Morning Milkings - Chapter 5 - Hell2here0i0come0 (2024)

Chapter Text

The beginning of any spanking was always the hardest, although the boy was relatively still, Justin knew that every fiber of Chris' being was currently fighting the urge to resist and get up. Despite being triplets, the boys were quite different in how they took their spankings.

Matt, Justin's sweet little angel, was the easiest. On cue, quietly without arguing or anything, he'd go right over Justin's lap no questions asked. Wouldn't make a single peep as his older brother would remove his shirts and shorts, stripping him naked for a little punishment. It was remarkable really. And of course this was something he visibly took pride in. "You guys are just babies man", he'd roll his eyes and (ironically?) mock Chris and Nick but really, Justin knew the actual reason.

See, it came down to the unique relationship between him and Matt. The inherent trust and faith Matt had in his eldest brother, the unquestionable faith that Justin knew what's best for him, that Justin would always be there for him, always. People tended to forget that the 'tough guy Matt' persona appeared only in front of his loud, sometimes overly dominatingly and opinionated triplet brothers. It was a reaction, a response to Chris and Nick.

But with Justin, oh with him Matt was just this happy little ray of smiles and sunshine. As hard as he tried to remember, Justin had never ever been mean to him or hurt his feelings, even by accident! There was as such no guard or defensive wall, and that really let out Matt in the best of ways.

And also the fact that Justin was just so nice man, he cared unlike anyone else. Paying Matt attention and listening so well and being funny and reliable and dependable. He was simply the best big brother. Period. And if that ever meant Matt was told without reason to strip naked and lay across his older brother's lap for a spanking, then sure. It's Justin after-all. It also did maybe perhaps help that Matt was clearly the most agreeable, personalty wise, among the triplets.

Now when it came to Nick, things were always significantly harder - as there would always first be a sufficiently dramatic reaction at the very prospect of him earning himself a spanking. "WHAT?!?! Justin wait hold on hold on. Hold. On. WHAT?! WHY! I didn't even do anything!", would be the typically loud and astounded first reaction.

Afterwards would follow lengthy (and sometimes desperate) negotiations for his sentence to be commuted. Roaring accusations of injustice and detailed theories of being framed would be presented. Every. Single. Time. A whole court room saga if you can imagine. Honestly, it was so cute watching his little brother argue his case so passionately. Matt and Chris would just be observing somewhere from the side, watching with a smile at Nick's wild hand gestures, witness testimonies, alibis etc.

Justin himself would of course listen intently, nodding and humming. He'd never be so inconsiderate and rude to mock or dismiss his little brother's sincere attempts for a pardon. The principle of a fair trial was sacred in the Sturniolo household. However, as close as Nick would come to winning, Justin just happened to be academically trained in philosophy and rhetoric... and would win the arguments all too easily. Alas, like always, Nick would find himself over his older brother's lap and right after the first spank, he'd give in and submit to Justin. If nothing, Nick's punishments were always an entertaining affair.

And then it came to Chris, the youngest triplet. Now he wasn't as willing and obedient as Matt that's for sure, but he also wasn't as argumentative as Nick either. It was a bit complicated because it didn't take a lot for Justin to have his brother bent over for his spanking, but it did take some time for his little Chrissy to give in to it. He knew Chris was never being outright defiant, the middle triplet just had trouble 'accepting' the punishment. The very act of it, baring your naked butt to unrelenting smacks across someone's knee, it sparked Chris' assertive side.

A spanking wasn't meant to just hurt, it was to willingly accept being uncomfortable. It was to give up control and be completely honest and truthful in the process. Chris just had trouble doing that last part, and he knew he had to fight it and control it and he tried, he really did. But it's alright. Justin is more than well-equipped to deal with his brothers, all three of them.





"Shh you're okay Chris, you're okay", Matt softly said, his hand tangled up in his brother's hair. It felt good, Matt's hand as well as Nick's that was gently rubbing the back of his neck. A contrast to his eldest brother's firm hand on the small of his back, as periodic spanks rained on his naked butt cheeks. After the tenth spank Justin had said he didn't need to count anymore, and instead just had to lay there like a good boy taking the rest. Easier said than done.

"A-ah! Huurts" the nineteen-year-old groaned. Justin shushed him as he rubbed over the faintly pink skin. After a few consecutive spanks, he'd stop every now and then to brush his hand across Chris' supple little butt, down to his thighs and then up to his back. Along the way he could feel the tense muscles, a telltale sign that the teenager hadn't fully relaxed into his punishment yet.

"Doing so good for me Chris, that's it", Justin said as he resumed the spanking. One smack after the other, right cheek, left cheek, right cheek, left cheek. His baby brother's plump cheeks quivered every time he spanked him, so cute.





Chris now began to feel the sting on his skin. His whining rang in their living room as he squirmed in Justin's lap, face buried deep in Matt's legs. Nick squeezed his shoulder gently, "Just breathe through it, Chris. It's okay," he whispered.


Chris took a deep breath and let it out, feeling his brothers' hands on him, grounding him. But still, he felt the urge bubbling inside him to just get up and leave. This was so demeaning and the spanking was starting to hurt now. He could try thrashing around to break free but f*ck, he couldn't do that, he wouldn't! Cuz that's a stupid thought and it's so disrespectful to Justin and he loves Justin but every spank was a now little more painful then the previous one and-

Suddenly, it all came to a stop.

The smacking sounds all gone in an instant as Justin's hand rested warmly on Chris' bum, "Oh my poor sweetheart... you're okay Chrissy, you're okay", Justin's mellow voice sounded. And just hearing that soft loving tone brought tears to Chris' eyes. He let out the faintest of sniffles. "You were getting all wrapped up in that pretty little head of yours weren't you, I know sweetie shh I'm here". Justin soothed his little brother.

This was somewhat peculiar, as it was unusual for Chris to take this long in settling into his spanking. Dear oh dear, perhaps there's more to this story than meets the eye. Justin took time marveling at his little brother's perky little butt, the pink skin soft and radiating with warmth. Such a pity he has to administer this punishment when all he really wants is to absolutely ravish the younger one. Justin's hand easily parted the boy's legs, rubbing up and down the inside of his thighs. His eyes went to the other two; Matt was playing with Chris' messy hair whilst Nick leaned down to place a small kiss on his brother's shoulder. Patting the nineteen-year-old's ass, Justin knew exactly what he had to do.

"Nick c'me here for a sec", Justin said as Nick got up and moved his chair to sit across him. His older brother smiled at him before using the hand on Chris' butt to spread his cheeks open. Nick saw with wide eyes as his triplet's pink little hole was revealed. "So pretty isn't it" Justin remarked, his thumb reaching down into the crack to rub over the little puckered hole, spreading it open the tiniest bit. "And this is after little Chrissy took the monster dild* this morning, still so tight", Justin tutted.

Chris' protesting whines did not go unnoticed, what more humiliating than being exposed and talked about like this. Justin chuckled and patted his little brother's bum. Nick was engrossed in watching the scene before him, that he didn't realize Justin began pushing a thumb into his mouth. He closed his eyes and immediately started licking and sucking at the thumb, letting Justin freely explore the inside of his mouth before the thumb was taken out. Nick's eyes opened to see Justin now pushing said thumb slowly into Chris' hole.

Nick watched in awe as Chris' muscle initially tensed but then relaxed as Justin pushed his thumb in, nice and deep. Nick's spit had lubed up the entrance just enough. "There's my baby, that's it", Justin said as Chris gave out a deep moan at the intrusion but otherwise stayed still, Matt had leaned down to where the boy's head was buried in his lap, surely whispering praise in his ears.

Justin slowly began to thrust his thumb in and out, making Chris gasp with each movement. For Nick, it was a literal godsend to watch. Among the three boys, Chris was resolutely more of a top, preferring to be the one in control. Their eldest brother was usually the only one who had the privilege to f*ck Chris Sturniolo. And so to see Chris' spanked cheeks clench and relax as Justin f*cked his thumb in and out of that tight little hole... Nick was lost in the sight of it.

Justin pulled out his thumb and brought it up to Nick's mouth. The younger wasted no time in taking it in his mouth. Justin smiled fondly at the eagerness with which Nick dutifully lubed up his thumb with more spit before Justin took it out and thrusted it back into Chris' hole. "That's it Chrissy, take your big brother's thumb..." Justin pushed his thumb deeper, making Chris let out a louder moan as he could feel Justin's thumb curling inside him.

The pleasure of being filled up right after he was taking spank after spank was more than a welcoming relief. Chris felt his body relax and loosen. He focused only on the feeling of his older brother's thumb f*cking in and out of him. That is, before it retreated again as two hands spread his butt wide open after which he felt a wet sticky sensation on his hole. "Yeah just over here Nick, good boy", he barely heard before feeling the same wet sensation again.

He heard Matt chuckle above him. "Aww you don't know what that was do you?", Matt said teasingly in his ears. "Want me to tell you hmm? That was Nick spitting on your hole Chris, he just leaned over and spat right on it". Chris' impending complaining was however cut short into a full blown groan as Justin forced two fingers now deep into his hole, scissoring them inside. Chris' co*ck was now rock hard on his brother's thigh, the fact Nick just spat on his hole, it was so obscene. Yet he couldn't think too much of it as Justin's fingers were stretching him out so good now.

Chris' hole was opening up so nicely for him now, Justin thought. Justin used his other hand to hold Nick's chin and brought him close to catch his lips in a deep kiss. He loved kissing his brothers, so many emotions and feelings could be conveyed perfectly in just a simple kiss. With the way Nick was kissing back, it sent one and only one message: pent up desperation. Justin couldn't blame the boy either, here their youngest brother was getting his hole fingered and reacting so beautifully at it too. Justin pulled back after placing a small peck. Unfortunately for Nick though, he'd have to hold out just a bit more longer.

With one hand Justin was fingering Chris, with his other he brought it up and then down on Chris' butt eliciting a startling gasp from the nineteen-year-old. "Just the last few spanks Chrissy, you can take it baby" Justin said. He laid one spank after the other, as his fingers kept working in and out of the little boy's hole. Matt, on the other hand, also started rubbed small circles on Chris' earlobe.

The pleasure mixed with the pain acted perfectly in subduing any and all thoughts from Chris' mind. He'd stopped gasping and flinching with every spank Justin laid on his pink bottom. His limbs perfectly lax, deep continuous moans were the only noises he let out as his tight little entrance was fingered by his older brother. As predicted, Justin felt all the energy and tension in his brother's body completely evaporate. The youngest triplet now lay totally docile and motionless over his older brother's lap, he'd finally given in.

Chris lost track of time and space, everything sort of blurred out of thought. Familiar whispers then brought him closer and closer to reality. "Such a good boy for me, all done now darling, all done", Chris realized he was now sat on Justin's lap. His face resting on his eldest brother's shoulder, arms around his neck.

Justin pulled Chris in closer, wrapping his arms around the smaller frame. "You doing okay, baby?" he whispered into the teen's ear, his voice full of care and love.

Chris nodded slowly, "Yeah, 'm kay", his voice a bit muffled. He felt Justin's hand caressing his back in soothing strokes, the warmth seeping through his skin. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly, feeling his body start to relax. "Justin... 'm sorry, didn't mean to break the rules", he said. "Shh baby, we’ll talk later it's okay, you took your spanking like such a good boy. And I know how hard it was for you, but you made me so proud". Chris lips twitched into a small smile at that.

The two of them sat there for a while, Justin's warm embrace providing the perfect sense of security and comfort to Chris. "I love my Chrissy so much", Justin murmured, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of Chris's head. "Love you too", Chris replied.

Their sweet warm cuddle session lasted for a little while more as Chris indulged in every second of it before Justin spoke up, "You know there are two more people here who love you just as much as I do". Chris lifted his head off Justin's shoulder and found Matt and Nick sitting besides Justin, happy smiles adorned on their faces. "Group hug!" Nick announced as they engulfed him in a big embrace. Chris laughed as Justin's arms wrapped around all three and squished them together.

Justin started kissing all three of their heads in quick succession resulting in groans and giggles as the triplets struggled to get free. "Mmm! I love you three so much!" Justin said with a grin, his arms tightening around them. The room was filled with their laughter as Justin finally relented and let go.

Chris leaned into the warmth of Justin's chest, feeling his older brother’s steady heartbeat and the gentle rise and fall of his chest with each breath. Justin's hands were loosely wrapped around his waist while he felt either Matt or Nick's hands rub up and down the bare expanse of his back. He couldn't help but let out a content sigh. This was literally all he could ever want, all of his brothers happy and together.

As they sat in peaceful silence and comfort, the hand on rubbing his back moved lower and lower to cup one of his butt cheeks. "Wow, your ass is actually so pink Chris", he heard Nick say. Nick's hand very gently squeezed his butt. Chris just hummed in reply but Nick continued caressing his ass, inspecting the skin in the most nonchalant way. Chris shifted a bit as another hand cupped his other ass cheek, this time it was Matt's.

The air changed. Chris shifted a bit in Justin's lap, tightening his grip around his older brother's neck. The roaming hands went all over, going down and deeper as he felt his cheeks being pulled apart slightly.

"Guys..." Chris started, but before he could continue Justin pulled his head back from his shoulder to look at him. Justin stared directly in his eyes, his gaze firm yet caring, an obscure smirk on his lips. "You've been so good Chrissy", the older began, leaning forward to kiss his lips. "You're our youngest baby aren't you, born last. Our littlest baby. Let your older brothers take care of you sweetheart", Justin said and pushed his head back to rest on his shoulder.

Chris gasped at the sudden feeling of his hips being pulled back, he held tightly onto Justin's neck as a hand pushed down on his back, making him arch so beautifully. His legs were spread wide apart, two sets of hands on his hips, holding him steady.

Without warning, he felt a tongue lap at his unsuspecting hole, vigorously licking at the entrance. "f*ck!", he whimpered. "Taste so good", Chris heard Nick. The tongue was eagerly diving in to taste his brother's ass. "Nick~" Chris protested, his voice shaky. Simultaneously, he felt small kisses being placed on his ass cheeks.

Justin's big hands ran over Chris' back as Matt's mouth slowly moved to the middle of his butt, placing kisses along the way as both his and Nick’s tongues met over Chris’ wet entrance, swirling around over the hole. Chris' eyes rolled back into his head, his body quivering as he was overwhelmed by the sensation. It was so messy and wet, yet he could do nothing but moan into Justin's neck.

"Look at you pushing back on it", Nick taunted as Matt tongue f*cked their brother's wet hole. The loud slurping noises were so lewd. "Could f*cking eat you out for houurs~ Chris", Matt let out, leaning back as Nick took his place. "Oh god, you guys," he moaned, his voice a mix of pleasure and embarrassment. Matt placed a loud kiss on his right cheek before joining Nick as their tongues danced together, exploring every inch of his hole as Chris' legs began to shake.

Justin watched on with a knowing smile, stroking Chris' hair as he watched with pride at how Matt and Nick took turns eating Chris out. Kissing all over his poor spanked cheeks. It was always so nice seeing the boys share with each other. "That's it Chrissy, let your brothers love you baby," he cooed, stroking Chris' cheek.

Matt took this as his cue to push his tongue deeper, probing into the tight channel. Chris squirmed under the assault, his body begging for more. He could feel his co*ck, already leaking precum, growing harder with every second. Nick followed Matt's lead, taking turns to explore Chris' body. They worked in tandem, one tongue retreating as the other pushed forward, effortless teamwork. Chris' breath grew ragged as his moans grew louder.

All he could do was lean on his eldest brother. All he could do was moan and whine into Justin's neck. After-all, when it came to Justin, that's all the three of them could ever do.

Morning Milkings - Chapter 5 - Hell2here0i0come0 (2024)
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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.