Martinsville Bulletin from Martinsville, Virginia (2024)

Martinsville Bulletin, Monday, August 26, 2002-Page 7-A 1, World summit holds fear, hope CIVIC NEWS CIVIC NEWS JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (AP) Government officials. environmental activists and business leaders promised Sunday the upcoming World Summit on Sustainable Development will be about action- not just words -to save the environment and combat poverty. But some activists fear the world's wealthiest nations could sabotage any meaningful attempt to build on agreements adopted at the 1992 Earth Summit in Brazil. "It's important for us that the vision that was captured at Rio is not eroded," said Gob Chien Yen, an official with the Third World Network. The 10-day summit, which starts today, hopes to halve the more than 1 billion people without access to clean water and the more than 2 billion without proper sanitation.

It aims as to develop specific plans for expanding the poor's access to electricity and health care, to reverse the degradation of agricultural land and to protect the global environment. "There is broad agreement that another summit full of words followed by no concrete action would be intolerable," said Hans Christian Schmidt, the environment minister in Denmark, which will be leading the European Union delegation to the summit. But many environmental activists were disheartened People fetch drinking water from a com- to be discussed at the World Summit for munal tap in the squatter town in Johannesburg, Sunday. ing water will be one of the that President Bush was not among the more than 100 world leaders scheduled to attend. They also blamed much of the difficulty in reaching agreement on the United States' resistance to setting specific targets and its demands that poor nations show good governance beforereceiving financial aid.

"(The United States) can be a catalyst for positive action or suburb of Klip- Sustainable Safe drink- Johannesburg major issues photo) a constraint on international cooperation," said Achim Steiner, director general of The World Conservation Union, or IUCN. The EU has also been criticized for refusing to drop subsidies that protect domestic industries and agriculture, an issue that infuriates developing nations struggling to get access to European markets. Negotiators met in special Development being held in today through Sept. 4. (AP pre-summit sessions Saturday and Sunday to try to resolve some of.

the contentious issues. U.S. and European officials said they were optimistic a deal could be reached. "I sense a mood of people wanting to finish the text, come together and find an agreement early," said John Turner, a U.S. assistant secretary of state.

Officials believe al-Oaida was warned ZORMAT, Afghanistan (AP) ed by several Chechen al-QaiThe commander of a U.S. da fighters. Some weapons, military operation in search of including two Soviet armored al-Qaida and Taliban fugitives vehicles and a 14.5. mm said hostile forces appeared to machine gun, were found, but have been tipped off that there was no sign of al-Qaida American troops were coming. fighters.

Operation Mountain Sweep, That was frustrating for soldescribed as the biggest in five diers primed for combat. months, ended Sunday in "When we hit the ground, we southeastern Afghanistan with were ready," said Sgt. 1st Class U.S. and coalition troops Charles McManus. "I'm not detaining nine people, seizing trying to be a warmonger or a ton of weapons and ammu-.

anything, but when you prep so nition but failing to engage any much, it's hard to come up with sizable al-Qaida or Taliban a dry hole." units in combat. The eight-day Operation fIt was clear to me there was Mountain Sweep took place in advance warning at each of the the provinces of Khost and Paksites we went to," Col. James tia, a rugged area with a large Huggins, commander ofthe 3rd number of Taliban and al-QaiBrigade Task Force of the da sympathizers. One of the 82nd Airborne Division, told Taliban commanders, Saif pool reporters. Rahman Mansour, is from a Huggins did not speculate prominent local family, and his about how Taliban and al-Qai- late father was revered as a da forces may have received hero of the war against the advance warning of the opera- Soviets in the 1980s.

tion. U.S. forces often coordi- Despite the lack of contact, nate with Afghan warlords and Lt. Col. Martin Schweitzer, a government units which are battalion commander, said the supposed to know the area of operation succeeded in driving operations better.

1-Qaida and Taliban fugitives However, some villages were deeper into the mountains. empty when U.S. troops "These dry holes may look arrived. In some cases, the dry, but they are really not troops expected to meet resis- because we are pushing al-Qai-. tance based on intelligence da to the east," he said.

"It is a information but were wel- little frustrating not to find the comed by village elders. big pockets of resistance we On Aug. 19, troops entered a had hoped to find, but in the town, where intelligence bigger strategy, it will all come reports indicated there was a together." large cache of weapons guard- Zormat is located near the Two hurt when bomb explodes in Afghanistan KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) A bomb exploded Sundayin a drainage ditch in front of a United Nations' guest house in the Afghan capital, injuring at least two Afghan civilians, a U.N. spokesman said. The blast shattered the window of a pharmacy across the street and left a small crater in a sewage canal filled with garbage.

There was no damage to the U.N. International Committee Association guest house, which is home to 45 foreigners employed by the United Nations, said Mohammed Mirzar, the house's manager. man and a girl injured in the blast were taken to the hospital, said U.N. spokesman Manoel de Almeida District police commander Zabet Agha Gul blamed the blast on opponents of the government, suggesting either alQaida or supporters of former scene of fighting in March between coalition forces and Taliban and al-Qaida combatants during Operation Anaconda, the biggest U.S. offensive group operation of the Afghan war.

At the time, U.S. officials said Taliban and al-Qaida prime minister Gulbuddin Hekmatyar. "We are searching for who did it, but for the time being nobody has been arrested," Gul said. Security in the Afghan cap. ital was stepped up following the July 6 assassination of Vice President Abdul Qadir.

His killers remain at large. On Aug. 15, an explosion in a storm drain broke windows but caused no injuries at the Afghan Telecommunications Ministry building in the heart of the capital. Afghan authorcities were unsure who was responsible. Last month, Afghan authorities said a would-be car bomber was arrested after a traffic accident en route to a target.

Afghan officials said he told interrogators he was assigned by al-Qaida to assas'sinate President Hamid Karzai or, failing that, to kill foreigners. forces had been driven from the area and large numbers of them killed. The fact that coalition troops are still operating in the area suggests, however, that many Taliban and al-Qaida fighters may have slipped back into the rugged territory. China to control 4 missile technology exports BEIJING (AP) China said against the proliferation of Sunday it issued new regula- weapons of mass destruction tions controlling the export of and their delivery systems." missile technology, taking The rules were signed into steps to ease U.S. concerns law by Premier Zhu Rongji on about transferring sensitive Thursday and togk effect the equipment to Middle East same day, Xinhua said.

nations, particularly Iran. White House praised However, the new rules the new export safeguards apparently do not ban outright Sunday, but made clear that the transfer of specific items many other weapons-related something Washington long issues remain on the table has urged Beijing to do. between the two nations. The new rules set out a "We have a broad nonproliflicensing system for exporting eration agenda with missile technology, requiring White House spokesman exporters to be registered and Michael Anton said. "Butthis is transfers to be approved by a good sign and we welcome it." government regulatory bodies, The Chinese announcement the official Xinhua News.

came as U.S. Deputy Secretary Agency said. of State Armitage Foreign Ministry arrived in Beijing. He is spokesman Kong Quan was expected to discuss a planned' quoted by Xinhua as saying visit to the United States in the new regulations demon- October by Chinese President strate that China "stands Jiang Zemin. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS MARTINSVILLE Timothy W.

Johnson and Angel Lee Johnson from Ralph Louis Judson and Kathryn A. Judson, lot, southeast side of Lanier Road, $111,000. William D. Sartin from Phillip P. Garrett and Karen W.

Garrett, Lot 24, Thomas Heights, $123,000. Glen E. Hairston from Chase Manhattan Bank, trustee, lot, Yorkshire $31,500. Phillip P. Garrett and Karen W.

Garrett from Branch Banking and Trust successor in interest to Piedmont Trust Bank, f. Henry County Sheriff H. Frank Cassell accepts a $500 check from Mike Young, president of the Fraternal Order of Eagles, aerie of Collinsville. The club donated the money for the sheriff's office effort to install cameras in patrol cars. Crime Stoppers raising funding Martinsville-Henry County Crime Stoppers Inc.

is conducting a fund-raising drive. The organization helps law enforcement in the area by providing rewards for infor-' mation leading to the arrest and conviction of people responsible for serious crimes such as murder, rape and drug activity. Information received remains anonymous. People with information about a crime committed in the area may call 911 and ask for Crime Stoppers. Since its inception, Crime Stoppers has helped solve more than 850 cases with a recovery value of more than $3 million, it states.

The organization offers rewards up to $1,000. It raises that money through donations from area businesses, industries and residents. Donations may be sent to Martinsville-Henry County Crime Stoppers P.O. Box 3382, Martinsville, Va. 24115.

BASSETT JR. RESCUE SQUAD The Bassett Jr. Rescue Squad, led by First Lt. Jonathan Joyce, recently held "Camp' Rescue" free of charge to children ages 9-13. The day camp was modeled after a camp of the same name conducted annually at the Matthews County Volunteer Rescue Squad.

Activities the children par-' ticipated in included presentations by guest speakers. J.R. Powell from the Henry County 911 center explained the service, Daniel Brown of the Army Corps of Engineers at Philpott Lake stressed the importance of water safety and responsible water conduct and Henry County Sheriff's Office Deputy Craig O'Der discussed the causes and effects of violence on children. Company 8 Bassett Volunteer Fire Department Chief Jimmy Craig, along with several members, displayed two fire trucks from their station. The children watched a presentation on fire safety in the home and spent some time climbing in and out of the trucks.

Papa John's contributed lunch and drinks. The Bassett Jr. Rescue Squad, along with the Bassett Rescue Squad, presented basic first aid skills. Youth were taught CPR, how to control bleeding, how to recognize heart attacks and the Heimlich Maneuver. Students participated in several hands-on scenarios to practice their skills.

The youth received certificates, information folders and first aid kits. Joyce said, "The camp was a success and I hope to hold another one next year. We were able to reach an audience we normally don't have access to. I believe this is a worthwhile program and I think it has a bright DUPONT RETIREES. Martinsville DuPont plant retirees and guests visited the Hagley Museum in Wilmington, earlier this month.

It features the company's original mills, DuPont estate and gardens and a museum that recently unveiled two new long-term exhibits to celebrate the company's 200th anniversary. Those attending from the area were director, Sandra Shumate, bus driver, Clyde Shumate, and retirees, Ross Sept. 9, and the first country ham and egg breakfast on. Sept. 28.

and Mary R. Brandt; Louise Covington; Connie Kirk; Armand and Ruby Harrell; Betty Weaver; Peggy Powell; Bill and Helen Wright; Bill and Opal Gilbert; Done and Iline. Hite; Howard and Elaine Fringer; Bob and Barbara Orsina; Melvin and Carole Cruise; Jo Anthony; Jeanette Newman; Gladys Young; Irene Joyce; and Durk and Chris Barco. Combined years of service for DuPont in this group equaled 501 years. The "DuPont Science and Discovery" display located on the third floor of the museum, opened July 20.

Displays explaining the science behind the products, including Fabrikoid, Pyralin, Duco, nylon, Lycra and Nomex were located there. A 1931 Chevrolet coupe displayed early DuPont products involving the auto industry. A duplicate of Jeff Gordon's No. 24 race car also stands there. Other exhibits and places the group visited included the "Explosives Era," Philadelphia, the Ross home, Independence Hall, the original Liberty Bell, Old Town Alexandria, Christ Church and the Waterfront the Torpedo factory.

Tr ToASTMASTERS Toastmasters met at Breakin' Bread in August with Stan Cobb, grammarian for the evening, introducing the word "obtuse." Audrey Kuykendall asked the table topics master, Christine Bennett, to present her topic, "Why would you buy this book to read?" Lynn Berry was given the book "Abundant Living," Cobb received "Cowboy Hall of Fame" and Kuykendall, the Bible. Pauline Lawson evaluated and Berry won. Three prepared speeches. were given. Walt Rhea offered "An Extraordinary Lady," and Mary Nell Wilshire evaluated him.

Bennett gave an acceptance speech for "Toastmaster of the Year." Susan Hodges evaluated her. Christina Mallard presented "What Happened?" Shirley Edwards evaluated her. Jean Fitzgerald served as timer and ballot keeper. Last year's president, Jerry Dalton, is area governor this year. The club received the "Select Distinguish Club" award.

RANGELEY RURITANS Rangeley Ruritans held their annual family picnic in August. They voted to give $200 to Jennifer Lawson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Lawson as a scholarship to East Tennessee State College. Five members volunteer to work the Sr.

Citizen dances on Tuesday nights. The club is selling Hi Road and Calendar ads. Upcoming events include the next director meeting, Before the Xinhua announcement, Armitage said he expected to discuss a "full range of issues with our Chinese friends." "I'm here in advance of the visit by President Jiang Zemin to President Bush at Crawford (Texas) in October," Armitage said. He said be also expected to brief Chinese leaders on his recent visits to Sri Lanka, India and Pakistan. Armitage will meet Chinese leaders Monday and departs Tuesday for Japan, the last stop on his five-nation sweep through Asia.

Chinese missile exports long have been a sticking point in relations with the United States. China promised in November 2000 to tighten export controls, but Washington imposed trustee under living trust agreement dated Feb. 15, 1979 with Lucy P. Broun, deceased, Lot 17, Sam Lions Trail, $215,000. Titan Industries from First Federal Sayings and Loan Association of Martinsville, Lot 72, Ranson Road, $51,000.

Penn A. Anthony Jr. from Kathryn Ruth Anthony Cook and James A. Anthony, all their interest in a lot on east side of Bondurant Street, $45,000. Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Transportation from Clay W.

Rea and Terry Gordon Rea, Liberty Street sanctions for China's allegedly supplying missile and nuclear arms technology to Pakistan. Washington has long urged Beijing to publish a list of banned technologies and clarify its rules on exports of other items. The U.S. State Department said in July that the United States would impose sanctions against nine Chinese companies for transferring sensitive equipment to the Middle East, principally to Iran. In return for its cooperation on proliferation, Beijing wants an end to such penalties as a ban on launching U.S.

commercial satellites on Chinese rockets. China also may be trying to undercut U.S. support for weapons sales to Taiwan, the island republic China considers its own. highway project right-of-way, $1,525. Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Transportation from John E.

and Mary Belcher and Barry and Kimberly M. Lackey, Liberty Street highway project right-of-way, $4,000. P.S Michael L. Craig and Brenda W. Craig from Martinsville Redevelopment and Housing Authority, tract containing 5.167.

acres, a portion of the same land acquired from Bassett Furniture Industries Inc. in 1997, northeast side of Rives Road, $30,000..

Martinsville Bulletin from Martinsville, Virginia (2024)
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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

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Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.