2 things of note here: an opening which is on the right and a resurface spot in between currents on the south side of the room. Both options are one-way paths which lead to Dragon’s Den but right now we’ll head for the opening on the right, so make a note of how to get back here because we’ll return for the resurface spot later. To reach the opening just Surf to the right into the currents facing east. The opening leads to a small room that has a pool, Dive in and appear in a second small room which has a ladder.


Pokemon Found
Swinub [Ice/Ground] (Levels 33-36, Rate 100%) {Aspear Berry 50%}

The first in a series of descending ladders going to a new area of Dragon’s Den.

DRAGON’S DEN (via Underwater Cavern)

Just up ahead is a one-way pool that leads back to Dragon’s Den’s main area, ignore it for now and continue on up to the north side. Get onto the rocky platform and circle round to the southwest side and pick up a Ruby. Back to the north side and go southeast on the platform until you can get down to ground level then head up to pick up TM29 Psychic. A very interesting find, that Ruby, what could it be for? Return to the one-way pool and we can finally get out of here. Once you’re back in Dragon Den’s main area, exit and head for the Lake of Rage.

[lageu] LAKE OF RAGE (Underwater)

Pokemon Found
Geodude [Rock/Ground] (Levels 25-45, Rate 40%)
Magnemite [Electric/Steel] (Levels 25-45, Rate 20%)
Magneton [Electric/Steel] (Levels 25-45, Rate 20%) {Magnet 5%}
Graveler [Rock/Ground] (Levels 25-45, Rate 10%) {Hard Stone 5%}
Ursaring [Normal] (Levels 25-45, Rate 4%) {Oran Berry 50%/Sitrus Berry 5%}
Swinub [Ice/Ground] (Levels 25-45, Rate 4%) {Aspear Berry 50%}
Forretress [Bug/Steel] (Levels 25-45, Rate 1%)
Steelix [Steel/Ground] (Levels 25-45, Rate 1%) {Metal Coat 5%}

A small underwater cave, just make your way to the south side and pick up another curious Key Item – Meteorite. As you should remember, in R/S/E you would give it to Professor Cozmo and receive TM27 Return in exchange. In this game unfortunately the Meteorite is related to something which was not completed, this is what creator LaZ told me when I asked about it. That ends the Great Dive Backtrack. If you need to do some extra training, especially if you decided not to face the Type Masters until later, how about facing the Kanto Gym Leaders in rematches?

Kanto Gym Rematch Tour

Leader Brock
((2 Hyper Potions + 1 Full Heal))
Lv66 Poliwhirl [Water] {Water Absorb} (Leftovers) [eh? Special Guest Party Member Poliwhirl, I presume…?]
Lv67 Omastar [Rock/Water] {Swift Swim} (Leftovers)
Lv67 Kabutops [Rock/Water] {Swift Swim} (Leftovers)
Lv65 Golem [Rock/Ground] {Rock Head} (Leftovers)
Lv64 Rhyhorn [Ground/Rock] {Lightningrod} (Leftovers)
Lv68 Tyranitar [Rock/Dark] {Sand Stream} (Leftovers)
Prize: P4080


POLIWHIRL: Rock Slide, Earthquake, Sandstorm, Aerial Ace [them moves though…]
OMASTAR: Rain Dance, Surf, Ice Beam, Toxic
KABUTOPS: Surf, Slash, Swords Dance, Rock Slide
GOLEM: Explosion, Fissure, Fire Blast, Rock Slide
RHYHORN: Megahorn, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Double-Edge
TYRANITAR: Rock Slide, Earthquake, Crunch, Ice Beam

Leader Misty
((2 Hyper Potions + 1 Full Heal))
Lv67 Kingdra [Water/Dragon] {Swift Swim} (Leftovers)
Lv67 Milotic [Water] {Marvel Scale} (Leftovers)
Lv68 Starmie [Water/Psychic] {Illuminate} (Leftovers)
Lv64 Swampert [Water/Ground] {Torrent} (Leftovers)
Lv66 Vaporeon [Water] {Water Absorb} (Leftovers)
Lv68 Slowking [Water/Psychic] {Oblivious} (Leftovers)
Prize: P4080


KINGDRA: Rain Dance, Surf, Ice Beam, Toxic
MILOTIC: Light Screen, Recover, Thunder Wave, Psychic
STARMIE: Psychic, Surf, Rain Dance, Ice Beam
SWAMPERT: Earthquake, Curse, Rock Slide, Ice Beam
VAPOREON: Toxic, Protect, Wish, Surf
SLOWKING: Calm Mind, Surf, Thunder Wave, Psychic

Leader Lt. Surge
((1 Hyper Potion + 1 Full Restore + 1 Full Heal))
Lv62 Jolteon [Electric] {Volt Absorb}
Lv62 Raichu [Electric] {Static} (Leftovers)
Lv62 Magneton [Electric/Steel] {Magnet Pull} (Leftovers)
Lv65 Ampharos [Electric] {Static} (Leftovers)
Lv65 Electabuzz [Electric] {Static} (Leftovers)
Lv64 Lanturn [Water/Electric] {Volt Absorb} (Leftovers)
Prize: P3900


JOLTEON: Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Double Team, Baton Pass
RAICHU: Rain Dance, Surf, Thunder, Focus Punch
MAGNETON: Thunderbolt, Metal Sound, Thunder Wave, Explosion
AMPHAROS: Focus Punch, Reflect, Substitute, Thunderbolt
ELECTABUZZ: Thunderbolt, Ice Punch, Cross Chop, Light Screen
LANTURN: Surf, Ice Beam, Confuse Ray, Thunderbolt

Leader Erika
((1 Hyper Potion + 1 Full Restore + 1 Full Heal))
Lv68 Roselia [Grass/Poison] {Natural Cure} (Leftovers)
Lv66 Ludicolo [Water/Grass] {Swift Swim} (Leftovers)
Lv64 Cradily [Rock/Grass] {Suction Cups} (Leftovers)
Lv67 Meganium [Grass] {Overgrow} (Leftovers)
Lv67 Breloom [Grass/Fighting] {Effect Spore} (Leftovers)
Lv67 Victreebel [Grass/Poison] {Chlorophyll} (Leftovers)
Prize: P4020


ROSELIA: Spikes, Leech Seed, Substitute, Magical Leaf
LUDICOLO: Surf, Leech Seed, Synthesis, Toxic
CRADILY: Rock Slide, Earthquake, Toxic, Recover
MEGANIUM: Reflect, Light Screen, Leech Seed, Body Slam
BRELOOM: Focus Punch, Substitute, Spore, Leech Seed
VICTREEBEL: Sludge Bomb, Giga Drain, Swords Dance, Sleep Powder

Leader Sabrina
((2 Full Restores + 1 Full Heal))
Lv65 Medicham [Fighting/Psychic] {Pure Power} (Leftovers)
Lv65 Metagross [Steel/Psychic] {Clear Body} (Choice Band)
Lv64 Espeon [Psychic] {Synchronize} (Leftovers)
Lv67 Slowbro [Water/Psychic] {Oblivious} (Leftovers)
Lv67 Alakazam [Psychic] {Synchronize} (Leftovers)
Lv66 Gardevoir [Psychic] {Synchronize} (Leftovers)
Prize: P4020


MEDICHAM: Brick Break, Shadow Ball, Rock Slide, Bulk Up
METAGROSS: Meteor Mash, Explosion, Earthquake, Rock Slide
ESPEON: Light Screen, Reflect, Wish, Psychic
SLOWBRO: Curse, Earthquake, Rest, Shadow Ball
ALAKAZAM: Calm Mind, Psychic, Fire Punch, Ice Punch
GARDEVOIR: Will-O-Wisp, Psychic, Thunderbolt, Calm Mind

Leader Janine
((2 Full Restores + 1 Full Heal))
Lv68 Tentacruel [Water/Poison] {Clear Body} (Leftovers)
Lv67 Victreebel [Grass/Poison] {Chlorophyll} (Leftovers)
Lv67 Gengar [Ghost/Poison] {Levitate} (Leftovers)
Lv67 Muk [Poison] {Stench} (Leftovers)
Lv66 Nidoking [Poison/Ground] {Poison Point} (Leftovers)
Lv65 Weezing [Poison] {Levitate} (Leftovers)
Prize: P4020


TENTACRUEL: Hydro Pump, SLudge Bomb, Swords Dance, Substitute
VICTREEBEL: Giga Drain, SLudge Bomb, Swords Dance, Leech Seed
GENGAR: Hypnosis, Destiny Bond, Shadow Ball, Giga Drain
MUK: Curse, Explosion, Sludge Bomb, Ice Punch
NIDOKING: Crunch, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Megahorn
WEEZING: Will-O-Wisp, Explosion, Flamethrower, Sludge Bomb

Leader Blaine
((2 Full Restores + 1 Full Heal))
Lv67 Ninetales [Fire] {Flash Fire} (Leftovers)
Lv67 Camerupt [Fire/Ground] {Magma Armor} (Leftovers)
Lv68 Charizard [Fire/Flying] {Blaze} (Leftovers)
Lv64 Arcanine [Fire] {Intimidate} (Leftovers)
Lv66 Houndoom [Dark/Fire] {Early Bird} (Leftovers)
Lv66 Magmar [Fire] {Flame Body} (Leftovers)
Prize: P4080


NINETALES: Will-O-Wisp, Confuse Ray, Sunny Day, Fire Blast
CAMERUPT: Earthquake, Overheat, Explosion, Rock Slide
CHARIZARD: Fire Blast, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Dragon Claw
ARCANINE: Curse, Extremespeed, Fire Blast, Earthquake
HOUNDOOM: Sunny Day, Solarbeam, Fire Blast, Curse
MAGMAR: Flamethrower, Cross Chop, Thunder Punch, Sunny Day

Leader Blue
((3 Full Restores + 1 Full Heal))
Lv69 Pidgeot [Normal/Flying] {Keen Eye} (Leftovers)
Lv69 Gyarados [Water/Flying] {Intimidate} (Leftovers)
Lv68 Rhydon [Ground/Rock] {Lightningrod} (Leftovers)
Lv68 Alakazam [Psychic] {Synchronize} (Leftovers)
Lv68 Exeggutor [Grass/Psychic] {Chlorophyll} (Leftovers)
Lv70 Arcanine [Fire] {Intimidate} (Leftovers)
Prize: P4200


PIDGEOT: Drill Peck, Rest, Whirlwind, Steel Wing
GYARADOS: Taunt, Hydro Pump, Crunch, Rock Slide
RHYDON: Megahorn, Rock Slide, Earthquake, Double-Edge
ALAKAZAM: Psychic, Shadow Ball, Recover, Thunder Punch
EXEGGUTOR: Psychic, Giga Drain, Sleep Powder, Leech Seed
ARCANINE: Iron Tail, Extremespeed, Flamethrower, Curse

Afterwards return to Vermilion and see Axel standing outside the Office Block. You’ll follow him inside, watch him flip a switch behind the left poster on 1F (?) to reveal an elevator that takes both of you to the International Police Secret Base a.k.a Special HQ (??) and you find out that Axel is an undercover officer who was dispatched from here (?!). Wow, did you see that coming? And here I thought he’s just some random dude from a faraway region I’ve never heard of lol. Axel needs your help because some information has come in about Team Rocket possibly being behind a number of attacks which are set to happen soon. Accept Axel’s offer and find out that the first target is the Seafoam Islands. He says he’ll meet you there and leaves. Bring a Pokemon that knows Strength.

[seaf2] SEAFOAM ISLANDS (The Return)

**HMs Needed: Surf, Strength.


Pokemon Found
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 30-37, Rate 55%)
Zubat [Poison/Flying] (Levels 30-37, Rate 34%)
Golbat [Poison/Flying] (Levels 30-37, Rate 10%)
Swinub [Ice/Ground] (Levels 30-37, Rate 1%) {Aspear Berry 50%}

Axel is inside by the entrance and just up ahead is a Rocket Grunt. Axel says he’ll catch up after you’ve cleared things up and found out what’s going on. The work begins.

Rocket Grunt
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv64 Graveler [Rock/Ground]
Lv65 Arcanine [Fire]
Prize: P2600

On the right is a piece of Shoal Salt and the next Grunt.

Rocket Grunt
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv64 Arbok [Poison]
Lv66 Raticate [Normal]
Lv65 Weezing [Poison]
Prize: P2600

Push the boulder above her into the hole on the upper right. Then get onto the north platform, ignore the first ladder that you’ll see on the way up and turn right to Grunt #3.

Rocket Grunt
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv67 Arbok [Poison]
Prize: P2680

Past him is another ladder and a second boulder. Push the boulder into the next hole and jump through it.


Pokemon Found
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 30-37, Rate 40%)
Zubat [Poison/Flying] (Levels 30-37, Rate 34%)
Golbat [Poison/Flying] (Levels 30-37, Rate 11%)
Seel [Water] (Levels 30-37, Rate 10%) {Aspear Berry 50%}
Golduck [Water] (Levels 30-37, Rate 5%)

Push the boulder into the hole here then climb the ladder back to 1F and climb down the ladder which was ignored. Back in B1F you’ll see an item ball on the upper right, that’s an Iron. Get off the platform that you are on, there’s Grunt #4 just below it.

Rocket Grunt
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv66 Dragonite [Dragon/Flying]
Lv65 Tauros [Normal]
Prize: P2600

Before reaching the Iron climb the ladder down to B2F, deal with Grunt #5 who is down there then go back to B1F.


Pokemon Found
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 30-37, Rate 40%)
Seel [Water] (Levels 30-37, Rate 20%) {Aspear Berry 50%}
Zubat [Poison/Flying] (Levels 30-37, Rate 20%)
Golbat [Poison/Flying] (Levels 30-37, Rate 10%)
Golduck [Water] (Levels 30-37, Rate 10%)

Rocket Grunt
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv65 Magnemite [Electric/Steel]
Lv66 Magneton [Electric/Steel]
Prize: P2640

He mentions that some kind of ritual is going on here and their boss Silver is involved somehow. Back in B1F you’ll find Grunt #6 near a boulder and hole on the upper right side of the central platform.

Rocket Grunt
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv64 Grimer [Poison]
Lv66 Muk [Poison]
Prize: P2640

Push the boulder down the next hole then return to B1F and climb the ladder on the central platform back to B2F and Grunt #7.

Rocket Grunt
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv67 Hypno [Psychic]
Lv66 Drowzee [Psychic]
Lv66 Vileplume [Grass/Poison]
Prize: P2640

There are 2 other ladders below the platform that you’re currently on – the ladder on the bottom right leads to a Lemonade in B1F and the bottom left ladder (near an Escape Rope) leads to B3F.


Pokemon Found
Seel [Water] (Levels 30-37, Rate 40%) {Aspear Berry 50%}
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 30-37, Rate 20%)
Golduck [Water] (Levels 30-37, Rate 15%)
Zubat [Poison/Flying] (Levels 30-37, Rate 10%)
Golbat [Poison/Flying] (Levels 30-37, Rate 10%)
Dewgong [Water/Ice] (Levels 30-37, Rate 4%) {Aspear Berry 50%/Nevermeltice 5%}
Diglett [Ground] (Levels 30-37, Rate 1%)

You’ll see 3 rocks on the left from the ladder, check the top rock for a Nugget.

Straight ahead from there is Grunt #8 standing near a ladder.

Rocket Grunt
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv67 Golbat [Poison/Flying]
Lv67 Golbat [Poison/Flying]
Prize: P2680

Ignore the ladder for now and go east to Grunt #9 then #10 near the Strength puzzle on the south side.

Rocket Grunt
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv67 Seadra [Water]
Lv66 Golbat [Poison/Flying]
Lv65 Azumarill [Water]
Prize: P2600

Rocket Grunt
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv65 Raticate [Normal]
Lv67 Crobat [Poison/Flying]
Prize: P2680

You just need to push 2 of the 4 boulders into the holes then continue east across the water to Grunt #11.

Rocket Grunt
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv66 Crobat [Poison/Flying]
Lv68 Venomoth [Bug/Poison]
Lv67 Machoke [Fighting]
Lv67 Muk [Poison]
Prize: P2680

That ladder below him is the one leading to the end of this frozen adventure so ignore it for now and go climb the ladder near Grunt #8.


Pokemon Found
Seel [Water] (Levels 30-37, Rate 50%) {Aspear Berry 50%}
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 30-37, Rate 10%)
Golduck [Water] (Levels 30-37, Rate 15%)
Golbat [Poison/Flying] (Levels 30-37, Rate 15%)
Dewgong [Water/Ice] (Levels 30-37, Rate 10%) {Aspear Berry 50%/Nevermeltice 5%}

There are 3 rocks near the ladder, check the left one for a Water Stone.

Grunt #12 on the right will Double Battle you.

Rocket Grunt
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv68 Poliwrath [Water/Fighting]
Lv66 Alakazam [Psychic]
Lv67 Hypno [Psychic]
Prize: P5360

Get in the water and Surf up to the famous spot where Articuno would be found in the old days, this time you’ll find a Double Batting Executive.

Rocket Exec. Battle
Rocket Executive
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv67 Arbok [Poison] {Intimidate}
Lv68 Hypno [Psychic] {Insomnia}
Lv68 Aggron [Steel/Rock] {Sturdy}
Lv67 Muk [Poison] {Stench}
Lv67 Raticate [Normal] {Run Away}
Prize: P5440


ARBOK: Stockpile, Swallow, Spit Up, Haze
HYPNO: Psychic, Psych Up, Swagger, Future Sight
AGGRON: Iron Tail, Protect, Metal Sound, Double-Edge
MUK: Screech, Acid Armor, Sludge Bomb, Memento
RATICATE: Scary Face, Pursuit, Super Fang, Endeavor

Completely humiliated by the loss, he suddenly quits and takes off. What he leaves behind is an Unlocker. The Key Item section doesn’t offer any actual information for it unfortunately. Return to the main platform and get to the southern part of it, a second Executive is there watching a Pearl.

Rocket Exec. Battle
Rocket Executive
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv68 Swellow [Normal/Flying] {Guts}
Lv66 Tentacruel [Water/Poison] {Clear Body}
Prize: P2640


SWELLOW: Double Team, Endeavor, Aerial Ace, Agility
TENTACRUEL: Wrap, Screech, Barrier, Hydro Pump

In the northeast part is Grunt #13 near a ladder.

Rocket Grunt
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv66 Golbat [Poison/Flying]
Prize: P2640

Climb the ladder and the next ones back to B2F. You’ll find Grunt #14 and one more boulder to be pushed.

Rocket Grunt
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv68 Crawdaunt [Water/Dark]
Prize: P2720

Drop down the hole back to B3F after pushing the boulder and get onto the eastern platform for the ladder. Climb all the way back up to B1F and fight Grunt #14.

Rocket Grunt
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv67 Hypno [Psychic]
Prize: P2680

Climb the ladder back to 1F and prepare for one more Executive, who stands between you and a special door on the far right.

Rocket Exec. Battle
Rocket Executive
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv68 Raticate [Normal] {Run Away}
Lv67 Fearow [Normal/Flying] {Keen Eye}
Lv67 Slowbro [Water/Psychic] {Oblivious}
Prize: P2680


RATICATE: Scary Face, Pursuit, Super Fang, Endeavor
FEAROW: Pursuit, Mirror Move, Drill Peck, Agility
SLOWBRO: Amnesia, Withdraw, Psychic, Psych Up

Unknown to the Executive, you have the Unlocker so the door isn’t much of a problem. The next area has no wild encounters but this is where we find Silver, Articuno…and Zane (?!). This Zane guy is full of surprises haha he’s been all over the place, but this? Shocking. Silver believes he has control over Articuno and tries to order it, but the Legendary flies away instead. Axel shows up to stop Silver, it doesn’t work because he and Zane run off. Whatever big plan Silver is cooking up he is certain it will continue on schedule regardless. Axel has noticed that some kind of technology is controlling Articuno and he fears the worst. He returns to Special HQ after telling you to go back there too. After Axel leaves you can pick up the Macho Brace in the bottom right corner. Zane is collaborating with Team Rocket now? Damn, what is the world coming to??

Back at the Office Building just stand in front of the 1F poster and you’ll automatically make your way to Special HQ. Speak to Axel and learn that the next attack is going to be at Mt. Moon. Head over there and find Axel on 1F, waiting for you to clear things up (again haha). Why doesn’t he help out though? Grunt #1 is on the right and Grunt #2 is south from him.

Rocket Grunt
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv66 Golbat [Poison/Flying]
Lv67 Sandslash [Ground]
Prize: P2680

Rocket Grunt
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv67 Arbok [Poison]
Lv66 Golbat [Poison/Flying]
Lv68 Raticate [Normal]
Prize: P2640

On the right is the ladder to Mt. Moon Square, leave it for now and continue south to the next two Grunts. They remember being here for fossils years ago, why are they back in Mt. Moon now?

Rocket Grunt
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv69 Muk [Poison]
Prize: P2760

Rocket Grunt
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv68 Dewgong [Water/Ice]
Lv67 Drowzee [Psychic]
Prize: P2680

Head for the Square.


Grunt #5 is on the right and the Scientist who was blocking the opening previously is gone now.

Rocket Grunt
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv67 Hypno [Psychic]
Lv66 Hypno [Psychic]
Lv68 Cloyster [Water/Ice]
Prize: P2720

The Grunt blocking entry into the shop won’t battle you, it’s the female Grunt on the south side who will.

Rocket Grunt
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv67 Golbat [Poison/Flying]
Lv67 Fearow [Normal/Flying]
Lv68 Dusclops [Ghost]
Prize: P2720

Go through opening which is no longer blocked.


No wild encounters here, but there’s a Revive in the upper right corner and Grunt #7 on the left.

Rocket Grunt
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv67 Muk [Poison]
Lv68 Wobbuffet [Psychic]
Prize: P2720

Further to the left is an Ice Heal and Grunt #8.

Rocket Grunt
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv67 Arbok [Poison]
Prize: P2680

Climb the ladder back to 1F then climb the next ladder.


Pokemon Found
Zubat [Poison/Flying] (Levels 6-9, Rate 70%)
Golbat [Poison/Flying] (Levels 6-9, Rate 15%)
Geodude [Rock/Ground] (Levels 6-9, Rate 9%)
Graveler [Rock/Ground] (Levels 6-9, Rate 5%) {Hard Stone 5%}
Anorith [Rock/Bug] (Levels 6-9, Rate 1%)

You’ll appear next to a Double Battling Exec.

Rocket Exec. Battle
Rocket Executive
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv67 Golem [Rock/Ground] {Rock Head}
Lv68 Fearow [Normal/Flying] {Keen Eye}
Prize: P5440


GOLEM: Rock Blast, Earthquake, Explosion, Double-Edge
FEAROW: Pursuit, Mirror Move, Drill Peck, Agility

In front of him is an HP Up then one of the (Super) Rocket Brothers, another Double Battler.

Rocket Exec. Battle
Rocket Executive
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv67 Hitmonlee [Fighting] {Limber}
Lv67 Starmie [Water/Psychic] {Illuminate}
Lv68 Electrode [Electric] {Soundproof}
Prize: P5440


HITMONLEE: Foresight, Endure, Mega Kick, Reversal
STARMIE: Rapid Spin, Recover, Swift, Confuse Ray
ELECTRODE: Light Screen, Swift, Explosion, Mirror Coat

Silver and Zane are just up ahead facing Zapdos. Silver tests out the unknown technology on Zapdos but that fails and Zapdos is gone. Axel arrives and for a second time doesn’t catch the bad guys. I’m starting to wonder how exactly did Axel qualify to become an undercover officer, his track record so far is a little sketchy. So it’s back to Special HQ and we find out that the next operation will take place in the Safari Zone. Interesting, now we get a chance to see if anything has changed there after 3 years. Load up on Balls, there won’t be any Step Counter or Safari Balls to worry about. Axel will be in the Safari Zone main building, staying behind to keep watch.



Pokemon Found
Rhyhorn [Ground/Rock] (Level 25, Rate 20%)
Nidoran(both) [Poison] (Level 22, Rate 20%)
Exeggcute [Grass/Psychic] (Level 24, Rate 20%)
Venonat [Bug/Poison] (Level 22, Rate 15%)
Nidorino [Poison] (Level 31, Rate 10%)
Nidorina [Poison] (Level 31, Rate 5%)
Parasect [Bug/Grass] (Level 30, Rate 5%) {Tinymushroom 50%/Big Mushroom 5%}
Scyther [Bug/Flying] (Level 23, Rate 4%)
Chansey [Normal] (Level 23, Rate 1%) {Lucky Egg 5%}

Remember to catch a spare Chansey for the Aerodactyl trade on Route 14. Grunt #1 spotted up ahead and Grunt #2 is standing near the eastern exit.

Rocket Grunt
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv66 Golbat [Poison/Flying]
Lv65 Arbok [Poison]
Lv67 Weezing [Poison]
Prize: P2680

Rocket Grunt
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv65 Drowzee [Psychic]
Lv67 Hypno [Psychic]
Prize: P2680


Pokemon Found
Nidoran(both) [Poison] (Level 24, Rate 25%)
Doduo [Normal/Flying] (Level 26, Rate 20%)
Exeggcute [Grass/Psychic] (Leves 23-25, Rate 20%)
Paras [Bug/Grass] (Level 22, Rate 15%) {Tinymushroom 50%/Big Mushroom 5%}
Nidorino [Poison] (Level 33, Rate 10%)
Parasect [Bug/Grass] (Level 25, Rate 5%) {Tinymushroom 50%/Big Mushroom 5%}
Kangaskhan [Normal] (Level 25, Rate 4%)
Scyther [Bug/Flying] (Level 28, Rate 1%)

Go all the way to the right to find a Max Repel and Grunt #3.

Rocket Grunt
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv64 Zubat [Poison/Flying]
Lv66 Golbat [Poison/Flying]
Lv68 Crobat [Poison/Flying]
Prize: P2720

After getting to the southwestern side of the rocky platform above the Grunt you’ll find a Revival Herb, then continue up to Grunt #4.

Rocket Grunt
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv68 Electrode [Electric]
Prize: P2720

There’s an HP Up near the northeast corner, after that head to the left and exit.


Pokemon Found
Rhyhorn [Ground/Rock] (Level 26, Rate 20%)
Nidoran(both) [Poison] (Level 30, Rate 20%)
Exeggcute [Grass/Psychic] (Leves 25-27, Rate 20%)
Paras [Bug/Grass] (Level 23, Rate 15%) {Tinymushroom 50%/Big Mushroom 5%}
Nidorino [Poison] (Level 30, Rate 10%)
Nidorina [Poison] (Level 30, Rate 5%)
Venomoth [Bug/Poison] (Level 32, Rate 5%) {Silver Powder 5%}
Chansey [Normal] (Level 26, Rate 4%) {Lucky Egg 5%}
Tauros [Normal] (Level 28, Rate 1%)

Grunt #5 seen as soon as you arrive.

Rocket Grunt
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv68 Dusclops [Ghost]
Prize: P2720

Get onto the platform above him and move on it into a small secluded area where you’ll find a Max Potion. Just to the left from the Grunt is an exit to Area A’s northeast side, you’ll find TM23 Iron Tail there. Further left are two more exits, these lead to Area D. Go up from the first of those two exits, you’ll pass a pool then find an Ultra Ball above it, then go all the way to the northwest side to find a Lava Cookie in the grass. Continue down from there to Grunt #6 near the furthest exit.

Rocket Grunt
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv67 Graveler [Rock/Ground]
Lv68 Golem [Rock/Ground]
Prize: P2720

Don’t go through that exit yet, go through the one before it.


Pokemon Found
Nidoran(both) [Poison] (Levels 22-30, Rate 25%)
Doduo [Normal/Flying] (Level 26, Rate 20%)
Exeggcute [Grass/Psychic] (Leves 25-27, Rate 20%)
Venonat [Bug/Poison] (Level 23, Rate 15%)
Nidorino [Poison] (Level 30, Rate 10%)
Venomoth [Bug/Poison] (Level 32, Rate 5%) {Silver Powder 5%}
Tauros [Normal] (Level 25, Rate 4%)
Kangaskhan [Normal] (Level 28, Rate 1%)

Just next to the unreadable signpost is a Heal Powder and further down is an Executive.

Rocket Exec. Battle
Rocket Executive
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv68 Nidoking [Poison/Ground] {Poison Point}
Lv68 Wobbuffet [Psychic] {Shadow Tag}
Prize: P2720


NIDOKING: Double Kick, Poison Sting, Thrash, Megahorn
WOBBUFFET: Counter, Mirror Coat, Safeguard Destiny Bond

The exit on the right leads to Area A’s western side and senior Grunt #7.

Rocket Grunt
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv67 Electrode [Electric]
Lv68 Magneton [Electric/Steel]
Prize: P2720

Back to the Executive and go west onto the rocky platform. In the grass after the platform is a Moomoo Milk and on the left from there is another Executive.

Rocket Exec. Battle
Rocket Executive
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv69 Arbok [Poison] {Intimidate}
Prize: P2760


ARBOK: Stockpile, Swallow, Spit Up, Haze

Just above her is an X Speed. According to the Executive there’s one more Executive is waiting for you. Oh great 🙂 return to Area C and go through the far left exit to reach Area D’s northwest side. You’ll see the final Executive on the left.

Rocket Exec. Battle
Rocket Executive
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv67 Kadabra [Psychic] {Synchronize}
Lv68 Hypno [Psychic] {Insomnia}
Lv66 Fearow [Normal/Flying] {Keen Eye}
Prize: P2640


KADABRA: Future Sight, Role Play, Psychic, Trick
HYPNO: Psychic, Psych Up, Swagger, Future Sight
FEAROW: Pursuit, Mirror Move, Drill Peck, Agility

That’s a Star Piece next to him. Continue further left to see Zane and Silver confronting Moltres. This time Silver has had enough of you and steps up to fight while Zane deals with Moltres.

Rocket Boss Battle
Rival Silver
((2 Full Restores + 1 Full Heal))
Lv69 Sneasel [Dark/Ice] {Inner Focus}
Lv69 Crobat [Poison/Flying] {Inner Focus}
Lv69 Magneton [Electric/Steel] {Magnet Pull}
Lv69 Alakazam [Psychic] {Synchronize}
Lv69 Gengar [Ghost/Poison] {Levitate}
Lv68 Meganium [Grass] {Overgrow}
Lv68 Feraligatr [Water] {Torrent}
Lv68 Typhlosion [Fire] {Blaze}
Prize: P2484


SNEASEL: Quick Attack, Screech, Faint Attack, Fury Cutter
CROBAT: Toxic, Bite, Confuse Ray, Wing Attack
MAGNETON: Thunder, Sonic Boom, Thunder Wave, Swift
ALAKAZAM: Recover, Future Sight, Psychic, Reflect
GENGAR: Mean Look, Curse, Shadow Ball, Confuse Ray
MEGANIUM: Poison Powder, Synthesis, Body Slam, Reflect
FERALIGATR: Surf, Rain Dance, Slash, Screech
TYPHLOSION: Ember, Smokescreen, Quick Attack, Flame Wheel

Third time should be the charm for Silver but Zane gives him the bad news about Moltres not being controlled and it flies off. Team Rocket escapes as well just as Axel shows up and tells you that there’s no more information about other attacks so things are cool for now. You can stop by Special HQ anytime too. The Safari Zone will remain “open” also in case you were hoping to come back and catch Pokemon. More good news: now that the Legendary Birds are out in the world we only need to know where exactly to look for them. Articuno is in the frozen final room of Ice Path’s “Secret Area” (reached by Surfing south along the Route 44 river, remember?).

[art1] ARTICUNO – The Freeze Pokemon
Level: 45
Type: Ice/Flying
Ability: Pressure
Moves: Powder Snow, Mist, Agility, Mind Reader

Moltres is in the final room of Mt. Mortar’s basem*nt. You reach that room via the northeast opening and after climbing a brief series of ladders, remember?

[mol3] MOLTRES – The Flame Pokemon
Level: 45
Type: Fire/Flying
Ability: Pressure
Moves: Ember, Fire Spin, Agility, Endure

As for Zapdos it is in one place we haven’t explored yet – Rock Tunnel. The Route 10 entrance north of Lavender Town is still blocked so enter from Route 9. Bring a Pokemon that knows Flash of course. Rock Smash too, but it is optional.


**HMs Needed: Flash, Rock Smash.


Pokemon Found
Geodude [Rock/Ground] (Levels 15-26, Rate 34%)
Zubat [Poison/Flying] (Levels 15-26, Rate 20%)
Haunter [Ghost/Poison] (Levels 16-26, Rate 10%) {Spell Tag 5%}
Golbat [Poison/Flying] (Levels 16-26, Rate 10%)
Cubone [Ground] (Levels 16-26, Rate 10%) {Thick Club 5%}
Machoke [Fighting] (Levels 17-26, Rate 5%) {Focus Band 5%}
Machop [Fighting] (Levels 17-26, Rate 5%)
Marowak [Ground] (Levels 13-26, Rate 4%) {Thick Club 5%}
Kangaskhan [Normal] (Levels 15-26, Rate 1%)
Onix [Rock/Ground] (Levels 15-26, Rate 1%) {Hard Stone 5%}

Head for the ladder which you’ll see on the far right.


Pokemon Found
Geodude [Rock/Ground] (Levels 15-17, Rate 35%)
Zubat [Poison/Flying] (Levels 15-16, Rate 30%)
Machoke [Fighting] (Level 17, Rate 10%) {Focus Band 5%}
Machop [Fighting] (Level 17, Rate 10%)
Cubone [Ground] (Level 16, Rate 5%) {Thick Club 5%}
Onix [Rock/Ground] (Level 13, Rate 5%) {Hard Stone 5%}
Marowak [Ground] (Levels 15-18, Rate 4%) {Thick Club 5%}
Nosepass [Rock] (Level 17, Rate 1%)
Geodude [Rock/Ground] (Levels 5-30, Rate 95%)
Graveler [Rock/Ground] (Levels 25-40, Rate 5%) {Hard Stone 5%}

There’s an Iron on the far left and the next ladder in the northeast corner.

Southeast from the ladder you’ll find TM47 Steel Wing then another ladder to climb.

There’s a PP Up on the left and then there are two ladders above from there: one in the northwest corner and the other is in the northeast corner. Climb the second one.


Pokemon Found
Geodude [Rock/Ground] (Levels 15-17, Rate 35%)
Zubat [Poison/Flying] (Levels 15-16, Rate 30%)
Machoke [Fighting] (Level 17, Rate 10%) {Focus Band 5%}
Machop [Fighting] (Level 17, Rate 10%)
Cubone [Ground] (Level 16, Rate 5%) {Thick Club 5%}
Onix [Rock/Ground] (Level 13, Rate 5%) {Hard Stone 5%}
Marowak [Ground] (Levels 15-18, Rate 4%) {Thick Club 5%}
Nosepass [Rock] (Level 17, Rate 1%)
Geodude [Rock/Ground] (Levels 5-30, Rate 95%)
Graveler [Rock/Ground] (Levels 25-40, Rate 5%) {Hard Stone 5%}

Just a corridor here, head straight up and through the opening in the wall to a very familiar place…


…which isn’t as dangerous as the Power Plant we know of because only one Pokemon occupies this version. But on the bright side it means you can blaze through the place while picking up items on the way up to the northwest room. Head straight up from the entrance then enter the first room on the right, you’ll find an Ultra Ball in there. Go straight down to the southwest room to pick up a Max Revive. Over in the southeast room there’s a Hyper Potion. From the southwest room go up into the central room for an HP Up and then head up from the southeast room into the northeast room for an Elixir. Reach the north room then go straight down into the small room that has 3 machines on the right, there’s a Full Heal in there and a hidden Max Elixir on the tile below the tallest machine. Continue to the northwest room to find a Max Repel and the thunder bird.

[zap2] ZAPDOS – The Electric Pokemon
Level: 45
Type: Electric/Flying
Ability: Pressure
Moves: Thundershock, Thunder Wave, Agility, Detect

**NOTE: For some unknown reason, Zapdos does not appear in the copy of the game which I’ve been playing for this walkthrough. I checked one of the map editor programs that I’ve got and sure enough Zapdos is indicated as an event here. No idea why it isn’t there, perhaps it’s a glitch? Very, very strange.

The doorway on the left leads back to the Route 9 cave, you can pick up a Magnet there. Check the middle tile by the big turbine machine in the room where Zapdos was/should be, there’s a hidden Thunder Stone. Then return to B1F of Rock Tunnel and climb the northwest ladder. Next you’ll appear on the south side of 1F. Head to the left and before getting to the couple of Scientists further on, there’s a rocky platform that you can climb onto which has an Elixir. The Scientists, Bob and Jeff, are the ones that we heard about a while ago who are fighting over Fossils. As their argument goes on, you go ahead and snatch both Helix and Dome Fossils! Hilarious haha, this does not go down very well with Jeff.

Scientist Jeff
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv56 Voltorb [Electric]
Lv58 Electrode [Electric]
Lv57 Magneton [Electric/Steel]
Prize: P3420

One battle is enough to make him give up, he runs off and Bob leaves after him. The exit is just below. Didn’t Rock Tunnel have some Trainers back in the day? Where’d they go? The place seems so empty without them. The Fossils could’ve been revived by the machine at the Goldenrod Science Center but it isn’t working. The Scientist who operates it doesn’t even offer a clue about how to get it started up. Exit Rock Tunnel, outside you might see a special Ace Trainer named Dgr (I found him on Friday mornings).

Ace Trainer Dgr
((3 Full Restores))
Lv42 Crobat [Poison/Flying] {Inner Focus} (Sitrus Berry)
Lv38 Gyarados [Water/Flying] {Intimidate} (Sitrus Berry)
Lv40 Togetic [Normal/Flying] {Hustle} (Sitrus Berry)
Lv41 Sceptile [Grass] {Overgrow} (Sitrus Berry)
Lv40 Typhlosion [Fire] {Blaze} (Sitrus Berry)
Lv42 Gengar [Ghost/Poison] {Levitate} (Sitrus Berry)
Prize: P2184


CROBAT: Confuse Ray, Wing Attack, Poison Fang, Shadow Ball
GYARADOS: Thunder, Hyper Beam, Dragonbreath, Surf
TOGETIC: Fly, Recover, Ice Punch, Substitute
SCEPTILE: Leaf Blade, Strength, Iron Tail, Solarbeam
TYPHLOSION: Flame Wheel, Thunder Punch, Flamethrower, Explosion
GENGAR: Sludge Bomb, Hypnosis, Confuse Ray, Shadow Ball

Let’s go back to Special HQ. Things can only remain peacefully for so long before trouble starts up again and right on cue the next big mission pops up: you receive an urgent message from Lance about meeting him at Dragon’s Den. Axel already suspects that Team Rocket could be involved and he tells you to go on ahead while he tries to gather more information. Bring Pokemon than know Strength and Rock Smash.

As soon as you arrive back in the main area of Dragon’s Den you’ll find Lance standing in front of a new opening on the left. Axel’s suspicions were spot on, Team Rocket is involved and they have gotten into the sacred grounds of Dragon’s Den. Before you go in, Lance brings forward someone that he wants you to meet – Giovanni! He reveals that Russel being Silver’s father was just a cover and that Giovanni came here to stop Silver. But he failed and has been injured as a result. Lance says he and Clair cannot enter the sacred grounds, so while they take Giovanni to the hospital you will have access to the sacred grounds. Good guy Giovanni, eh? It’s definitely new.

[drades] DRAGON’S DEN (Sacred Grounds)

**HMs Needed: Strength, Rock Smash.

Pokemon Found
Golbat [Poison/Flying] (Levels 30-40, Rate 25%)
Dratini [Dragon] (Levels 30-40, Rate 21%)
Machop [Fighting] (Levels 30-40, Rate 20%)
Dragonair [Dragon] (Levels 30-40, Rate 15%) {Dragon Fang 5%}
Magneton [Electric/Steel] (Levels 30-40, Rate 10%) {Magnet 5%}
Zubat [Poison/Flying] (Levels 30-40, Rate 8%)
Ditto [Normal] (Levels 30-40, Rate 1%) {Metal Powder 5%}
Geodude [Rock/Ground] (Level 10, Rate 99%)
Graveler [Rock/Ground] (Level 10, Rate 1%) {Hard Stone 5%}

-AREA 1-

Grunt #1 is just up ahead when you arrive.

Rocket Grunt
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv69 Golbat [Poison/Flying]
Lv68 Golbat [Poison/Flying]
Lv68 Raticate [Normal]
Prize: P2720

You’ll find a Full Heal on the left and Grunt #2 up top from there.

Rocket Grunt
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv69 Arcanine [Fire]
Lv69 Hypno [Psychic]
Prize: P2760

On the right is a white pillar standing between you and a floor switch/pressure plate. On the left are 2 boulders, move the top boulder out the way and go northeast to Grunt #3.

Rocket Grunt
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv69 Fearow [Normal/Flying]
Lv69 Hypno [Psychic]
Prize: P2760

That’s a Guard Spec. on the right and switch #2 above it. Step on it once to open up the western side of the room. There you’ll find an HP Up, Grunt #4 and switch #3.

Rocket Grunt
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv70 Victreebel [Grass/Poison]
Prize: P2800

That third switch gets rid of the pillar near Grunt #3 and opens up the north side. Go there and step on switch #4 to remove the very first pillar and gain access to switch #5. Pressing that one unlocks the northwest side.

Rocket Grunt
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv68 Golbat [Poison/Flying]
Lv68 Arbok [Poison]
Lv69 Muk [Poison]
Prize: P2760

On the left is an Elixir and the final switch, step on it then head for the north opening and deal with a SUPER Executive. He’s got a Legendary, watch out.

Rocket Exec. Battle
Rocket Executive
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv69 Weezing [Poison] {Levitate}
Lv69 Cloyster [Water/Ice] {Shell Armor}
Lv68 Piloswine [Ice/Ground] {Oblivious}
Lv70 Regirock [Rock] {Clear Body} (How the…?!)
Prize: P2800


WEEZING: Haze, Explosion, Destiny Bond, Memento
CLOYSTER: Aurora Beam, Protect, Spikes, Spike Cannon
PILOSWINE: Take Down, Fury Attack, Mist, Blizzard
REGIROCK: Iron Defense, Zap Cannon, Lock-On, Hyper Beam

The switch next to him turns all the switches on (drops all the pillars when you return to this area. You can’t use Escape Ropes to leave the Sacred Grounds).

-AREA 2-

Slide across the ice to the right, Grunt #5 is over there.

Rocket Grunt
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv70 Dragonite [Dragon/Flying]
Lv69 Victreebel [Grass/Poison]
Prize: P2760

For the next frozen floor, get onto the ice from the middle of the south edge then slide to the left, down, left, up, right and you can get the Ultra Ball that’s there. Afterwards slide to the left, down, left and off the ice. Grunts #6 to #8 coming up.

Rocket Grunt
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv69 Miltank [Normal]
Lv71 Magneton [Electric/Steel]
Lv70 Electrode [Electric]
Prize: P2800

Rocket Grunt
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv69 Arbok [Poison]
Prize: P2760

Rocket Grunt
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv69 Electrode [Electric]
Lv69 Marowak [Ground]
Lv68 Kadabra [Psychic]
Lv70 Hypno [Psychic]
Prize: P2760

That’s a Max Potion surrounded by rocks on the right. Further to the right there’s a Lemonade before you meet Grunt #9.

Rocket Grunt
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv71 Weezing [Poison]
Prize: P2840

Super Executive #2 is by the opening to the next area.

Rocket Exec. Battle
Rocket Executive
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv71 Gengar [Ghost/Poison] {Levitate}
Lv70 Regice [Ice] {Clear Body}
Lv70 Electrode [Electric] {Soundproof}
Prize: P2800


GENGAR: Destiny Bond, Shadow Ball, Nightmare, Mean Look
REGICE: Amnesia, Zap Cannon, Lock-On, Hyper Beam
ELECTRODE: Light Screen, Swift, Explosion, Mirror Coat

Man, how and where did these Execs get the Regis? Talk about stepping up big time.

-AREA 3-

Out of the cold and into the interior of another place we didn’t know Dragon’s Den had.

Rocket Grunt
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv69 Zubat [Poison/Flying]
Lv70 Golbat [Poison/Flying]
Prize: P2800

Head up after the Grunt and turn to the right, there’s a PP Up in the corridor. Go back to the entrance and head to the left to find Grunt #11.

Rocket Grunt
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv72 Crobat [Poison/Flying]
Prize: P2880

Continue past him, following the corridor up to an Ultra Ball then Grunt #12 in the small room on the right.

Rocket Grunt
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv71 Exeggutor [Grass/Psychic]
Lv70 Arbok [Poison]
Lv69 Rhydon [Ground/Rock]
Prize: P2800

Back to the Ultra Ball spot and carry on going northeast to Grunt #13, a Full Restore and the final Super Executive.

Rocket Grunt
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv69 Weezing [Poison]
Lv68 Fearow [Normal/Flying]
Prize: P2720

Rocket Exec. Battle
Rocket Executive
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv72 Arbok [Poison] {Intimidate}
Lv72 Fearow [Normal/Flying] {Keen Eye}
Lv70 Registeel [Steel] {Clear Body}
Lv70 Tauros [Normal] {Intimidate}
Prize: P2800


ARBOK: Stockpile, Swallow, Spit Up, Haze
FEAROW: Pursuit, Mirror Move, Drill Peck, Agility
REGISTEEL: Amnesia, Zap Cannon, Lock-On, Hyper Beam
TAUROS: Swagger, Rest, Thrash, Take Down

-AREA 4-

The final area. Here we find Silver, Zane and their newest target – Groudon! But since you took care of the Super Executives on the way here, Silver’s plan to become the Ultimate Pokemon Master falls apart. This is also the point where Zane finally says he’s done with this operation. He joined Team Rocket in order to become strong enough to defeat you, not to tag along and watch Silver mistreating Pokemon and go as far as hurting Giovanni. Silver isn’t bothered, he orders Groudon to attack Zane and afterwards Zane apologises to you for what has happened. He heals your team just before you face off against Silver one more time.

Rocket Boss Battle
Rival Silver
((2 Hyper Potions))
Lv72 Sneasel [Dark/Ice] {Inner Focus}
Lv72 Gengar [Ghost/Poison] {Levitate}
Lv72 Crobat [Poison/Flying] {Inner Focus}
Lv73 Alakazam [Psychic] {Synchronize}
Lv73 Groudon [Ground] {Drought}
Lv71 Magneton [Electric/Steel] {Magnet Pull}
Prize: P2628


SNEASEL: Metal Claw, Slash, Ice Punch, Shadow Ball
GENGAR: Shadow Ball, Psychic, Spite, Future Sight
CROBAT: Toxic, Fly, Mean Look, Shadow Ball
ALAKAZAM: Psychic, Mean Look, Future Sight, Hyper Beam
GROUDON: Earthquake, Fissure, Solarbeam, Fire Blast
MAGNETON: Sonicboom, Thunder, Earthquake, Thunder Wave

Axel and Lance show up to apprehend Silver. Axel thanks you for the assist on behave of Special HQ and says you should stop by there for a reward. Lance gives you a Master Ball as another reward. Then everyone leaves, except for Groudon and the credits roll.

…Several reloads later…

You’ll be back in New Bark. Take a step forward and a phone call starts up, from an unknown number. You’ll be asked to choose between answering it and not. Answer the call, because it’s from Prof. Oak. He wants your help with something, so you should see him at his Lab. Before we head back to Kanto, let’s check those Sacred Grounds one more time. In each of the spots where you defeated a Super Executive you’ll find the Regi that they had. Each of them is at Level 70.

[regik] REGIROCK – The Rock Peak Pokemon
Level: 70
Type: Rock
Ability: Clear Body
Moves: Iron Defense, Zap Cannon, Lock-On, Hyper Beam

[regii] REGICE – The Iceberg Pokemon
Level: 70
Type: Ice
Ability: Clear Body
Moves: Amnesia, Zap Cannon, Lock-On, Hyper Beam

[regil] REGISTEEL – The Iron Pokemon
Level: 70
Type: Steel
Ability: Clear Body
Moves: Amnesia, Zap Cannon, Lock-On, Hyper Beam

And of course there’s Groudon in Area 4. Speak to it and watch as Groudon eats the Ruby before attacking you! Hungry Groudon is Angry Groudon!

[grouu] GROUDON – The Continent Pokemon
Level: 70
Typer: Ground
Ability: Drought
Moves: Fire Blast, Rest, Fissure, Solarbeam

Groudon, getto! Now we just need Kyogre and Rayquaza to complete the set 🙂 where are they, though? Leave the Sacred Grounds and return to Pallet Town.

At the Lab, Oak tells you about his friend Prof. Ivy who lives on Valencia Island in the Orange Archipelago. She has found a mysterious Poke Ball that she can’t figure out, so Oak would like to try with the help of the scanners in his Lab. He can’t leave the place so you’ll be heading over to the Orange Islands to pick up this unknown Ball for him. A literal fetch quest 🙂 unbelievable. Before you can travel there, you’ll need to get your S.S. Ticket stamped at the Office Block then you can board the Undersea Express on Route 100. Return to the Office Block, go to 2F and speak to the woman behind the south desk to get that ticket stamped. Then go see Axel in Special HQ. The gift he has for you is the HQ Badge, which makes you an official member of Special HQ! Nice, given all the work you’ve done for HQ so far maybe you’ll move up the ranks in no time 😀 Axel goes on to tell you about a Battle Facility that HQ runs in another region, he’s hoping you could be a part of it by helping to recruit Trainers for the place. The one hint that Axel offers about the kinds of people to be recruited is that they are Trainers you have faced before, with some of them training in hidden areas. According to LaZ this is a feature which never got finished, there would’ve been a place on the last island in the Orange Islands where you could compete in tournaments against special Trainers such as Prof. Oak and Prof. Elm.

Hopefully you’ve stocked up on items and Ultra Balls, it’s time to set off for the Orange Islands. Return to Route 100 (if you’ve been there already, you can just Fly there from Kanto). In the station flash the stamped ticket at the security guard, make your way to the next building and get on the train. The trip goes smoothly until the train suddenly stops after hitting something. One of the passengers thinks that “something” could be a Pokemon (!). There’s a PC in the upper right corner if you need to sort out your team. After the passengers stop panicking, speak to the Officer and despite your offer to help he won’t let you go out to investigate. So being a 2-time Hall of Famer doesn’t count for much here, eh? The passenger who is seated near the PC steps forward and volunteers to investigate the matter with you, this is former Gym Leader Jin. Interesting, which Gym did he lead before? SAVE before leaving the train because once you catch up with Jin outside you’ll get into a battle event.

[rt100u] ROUTE 100 (Undersea Express)

Pokemon Found
Voltorb [Electric] (Levels 45-55, Rate 44%)
Electrode [Electric] (Levels 45-55, Rate 25%)
Magnemite [Electric/Steel] (Levels 45-55, Rate 20%)
Magneton [Electric/Steel] (Levels 45-55, Rate 5%) {Magnet 5%}
Minun [Electric] (Levels 45-55, Rate 4%)
Manectric [Electric] (Levels 45-55, Rate 1%)
Plusle [Electric] (Levels 45-55, Rate 1%)

Head to the right side along railway track and find Jin spotting what got in the way of the train – Kyogre! Jesus, of all the places to find it haha so random. Good luck.

[kyor] KYOGRE – The Sea Basin Pokemon
Level: 70
Type: Water
Ability: Drizzle
Moves: Hydro Pump, Rest, Sheer Cold, Double-Edge

Jin is impressed by your battle against the Legendary, although he regrets not doing that himself and showing off his Manectric. The Officer shows up after overhearing Jin mention Manectric and tells you that the train has lost power. Both of its engines need a jump start from two Electric-types. Jin and Manectric will go deal with the left side engine while the right side engine is for you. Add an Electric-type to your party then stand by the front of the train and Press A. The engines are started back up again and the trip to Valencia can resume. Jin bids you goodbye and says maybe you two will meet again on the island.

At the next station you’ll find a special platform reserved for Special HQ but despite that you’re part of the team now you can’t board the train which is there. I’m guessing this was something planned for the completed game? Welcome to the Orange Islands!

Pokemon Liquid Crystal Walkthrough | PokemonCoders (2024)
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Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

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Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.