FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of the Democrat party and the January 6 Committee (2024)

by Wayne Creed 69 Comments

Commentary by Charles Landis.

To say there was an insurrection on January 6 is a fibbery. The House January 6 committee is no other than a fibbery. To say the 2020 election was fair and secure is a fibbery.

Art. 1 Sec .8 of the Constitution gives Congress the authority to declare and suppress an insurrection. Congress has not done this, will not do this, and no one has been or will be charged with insurrection. Period.

The January 6 Committee is a select committee where Speaker Pelosi had veto power of appointment of Republican members. She did not want the Republicans nominated and thus Liz Cheney is the token RINO member. Democrat chairmen also have the power to deny hearing of witnesses and evidence Republicans want to testify. The Committee should be viewed as a court proceeding where the defendant is not permitted to be represented by an attorney, have witnesses, or cross-examine. The Jan 6 Committee is no other than a distraction from the complete failure of the Biden administration in addressing every domestic and foreign crisis confronting the nation as reflected in every poll.

It is unfortunate that the Electoral Count act, and what Trump was trying to have VP Pence do have been totally ignored by the Jan 6 Committee, media, and Democrats as a matter of policy. Time and space do not allow an explanation of the complexities of the Act, but this should be fundamental to any honest inquiry into what happened on January 6. The procedure began with one representative and one senator contesting the certification of electors presented by Arizona and both houses recessing to the respective chamber for 2 hours to consider. Pence, however, had already informed Trump he would not disallow the count of any contested electors.

Had Pence done as Trump wanted and not counted the electoral votes from enough states to give the majority of electoral accounts to Trump, unprecedented chaos and violence assuredly would have resulted throughout the United States. Had Pence been allowed to proceed as he intended and without the intervention of rioters, there could have been a peaceful resolution however contentious.

The biggest fibbery is the deceitful and untruthful narrative spun by the Democrat party that the 2020 election was fair and most secure in our history. In a comprehensive story written by Time magazine, which may arguably be considered among the most bona fide anti-Trump media in America, they report the election was won by “a well-funded cabal of powerful people…working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage, and control media coverage. Zuckerberg alone gave grants of over $400 million to left-wing activist organizations to assist with administrative and staffing issues related to Covid issues.

2005 truly non-partisan Carter-Baker Commission on Federal Election Reform warned of the dangers of fraud with absentee voting. A major part of the Democrats’ strategy was the use of Covid concerns as a pretext for pushing for absentee voting. It worked as nearly half of the votes cast were mail-in. Together with third-party Democrat activist vote harvesting, and unmanned drop boxes the strategy of the Zuckerbucks worked.

The Commission reported the best assurance of vote integrity was photo ID. While Biden has said this was like Jim Crow laws, all 47 democratic countries in Europe require it and strictly limit mail-in voting because of fraud abuse, it is fibbery to say judges have adjudicated these issues when they simply dismiss them because of lack of standing.

If it weren’t in the script I’d say she’s batsh*t crazy. She’s covering up election fraud with this hoax.

— 🇺🇸cookboy🇺🇸 (@andrewsiff) July 23, 2022

Three days after the Capital riots, Pence met with the president of the Heritage Foundation, and they determined what happened in the 2020 election must never be allowed to happen again. To that end, the effort is being made to insure that the Constitutional mandate for only legislatures writes the rules are enforced, voter lists are cleaned up and the Commission recommendation for voter integrity is established in every state…Meanwhile, by H1 and S1, the Democrats are trying to federalize election laws and disregard the Constitution, the Commission report, and recommendations for election reform. They stand alone against every other democratic country in the West.

It is a great fibbery to say Democrats have ANY INTEREST IN ELECTION INTEGRITY.


  1. FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (1)Paul Plante says

    That this Pelosi-ite WITCH HUNTERS COMMITTEE is acting in a judicial capacity, a STAR CHAMBER proceeding, or KANGAROO COURT, or STALINIST SHOW TRIAL which would make Joe Stalin quite pleased to se his legacy of political repression being imported into the United States of America by these out-of-control, dictatorial Democrats including Republican defectors Lizzie Cheney, who took an axe and gave our Constitution forty whacks, and when the job was nicely done, gave our Bill of Rights forty-one, and Adam Kinzinger, arrogating unto themselves powers reserved to citizen grand juries, is made incandescently clear in these following words of GRAND INQUISTOR Bennie Thompson, a pompous Democrat ass, in his opening statement of the July 21, 2022 episode of this MADE-FOR-PRIMETIME-TV spectacle where Donald Trump, hated and feared by the Democrats who themselves have nothing to offer the American people, other than ignorance and disruption of our national government, which they have been doing continuously since 1996 after Hillary Clinton was rejected by the American people, is being tried in absentia, to wit:

    Let me offer a final thought about the Select Committee’s work so far.

    As we’ve made clear throughout these hearings, our investigation goes forward.

    We continue to receive new information every day.

    We continue to hear from witnesses.

    We will reconvene in September to continue laying out our findings to the American people.

    But as that work goes forward, a number of facts are clear.

    There can be no doubt that there was a coordinated, multistep effort to overturn an election overseen and directed by Donald Trump.

    There can be no doubt that he commanded a mob, a mob he knew was heavily armed, violent, and angry, to march on the Capitol to try to stop the peaceful transfer of power.

    And he made targets out of his own vice president and the lawmakers gathered to do the people’s work.

    These facts have gone undisputed, and so there needs to be accountability, accountability under the law, accountability to the American people, accountability at every level, from the local precincts in many states where Donald Trump and his allies attacked election workers for just doing their jobs, all the Way up to the Oval Office, where Donald Trump embraced the legal advice of insurrectionists that a federal judge has already said was a coup in search of a legal theory.

    Our democracy withstood the attack on January 6th.

    If there is no accountability for January 6th, for every part of this scheme, I fear that we will not overcome the ongoing threat to our democracy.

    There must be stiff consequences for those responsible.

    end quotes

    And then we had Virginia’s Elaine Luria, a WITCH HUNTER PAR EXCELLANCE, wrapping herself in the American flag and proving that at least in her case, patriotism is indeed the last refuge of a scoundrel, to wit:

    ELAINE LURIA: I served proudly for 20 years as an officer in the United States Navy.

    Veterans of our armed forces know firsthand the leadership that’s required in a time of crisis, urgent and decisive action that puts duty and country first.

    end quotes

    Well, Elaine, I personally am a veteran of our armed forces who served in combat in VEET NAM, having earned a silver star and two purple hearts in the course of doing so, as opposed to being a boiler operator on a boat out at sea, out of harm’s way, and having been following all of your propaganda for the last several years in here, and having known real leaders in the military, I know firsthand the leadership that’s required in a time of crisis, urgent and decisive action that puts duty and country first, and that clearly is not you.

    You continually brag about your oath, which you think somehow makes you special, but in the end, it is my belief that with respect to that oath, you, madam, are but a fraud and you prove that to the veterans of America by your continued participation in what is clearly an UN-AMERICAN activity where you are aiding and abetting the efforts of Nancy Pelosi, whose pet poodle you are, to subvert OUR CONSTITUTION, as opposed to defending it, as you would be doing by denouncing this STALINIST SHOW TRIAL as UN-AMERICAN, as opposed to being a willing participant spreading bald-faced lies to the American people, which conduct on your part quite frankly is disgusting.


  2. FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (2)J Wheaton says

    With due respect to Mr. Landis and Mr. Plante, you are both delusional. You and a subset of the Republican party.

    Regarding the Committee and the rules of not allowing representation – they are not Nancy’s rules, they are the nature of the committee. It is not a trial, you knew that but yet you wanted to throw in about cross-examination and representation.

    You focus on the composition of the Committee, ignoring the multitude of former administration representatives and their statements. They are under oath, their presentations were not cleverly edited. How do we know that? No one has come forward to say they were misrepresented.

    If and when the former President is charged then he can cross-examine the evidence. The Committee is acting just like any Grand Jury in our legal system. It is no witch hunt. Remember, most of the Republicans declined to participate. It wasn’t Nancy cherry-picking

    And finally the stolen election. Why is it that you lambs all believe the election was stolen? Are you saying only Democrats cheated? That is the most absurd assumption. Truly. You have Republican administrations saying “no, the count is correct” but yet all these out-of-state peeps say it was stolen


    • FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (3)Paul Plante says

      J Wheaton, those FARCICAL hearings, which would make Joe Stalin and Chairman Mao quite proud to see their methods imported into the United States, are SCRIPTED.

      And in America, and by the way, although I have said it numerous times, I am NOT a Republican, I am an INDEPENDENT, which means somebody who drinks nobody’s KOOL-AID, it is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and UNLAWFUL for the house of representatives to usurp the duties of a grand jury and arrogate unto themselves that power, it being known as ATTAINDER in violation Article I, Section 9, Clause 3, “No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed,” so when you say “The Committee is acting just like any Grand Jury in our legal system,” what you are telling us is that you condone UNCONSTITUTIONAL ACTS by these WITCH HUNTERS, which makes you out as a DEMOCRAT who hates America and what it stands for, and would rather live in a fascist country with a dictator and one-party rule, and you probably love Joe Stalin, as well.

      So let’s have this be a teaching moment, thanks to you, as follows:

      “Bills of attainder . . . are such special acts of the legislature, as inflict capital punishments upon persons supposed to be guilty of high offences, such as treason and felony, without any conviction in the ordinary course of judicial proceedings.”

      “If an act inflicts a milder degree of punishment than death, it is called a bill of pains and penalties.”

      “In such cases, the legislature assumes judicial magistracy, pronouncing upon the guilt of the party without any of the common forms and guards of trial, and satisfying itself with proofs, when such proofs are within its reach, whether they are conformable to the rules of evidence, or not.”

      “In short, in all such cases, the legislature exercises the highest power of sovereignty, and what may be properly deemed an irresponsible despotic discretion, being governed solely by what it deems political necessity or expediency, and too often under the influence of unreasonable fears, or unfounded suspicions.”

      The phrase “bill of attainder,” as used in this clause and in clause 1 of § 10, applies to bills of pains and penalties as well as to the traditional bills of attainder.

      The prohibition embodied in this clause is not to be narrowly construed in the context of traditional forms but is to be interpreted in accordance with the designs of the framers so as to preclude trial by legislature, which would violate the separation of powers.

      The clause thus prohibits all legislative acts, “no matter what their form, that apply either to named individuals or to easily ascertainable members of a group in such a way as to inflict punishment on them without a judicial trial.”

      And I have never said the election was “stolen,” which is stupid and ignorant Trump talk, and I didn’t vote for Trump, I have never spoken favorably about Trump, except now in comparison to Joe Biden, who is deemed even worse of a president than Trump.

      What I have said, and what the Congressional Record for 6 January 2021 clearly demonstrates, is that Joe Biden’s appointment as president by Nancy Pelosi and her pack of fools who have saddled us with a senile, moronic idiot was ILLIGITIMATE, as it was not conducted in accordance with OUR Constitution, and thus, Mike Pence should have been made interim president, and I have read every word of every speech made that day, before making comments about 6 January 2021.

      You obviously haven’t, perhaps because it would require you to have to exert yourself to not only read, but actually comprehend a real lot of words, many with more than just one syllable.

      So I do know what I am talking about, whereas you are simply blowing out hot air and displaying ignorance of basic American knowledge I learned by the seventh grade, if not earlier.

      But you do us all a big favor by doing so, so thanks from a grateful nation for that.


      • FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (4)J Wheaton says

        That’s funny Mr Plante, up to your old tricks again. Nowhere did I say they are a Grand Jury. You must be the smartest American, for no one, no one at all has brought up Article I, Section 9, Clause 3. Not even the former Presidents attorneys. The people that actually know the law.

        You would think from all the Republican Congressmen and women, and their staff someone in that group should have at least a third of the intellect you have and would have mentioned Article I, Section 9, Clause 3, but alas no. No one has.

        It is your opinion, more than likely wrong but your opinion nevertheless which in the terms of things doesn’t amount to a hill of beans.

        Funny, what you try to focus on and what you try to ignore. Superman, Batman, and Dirty Harry always got the bad guy. Broke every law there was in accomplishing that feat and you stood beside cheering them on. We have heard from a string of witnesses leading us to the “bad guy”. Yet, in this case, you want us to believe the “process” is illegitimate.

        An independent is nothing more than someone who can’t take a stand on an issue, keeps floppy back and forth, and sounds exactly like you. A convenient ” I didn’t vote for him”, “it’s not my Party” You are an IINO. Independent in name only.


        • FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (5)Paul Plante says

          J Wheaton: NO ONE at all has brought up Article I, Section 9, Clause 3.

          RESPONSE: And you, who knows not a ******* thing about America, where it is located on a map, and NOTHING about the Constitution are surprised by this?

          In a nation where at least 80.9 million people are active Twitter users, including ALL the Republicans who are totally worthless and all the Democrats, who are even more useless, which means they are brain-dead and functionally illiterate and incapable of absorbing more than a few words at a time, most of it gibberish?

          You’re a hoot, J Wheaton.

          J Wheaton: You would think from all the Republican Congressmen and women, and their staff someone in that group should have at least a third of the intellect you have and would have mentioned Article I, Section 9, Clause 3, but alas no.

          RESPONSE: You in your delusional state might think that, but I don’t.

          What I think is that in Washington, D.C., you will find a collection of the most stupid people in America put there by people who are even more stupid.

          Look at Joe Biden, for example, and Karmela Harris, or Trump.

          What is the collective IQ of all those people?


          And for confirmation of that reality that now pervades ignorant America, check out this Washington Examiner article titled “Joe Biden’s numbers are terrible, but Kamala Harris’s are even worse” by David Freddoso on 22 July 2022, to wit:

          According to the latest Quinnipiac poll, President Joe Biden has a 35% favorable rating.

          If you think that’s bad, his 31% job approval rating is even worse.

          And just to look at a couple of key Democratic demographics, 63% of voters under 35 and fully 70% of Hispanic voters disapprove of his job performance.

          That’s pretty bad going into the midterm elections.

          In fact, it’s bad enough that former President Donald Trump, currently the subject of hearings that have a 48% plurality of voters convinced that he committed a crime (versus 44% no crime), has a better approval rating in this poll and leads Biden head-to-head in seven of the last eight surveys that asked the question.

          Meanwhile, 71% of adults and 54% of Democrats don’t want Biden to run again.

          So what happens if Biden doesn’t run for reelection?

          Some people might think the natural choice is Vice President Kamala Harris.

          But this poll puts her favorable rating at 9 points behind Biden’s — 26%.

          And believe it or not, the first black woman vice president has a lower favorable rating with black people (48% versus 61% for Biden), women (36% versus 43% for Biden), and Democrats (61% versus 79% for Biden) than the white, male, least popular president in the history of polling.

          If Democrats want to win in 2024 without Joe Biden, I have a feeling they’re going to need to look outside of Washington for a candidate who repulses people less.

          J Wheaton: We have heard from a string of witnesses leading us to the “bad guy”. Yet, in this case, you want us to believe the “process” is illegitimate.

          RESPONSE: YOU have heard from a string of witnesses, while I have READ the transcripts, word for word for word, a lot of words about what those witnesses, especially the GOSSIP GIRL Cassidy Hutchinson have had to say, and it is STUPID SCRIPTED BULL****.

          Why the WITCH HUNTERS have this horse**** that you savor so much on PRIMETIME TV is because when people watch TV, their brain activity, minimal as it already is given that watching TV causes cognitive decline and reduced gray matter in the brain later in life, switches from the left side of the brain (responsible for logical thought and critical analysis) to the right side which is significant because the right side of the brain tends not to critically analyze incoming information, whereas reading like I do increases neural connections in the brain, not a mental decline.

          For an example of just how very stupid this all is, according to OUR Constitution, a president of the United States of America, has NO CONTROL whatsoever on what we think or do, so on 6 January 2021, Trump had NO CONTROL over that mob.

          According to OUR Constitution, anything happening INSIDE the federal district, the TEN MILES SQUARE, is the responsibility of the CONGRESS, and the government of Washington. D.C., and the security of the Capitol was the responsibility of Nancy Pelosi and Charley “Chuck” Schumer, not Trump.

          THAT IS THE LAW!

          But today, given this is now a democracy where everything is mutable, the “law” has become whatever the howling mob wants it to be, and the mob wants that responsibility to be put on Trump.

          And there you are, at the head of the howling mob, howling the loudest.

          Remember Sallust from fourth or fifth grade, J Wheaton?

          “Only a few prefer liberty- the majority seek nothing more than fair masters.”


  3. FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (6)David says

    Mr Landis as always has presented a clear and thoughtful piece on the Fraudulent election of 2020. To say that Pence would not decertify the electors from questionable ballots because he was afraid that the Left would unleash their BLM and Antifa Thugs causing major destruction shows what an unfit leader he actually is. A leader is not intimidated by the mob. The USA will never heal until strong measures are taken to eliminate dark money in our elections and the Thugs are dealt with decisively.


  4. FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (7)Bill Smith says

    Mr. Wheaton, it is you that is the delusional one. Mr. Plante and Mr. Landis are exactly correct! The current democrap party is the stain on American history!!


    • FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (8)J Wheaton says

      Mr. Smith, in case you forgot, the Republican Party was in charge during the riot or shall we just ignore that fact?

      The Republican President essentially neglected his duties on that day. The same President, with no evidence whatsoever, said the election was stolen.

      The party that touts its law and order track record seems to have forgotten what they represent.

      Mr. Landis and Mr. Plante are both howling at the moon. If the Republican Party does not want to participate in democracy, it’s on them. If the Republican politicians have no balls, so be it. Behind closed doors, they ALL talk about the dereliction of duty of President Small Hands but only a small minority of them upheld their duty and had the guts to publicly condemn it Sure sounds like it’s Party before Country. Very patriotic.


      • FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (9)Paul Plante says

        J Wheaton: The Republican Party was in charge during the riot.

        RESPONSE: Out of all the moronic statements our good friend J Wheaton has posted here in response to Mr. Landis and myself and Mr. Smith, this takes the cake!

        This is something that someone whose brain was fried from binge-watching too much television would say.

        It is so moronic that it cannot be adequately responded to.

        Perhaps one day J Wheaton can go further and explain what it is he is trying to say there with that stupid comment, but I doubt it.


        • FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (10)J Wheaton says

          Mr Plante, from your reply and the avoidance of the original topic I assume you have nothing really to say in defense of your skewed view of current happenings

          My “moronic” statements are points of fact that we understand you have problems with. You have read the transcripts and determined it’s “scripted bullsh*t” Isn’t that just an opinion? An opinion of yours? How can it be that other witnesses substantiated her descriptions? All from the ex-President’s staff. Is it an all-encompassing plot? Enlisting not only Democrats but Republicans too? There are so many in on this that they must hold their meetings in a convention center or stadium. How come we haven’t stumbled on a meeting yet?

          One more point based in fact. You said “…and the security of the Capitol was the responsibility of Nancy Pelosi and Charley “Chuck” Schumer, not Trump.”

          Actually, the security of the Capitol is the responsibility of the Capitol Police who are made up of officers who are professional, patriots, veterans and not, male and female, Republicans, Democrats, and Independents. We saw them defending the Capitol without, with one exception using deadly force. We all saw them being overrun on the TV. Probably the same network our former President was watching, who had the power to reinforce the Capitol Police but did nothing. Tell me, in Vietnam when being overrun, didn’t someone answer that radio call?

          As I said earlier, you and Mr. Landis are delusional. There has been zero evidence produced to support your claims. However, there have been buckets of evidence of an ex-President who put himself before his Country, who asked people to lie for him.

          Do us all a favor and don’t respond unless you can actually address the issues I brought up. We don’t need to hear about 1834 or some other year that has no bearing on the topic.

          Note: Dude, Ashlee Babbit was the only one killed that day, shot point-blank by the Capitol Police, who by the way waved protesters into the building (on video). There were people on the scene begging them to intervene and stop the breach but they just shrugged (on video). Who is Ray Epps? Who gave the order to unlock the doors and let the joy riders in (I lived in DC, been to that building, and you don’t just waltz in). We have questions.


          • FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (11)Paul Plante says

            J Wheaton, I do believe that you have a JD and are a practicing attorney, because in my opinion, based on experience with the trade and the breed, NOBODY can put out BULL**** like somebody with a JD can.

            Outside of learning to cadge and dun money from people, the only other thing law school deems to do is to teach the students how to be world-class BULL*****, although the latent talent has to pre-exist the admission into law school, which is why I never went there.

            The stench of corruption assailed my nostrils from a considerable distance away, and it was too sickening and revolting as to be bearable.

            You have managed to spread so much BULL**** here that it is almost impossible to know where to begin to debunk it all, and for what purpose?

            People who TWEET on TWITTER and who are told what to think and belive by TWEETS on TWITTER do not read the Cape Charles Mirror because it is beyond their abilities, and the same goes for those who are watching and believing what they are being to told to believe by these WITCH HUNTERS including Bennie Thompson, Elaine Luria and Lizzie Cheney who is in the news this morning as eying a run for president in 2024, using her position as a WITCH HUNTER to get her name in the news and in the minds of the people who watch this BULL**** on PRIMETIME TV.

            So what I am going to continue to do is to keep posting from the transcripts to get it all on the record for the sake of posterity.

            And I do believe that the CIA was more successful than ever with MKULTRA in frying the brains of countless people in America while I was in VEET NAM to turn them into mindless drones unable to think, and thus, were made easy to manipulate and control, or we would not be in the sorry state we are now in, where millions upon millions of people have voted to put a mindless moron into the white house and are now suffering sever buyer’s remorse, like some Kiwanian or JC member at an out-of-town convention waking up from an all-night bender in a gutter in a red-light district with their pants around their knees, their wallet, credit cards, car keys and cell phone gone, and wondering how they managed to get themselves there.

            Very pathetic this nation has become, J Wheaton.

          • FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (12)J Wheaton says

            Wayne, why am I not surprised you didn’t mention Sisnick.

            Ray Epps – a great conspiracy theory! There is a reason they don’t call them conspiracy facts. Why has no one from the Oath Keepers pointed a finger at Epps? If he was working for the FBI, don’t you think they would make him disappear? Maybe have an accident? You all claim that’s what the Clintons do.

            No Epps is another made-up thing. He talked to the Committee and under oath said he was not an informant nor has he ever worked for the FBI or government. Before you bring up his picture coming of the most wanted. He was found, and the FBI didn’t need the public help anymore but the great conspirators didn’t mention the FBI regularly takes people off the list when they are found or no longer wanted for questioning.

            Unlocking the door? That’s what you are concerned about? They were smashing through windows. Why don’t you be concerned about an ex-President who had boatloads of people telling him to do something and yet sat there and let Rome burn. It’s quite clear who is responsible.

            Note: Who is Ray Epps? Who opened the doors? Who shot Babbit? Who let them in? It’s all on video.

  5. FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (13)Robbie Parks says

    Ostracize and shun all Democrats. Start today.


  6. FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (14)Paul Plante says

    J Wheaton: You have read the transcripts and determined it’s “scripted bullsh*t”

    Isn’t that just an opinion?

    An opinion of yours?

    RESPONSE: Of course it is my opinion!

    What a dumb question?

    Who else’s opinion would it be?


    • FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (15)J Wheaton says

      That comment on your opinion was your belief the disposition was scripted. That is laughable or maybe you don’t just don’t understand the law.

      “Very pathetic this nation has become” you are absolutely right because of people just like you.


  7. FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (16)Paul Plante says

    I’m surprised that J Wheaton, who is the most clued-in dude among us, has not made any mention of the fact that Lizzie Cheney, a major-league WITCH HUNTER, is contemplating making a run for president in 2024.

    I’m surprised J Wheaton has said nothing about how Lizzie has managed to damage her political opponent Trump using these PRIMETIME TV SHOWS as her platform, which gives her FREE ADVERTISING in a venue where she cannot be cross-examined or questioned as to anything she says to an audience of around 20 million people.

    One must wonder at his silence on that subject, Lizzie Cheney using these WITCH HUNTER hearings to aggrandize herself while damaging her main political opponent.

    Reminds me of the Democrats impeaching Trump for wanting “political dirt” on this senile fool Joe Biden the Democrats saddled us with on 6 January 2021 to “damage his political opponent.”

    And now that the Democrats have saddled us with this senile fool, they are mewling and puling and whining and crying about what a serious mistake they made, although it is far too late for that now, the damage to the nation and the Democrats having already been done, and the irony is that even with the damage Lizzie Cheney has done to Trump, polls have him leading Joe Biden in 2024, while Lizzie’s chances to get re-elected are slipping backwards, and in polls for 2024, she has a whopping ONE PERCENT support.


  8. FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (17)J Wheaton says

    That comment on your opinion was your belief the disposition was scripted. That is laughable or maybe you don’t just don’t understand the law.

    “Very pathetic this nation has become” you are absolutely right because of people just like you.


    • FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (18)Paul Plante says

      Actually, J Wheaton, I understand the law quite well, and this COMICAL FARCE, an ABSURDIST DRAMA straight out of National Lampoon, has absolutely nothing to do with the “law.”

      To the contrary, it makes an absolute MOCKERY of the concept of rule of law, being nothing more than an appeal to the mob using PRIMETIME TV as the medium of the dissemination of this absolute HORSE**** you are trying and failing miserably to defend.

      While thanks to the good offices of the Cape Charles Mirror I have been diligently posting, word for word for word, the OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT of the June 28, 2022 episode of this FARCE where it is WITCH HUNTER Lizzie Cheney doing the testifying using the GOSSIP GIRL Cassidy Hutchinson as her stage prop or ventriloquist’s dummy, and as the SCRIPTED TESTIMONY of Lizzie rolls forth, I have been dissecting it, and demonstrating the falsehoods and inconsistencies that you, an obvious ideologue unable to think for yourself are trying vainly to defend.

      So how come you aren’t over there, defending the actual transcript, instead of being over here slinging more BULL**** in a defense of the BULL**** being hurled at us by the bucketful by these WITCH HUNTERS including Virginia’s own Elaine Luria?

      In your deluded state, you tell us above here as follows:

      However, there have been buckets of evidence of an ex-President who put himself before his Country, who asked people to lie for him.

      end quote

      PROVE IT!

      Do like I am doing, thanks to the PATRIOTISM of the Cape Charles Mirror, and go into the transcripts and give us FACTS, not innuendo.

      If there are in fact buckets of evidence of an ex-President who put himself before his Country, who asked people to lie for him, then it should be a real cakewalk for you to go into the transcripts which the CCM has already posted for you to point them out to us, and make us all that much more educated as you so obviously are.

      IF you have all this proof, why do you keep it to yourself?

      Why aren’t you doing as I am doing courtesy of the CCM and sharing it with us?

      Why are you hurling childish insults, instead of educating us?

      Because you can’t?

      And by the way, an INDEPENDENT like myself is someone who does not need labels to define him or herself.

      An INDEPENDENT is the opposite of what you are, which is a programmed ideologue clinging to the Democrat party and the label DEMOCRAT as a means of defining who you are, because outside of that label, you are an empty sack.

      A bag of nothing.

      A hot wind blowing.

      GIVE US FACTS, J Wheaton!

      PROVE your points.

      If you can.


      • FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (19)J Wheaton says

        Mr Plante, we all know you are the carnival barker here calling everyone into the big tent. For all your supposed intellect you sure seem not to understand a lot or actually reason very well.

        The facts are all out there, presented by actual people in the former administration. Since you can’t debate on a fact, let’s just call this off.

        You can now start on the personal assassination of my character, for you are as typical as Mr Bell.


        • FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (20)Paul Plante says

          Do you realize that your comments really do not make any sense to a sane and rational person?


        • FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (21)Paul Plante says

          GRAND INQUISTOR Bennie Thompson, a pompous Democrat ass, in his opening statement of the July 21, 2022 episode of this MADE-FOR-PRIMETIME-TV spectacle: There can be no doubt that he commanded a mob, a mob he knew was heavily armed, violent, and angry, to march on the Capitol to try to stop the peaceful transfer of power.

          end quote


          “A timeline of how the Jan. 6 attack unfolded — including who said what and when”

          Updated June 9, 2022

          2:38 p.m. Trump tweets again, calling for support of the Capitol Police and law enforcement.

          He urges people to “stay peaceful.”

          end quote

          CONCLUSION: Bennie Thompson is full of **** and an ignorant liar, to boot.


        • FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (22)Paul Plante says

          The personal assassination of your character?

          You’re the one doing a bang up job of that your own self without need for any help from me, so I will just leave you at it, because you are doing just fine on your own!

          I’m more interested in presenting facts to refute the BULL**** being tossed at us by the WITCH HUNTERS than I am in talking about you, given that on that subject, there really isn’t anything I can add that you haven’t already put on display in here.


        • FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (23)Paul Plante says

          J WHEATON: The facts are all out there, presented by actual people in the former administration.

          RESPONSE: Keeping in mind that J Wheaton’s purpose in here is to deflect us away from the topic at hand in the OP (original post) by feeding us a string or series of bull**** statements like this one just above here that I am responding to, before answering further, let us go to the FindLaw Legal Dictionary for the legal definition of the word “inflammatory” with respect to evidence or testimony such as we were getting from WITCH HUNTER Lizzie Cheney acting as her own witness on 28 June 2022, and Virginia’s naval hero Elaine Luria on 21 July 2022, where we have as follows: tending to cause anger, animosity, or indignation.

          On 21 July 2022, that is exactly what Virginia’s Elaine Luria was up to with this kind of crap coming out of her mouth that day, to wit:

          ELAINE LURIA: So if President Trump wasn’t calling law enforcement or military leaders, what did President Trump spend his time doing that afternoon while he first settled into the dining room?

          He was calling Senators to encourage them to delay or object to the certification.

          Here’s Kayleigh McEnany, his press secretary, to explain.

          [Begin Videotape]

          UNKNOWN: All right.

          That says back there and he wants list of Senators.

          And then he’s calling them one by one.

          Do you know which ones he called?

          KAYLEIGH MCENANY: To the best of my recollection, no.

          As I say in my notes, he wanted a list of the Senators.

          And, you know, I left him at that point.

          [End Videotape]

          ELAINE LURIA: Because the Presidential call log is empty, we do not yet know precisely which Senators President Trump was calling.

          end quotes

          Oh, BULL****, Elaine!

          What a bunch of hog crap you are spewing there!

          In your testimony, Elaine, which you are reading off a script put together for you by the best soap opera script writers Hollywood has to offer, it is YOU who are testifying that on 6 January 2021, Trump was calling Senators to encourage them to delay or object to the certification.


          So you are just spouting inflammatory bull**** intended to inflame the passions of the MOB you are appealing to.

          You stupidly put forth Kayleigh McEnany, an “actual people in the former administration” as J Wheaton calls her, as your corroboration, and her testimony is that she has no idea if Trump called anyone on 6 January 2021 because SHE WAS NOT THERE.

          And after you, Elaine have testified, without proof or evidence that Trump was “calling Senators to encourage them to delay or object to the certification,” you wheel back around and then testify that “Because the Presidential call log is empty, we do not yet know precisely which Senators President Trump was calling,” which is to say, you don’t know what you are talking about, but you don’t need to, because in all truth, who is going to bother to pour down through the transcript word for word for word to debunk your lies?

          Outside of the Cape Charles Mirror, that is?

          It certainly won’t be J Wheaton, and that is a FACT!

          And it is another FACT that Elaine Luria is as full of **** as Bennie Thompson, a prime requisite to be one of Nancy Pelosi’s WITCH HUNTERS as well as being her pet poodle.

          So debate those facts, if you can, J Wheaton!

          The candid world is waiting on you to do so!


          • FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (24)J Wheaton says

            1. This is NOT a trial but you already know that, you ignore the fact.
            2. Trump is in violation of the Presidential Records Act for his 8hr phone log gap.
            2. When charges are brought there will be a subpoena for his phone records and then you’ll see he wasn’t calling to bring help nor was he calling Mickey Dees for a take-out order.

            Though you keep reminding us of how smart you are this isn’t a trial. This Committee is not trying to prove guilt or innocence. They are determining whether there is enough evidence that charges should be brought against the former President, that he was derelict in his duties and didn’t uphold his oath.

            Luria does not have to PROVE he called Senators. Any mindless fool knows the proof will have to come if this goes to trial. We do know he didn’t call for help. Who did he call? Why is there no phone log for that period of time, yet there are logs for other days and earlier in the day?

    • FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (25)Paul Plante says

      And why do you think that people who can read and write and think for themselves are the ones who make this nation pathetic?

      What a strange point of view that is.


    • FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (26)Stuart Bell says

      Who died and left you in charge?


    • FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (27)Paul Plante says


      LIZ CHENEY: In fact, in the days before January 6th and on January 6th itself, President Trump expressed to multiple White House aides that he wanted to go to the Capitol after his speech.

      Here’s what various White House aides have told the committee about the president’s desire to go to the Capitol.

      [Begin videotape]

      UNKNOWN: Did the president tell you this, that he wanted to speak at the Capitol.

      MAX MILLER: Correct.


      UNKNOWN: During the meeting in the dining room, did the — the idea of the president proceeding or walking to the Capitol on the 6th after his speech come up?

      MAX MILLER: Walking to the Capitol?


      UNKNOWN: Driving to the Capitol?

      MAX MILLER: It came up.

      UNKNOWN: Ok.

      How did it come up and what was discussed?

      MAX MILLER: He brought it up.

      He said I want to go down to the Capitol.

      UNKNOWN: What about him marching to the Capitol on the 6th?

      NICK LUNA: Yes.

      UNKNOWN: Tell us about that.

      NICK LUNA: So, it’s kind of a general thing.

      I mean, to get into the specifics of it, I — I was aware of the desire of the president to potentially march to the — or — or accompany the rally attendees to the Capitol.

      UNKNOWN: When did you first hear about this idea of the president accompanying rally attendees to the Capitol on the 6th?

      NICK LUNA: Well, this was at the 6th.

      This was during the — and after he finished his remarks.

      [End videotape]

      “UNKNOWN” is believed to be a professional witness coach brought in from Hollywood by the smarmy pencil-neck Adam “SHIFTY” Schiff, the congress person for Hollywood and Disneyland.


    • FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (28)Paul Plante says


      ELAINE LURIA: We know virtually all the rioters were motivated by President Trump’s rhetoric that the election had been stolen, and they felt they needed to take their country back.

      end quotes

      The ability to read the minds of several thousand people in Washington, D.C. on 6 January 2021 and to know their most intimate thoughts is a skill that Elaine Luria learned during her 20 years in the Navy, and it is such a comfort to see her using that skill as a mind reader to protect our SACRED DEMOCRACY from the BASKET OF DEPLORABLES and DREGS OF SOCIETY who came to Washington on 6 January 2021 to support Trump.


    • FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (29)Paul Plante says

      Article VI The Supreme Law

      Clause 2 Supremacy Clause

      This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

      “Law of the land” is synonymous with “due process of law.”


  9. FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (30)J Wheaton says

    Funny Mr. Bell, who said you can speak?

    Next up – Mr Bell showing his internet muscles. How predictable.


    • FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (31)Publius Americanus says

      I get the feeling you’d have drank the kool aid quite happily.


  10. FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (32)Charles A. Landis says

    Mr. Wheaton
    Either you did not read my commentary, you did not understand, or did not do your home work.
    The Electora;l Vvote count Act is not delusional. Th e Carter/Baker Election Reform Commission is not delusional. Voter harvesting, drop boxes, and Zuckerbuck s are not delusional.
    By Separation of powers, President can not call troops to address riot at Capitol unless requested by Congress. Trump offered day before but Pelosi declined, Capital police report to Pelosi. At no time during riot did anyone with authority even try to contact Trump
    A closed mind serves you poorly. DO YOR HOMEWORK
    RES Publica


    • FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (33)J Wheaton says

      Mr Landis I have done my homework. Please look up the DC National Guard which is not a State Guard but a Federal one. See who is in command of the unit. Then come back to me and ask who has done their homework.


      • FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (34)Publius Americanus says

        Um, they are all Federal yet under the authority of the Governor, and in DC the stand in for the Gov?
        Nice homework, Mr. Landis.
        Mr. Wheaton, more ice for your kool aid?


      • FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (35)Paul Plante says

        Here is a dose of REALITY for you on that subject, J Wheaton, which dose of reality flies in the face of this BULL**** being fed to us by the WITCH HUNTERS and Elaine Luria that it was Trump who failed to act on 6 January 2021 with regard to the DC National Guard when as we can clearly see, and this is OLD NEWS, the matter was completely out of Trump’s hands, to wit:


        “Why the DC National Guard’s role was limited during US Capitol riot”

        By Lolita C. Baldor, The Associated Press and Robert Burns, The Associated Press

        Jan 12, 2021

        WASHINGTON — In the aftermath of the deadly riot at the U.S. Capitol last week, questions are being raised about why the District of Columbia National Guard played such a limited role as civilian law enforcement officers were outnumbered and overrun.

        The questions also highlight concern about the potential for violence to erupt again next week when President-elect Joe Biden is inaugurated at the Capitol, and whether the Guard should play a bigger or different role.

        Use of the Guard, particularly in Washington, is a complicated process, tangled in an array of jurisdictional issues between city and federal agencies.
        The original plans called for having a small National Guard presence with a limited role.

        When rioters ransacked the Capitol on Wednesday, it wasn’t easy to quickly pivot to having a larger, more muscular force capable of backing up the embattled Capitol Police.

        Top city, defense, Capitol and law enforcement officials had to figure out what was needed and where it was needed.

        They also struggled to get the required approvals and then get the Guard members instructed, equipped and on their way.

        A look at what slowed down the Guard’s response and its role in the run-up to inauguration:


        Bottom line: It was a planning problem complicated by a logistical challenge.

        Once officials determined that more Guard were needed than original envisioned, it took time to put them in position.

        About 340 members of the D.C. National Guard had been requested by Mayor Muriel Bowser.

        Because the District is not a state, the Defense Department has authority over the D.C. Guard, and that control is delegated to Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy.

        The Pentagon approved Bowser’s request for Guard troops to support D.C. police for the protests.

        Based on the agreement with D.C., the Guard members were deployed early last week to about 30 checkpoints and a half-dozen Metro entrances.

        The agreement stipulated that their deployment was restricted to traffic control and crowd issues, and they specifically were not to be armed or in riot gear.

        The Capitol Police, who have authority over the Capitol grounds, repeatedly declined support from the Guard before Wednesday.

        Officials say they did not expect a huge, violent protest.

        When the riot began Wednesday, the couple hundred D.C. Guard members already on the streets needed an explicit request from federal authorities to go to the Capitol, since that is federal jurisdiction.

        The Guard also needed approval from the Pentagon and new orders to change their mission.

        They then had to return to their armory to get riot gear and a briefing on what they would be doing at the Capitol.

        The deployment discussions triggered complaints that the Pentagon delayed the Guard deployment.

        But defense officials defended the need for a careful, deliberate process.

        “It’s important that in the midst of a dire situation we have a clear plan and understand the task, purpose, and role of our Guardsman before we employ them,” said Lt. Gen. Walter Piatt, director of the Army staff.

        “Creating shared understanding will prevent a complex and potentially dangerous situation from getting worse.”

        As that was happening, officials activated the entire D.C. Guard — 1,100 members.

        But Guard members who had not already been activated were, as usual, at their homes, their regular jobs or even in other states, and it took time for them to respond.


        Pentagon officials and other national and city leaders are very sensitive to the optics of the U.S. military appearing to arrest or lay hands on American citizens on U.S. soil.

        They prefer to leave law enforcement to federal, state and city police agencies.

        Many are still stinging from the chaotic law enforcement response last June to Washington street protests over the killing of George Floyd by police in Minneapolis.

        Critics decried what they saw as an overly militarized approach to containing the problem.

        This was in part due to the military-style clothing worn by some federal law enforcement personnel.

        With that in mind, the D.C. request last week largely limited the Guard to traffic control.

        They were not authorized to perform law enforcement duties.

        In any state, Guard members may do law enforcement activities if needed and approved by the governor in a crisis.

        In most cases, however, Guard members are used to support law enforcement.

        As an example, last Wednesday police SWAT and other tactical units went into the Capitol to roust out the rioters, while the Guard fell in behind them and set up a security perimeter around the building to ensure no one else got in.

        Guard members did not enter the Capitol.


        • FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (36)J Wheaton says

          Would you like to review the chain of command at the Pentagon? Can move without the authorization of the President. Really, your brightness is starting to dim.


  11. FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (37)Charles A. Landis says

    Mr, Wheaton
    You now convince that you not only did not do your homework but you do not know how to do your homework. Further, you appear to have no understanding of the Constitution or our form of government.
    Nowhere in the ‘Homework” you say you did will you find any authority is given to the President t(or anyone else) o send National Guard or or any other federal forces into the US Capitol or the Supreme Court without a request to do so. It is in the Constitutional provision for separation of powers. Absent this requirement any President could take over the other branches of government t by force…. For any reason he chooses . To do as you believe is done in dictatorships.
    Note the Democrats controlled both houses of Congress so it is all on them
    Your ”homework” is not relevant to the issue at hand.DO IT RIGHT NOW.

    Res Publica


    • FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (38)J Wheaton says

      Mr Landis obviously you are clouded by your own belief. Where did I say the Guard could enter the building? Someone needed to disperse the mob and reduce their numbers. The Guard could have done that on orders from the President.

      It’s funny we haven’t heard anything from the ex-President or his former administration that the reason he didn’t call out the Guard was because of the Constitution. That is extremely laughable and makes the position you are taking extremely weak.

      Again the ex-President didn’t call the Guard because he didn’t really want to do anything.


      • FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (39)Paul Plante says

        You’re like talking to a wall, J Wheaton.

        You have your ideological belief and you cling to it like a child clinging to its comfort blanket.

        It is a waste of time to give you facts, because you don’t believe facts.

        You are something else and that is a fact.


        The title “commander in chief” is HONORARY.

        Because the District is not a state, the Defense Department, not the president, has authority over the D.C. Guard, and that control on 6 January 2021 was delegated to Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy, not Trump.

        So stop throwing ignorant BULL**** at us, J Wheaton, we’re already getting an overdose from Elaine Luria.


        • FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (40)J Wheaton says

          Mr Plante why don’t you just give up? You want it to be so doesn’t make it so. From your favorite source Wikipedia:

          “The president of the United States is the commander-in-chief for the District of Columbia National Guard. Command is exercised through the secretary of defense and the commanding general, Joint Force Headquarters (JFHQ), District of Columbia National Guard. The Secretary of Defense has delegated his command authority to the secretary of the Army for the District of Columbia Army National Guard and the secretary of the Air Force for the District of Columbia Air National Guard.[2] The District of Columbia National Guard is commanded by a major general with a brigadier general as his or her adjutant general. The mayor of the District of Columbia, the United States marshal for the District of Columbia, or the National Capital Service director may request the commander-in-chief to aid them in suppressing insurrection and enforcement of the law; however, there is no chain of authority from the District of Columbia to the D.C. National Guard.[3]”

          So, if Trump picks up the phone and tells the DC Guard to get over there, they go. He is the Commander in Chief of all federal forces. So what can’t you understand?

          As I have said before, you are a shining example of what is wrong with this nation. Everyone is wrong and only you have the answers.

          Note: Calling in the NG would have been an extremely bad tactical decision, so just hard stop on this. Anyone with even marginal experience would understand that the Capitol Police, with even just a little bit of help from DC could handle this situation (if they wanted to). By the time the NG was mobilized, the thing would have played itself out, as it did. The crowd was unarmed, and once they were allowed inside, basically just milled about. The mob was rough and angry, but nobody was shot at (accept Babbit), or stabbed, or hung from the rafters, and nobody tried to burn the place down. Damage to the structure was minimal. Those that partook in the activities should be charged with criminal trespass and destruction of property. Leftist drama queens urinating themselves and clutching their elitist pearls may need to take a moment and reflect on the reason that drove the ordinary people to such lengths, and to offer such as show of anger at THEIR government. One point of agreement, Trump calling the rally and tapping into that anger, essentially fomenting the situation was stupid, and while not criminal, or even negligent (just dumb), certainly, in my opinion, makes him unfit to hold office in the future. The installation of the current president, and how that happened is the meta-narrative the Democrats want to keep cloaked in darkness despite the effect that it is having on the ordinary middle-class American. That appears to be what the Jan 6 hearings are really trying to accomplish.


          • FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (41)Paul Plante says

            WAYNE CREED: Anyone with even marginal experience would understand that the Capitol Police, with even just a little bit of help from DC could handle this situation (if they wanted to).



            “Exclusive: Classified Documents Reveal the Number of January 6 Protestors”

            By William M. Arkin on 12/23/21

            Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller told the Congress that some 8,000 “local and Federal law enforcement officers were on duty in the District of Columbia” on January 6.

            “I was told during planning sessions leading up to January 6 that such a force routinely manages demonstrations well north of 100,000 demonstrators.”

      • FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (42)Paul Plante says

        The purely military aspects of the Commander-in-Chiefship were those that were originally stressed.

        Alexander Hamilton said the office “would amount to nothing more than the supreme command and direction of the Military and naval forces, as first general and admiral of the confederacy.”

        Joseph Story wrote in his Commentaries: “The propriety of admitting the president to be commander in chief, so far as to give orders, and have a general superintendency, was admitted.”

        “But it was urged, that it would be dangerous to let him command in person, without any restraint, as he might make a bad use of it.”


      • FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (43)Paul Plante says

        And IF he had called out the National Guard on 6 January 2021 at 1:00 PM in the afternoon, what would have happened?

        Besides NOTHING!

        Do you mistake the DC National Guard for the Delta Force, or the 82d Airborne, being in barracks ready to deploy at a moment’s notice, the way Joe Biden has them now scattered around Europe?

        The NG, J Wheaton, are what are called CITIZEN SOLDIERS.

        They drill one weekend a month, and do two weeks training during the summer.

        The rest of the time, they are civilians, just like you.

        So what would have happened had Trump called them out on 6 January 2021?

        They would have had to be rounded up from where they were as civilians.

        That means not only the privates, but more importantly, the chain of command, including the officers and sergeants.

        UNTIL the chain of command was assembled, the privates would have experienced “HURRY UP AND WAIT,” which is an age-old military term.

        The officers, once assembled, would have had to be briefed by their higher-ups as to what the mission was going to be.

        That word would then have had to filter down to the troops.

        Transporation would have had to be arranged to deploy the troops into the city, BUT the riot was not in Washington, it was at the Capitol, where the NG cannot go.

        In the meantime, by the time that all happened, it would have been nightfall and the riot would have been over.

        You are talking to military veterans in here, J Wheaton, not fools and idiots.

        I have been in the NG as well as the regular army, and I can tell you that if you think Trump calling out the NG in Washington on 6 January 2021 would have made a difference, it is you who are the deluded fool, along with Elaine Luria and all the other ignorant fools who are believing a word she says instead of laughing in her face, because she, like you, is clueless.


        • FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (44)J Wheaton says

          My stomach hurts from laughing at you Mr. Plante. The argument isn’t what the Guard would have done, the point is that Trump just sat there, derelict in his duties, and never sent the Guard in

          Again, trying to change the topic. On and by the way, if the Guard would have been ineffective, why did he call the Guard out for the protestors of Floyd?

          Note: The President was wrong to deploy the NG to deter the Floyd mobs, ignoring the Posse Comitatus Act. The Guard was ineffective anyway and did not stop the looting, burning, and destruction of property they were meant to protect. However, the DCNG was actually activated on Jan 4 in preparation for the rally. D.C. National Guard was fully activated on 6 January 2021–At around 2 p.m., D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser requested more assistance. Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller immediately called up 1,100 members of the D.C. National Guard. At the same time, officials were collecting Guardsmen at traffic points and Metro stations and returning them to the D.C. Armory to refit for a crowd control mission. Their mission was to support D.C. Metropolitan Police and Capitol Hill Police.


          • FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (45)Paul Plante says

            J Wheaton says @ JULY 29, 2022 AT 12:25 PM: My stomach hurts from laughing at you Mr. Plante.

            RESPONSE: Your stomach hurts because of intestinal gas from eating too many beans.

          • FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (46)Paul Plante says

            J Wheaton says @ JULY 28, 2022 AT 11:59 PM:

            Mr Plante why don’t you just give up?

            You want it to be so doesn’t make it so.

            From your favorite source Wikipedia:

            “The president of the United States is the commander-in-chief for the District of Columbia National Guard.”

            “Command is exercised through the secretary of defense and the commanding general, Joint Force Headquarters (JFHQ), District of Columbia National Guard.”

            “The Secretary of Defense has delegated his command authority to the secretary of the Army for the District of Columbia Army National Guard and the secretary of the Air Force for the District of Columbia Air National Guard.”

            “The District of Columbia National Guard is commanded by a major general with a brigadier general as his or her adjutant general.”

            “The mayor of the District of Columbia, the United States marshal for the District of Columbia, or the National Capital Service director may request the commander-in-chief to aid them in suppressing insurrection and enforcement of the law; however, there is no chain of authority from the District of Columbia to the D.C. National Guard.”

            So, if Trump picks up the phone and tells the DC Guard to get over there, they go.

            He is the Commander in Chief of all federal forces.

            So what can’t you understand?

            As I have said before, you are a shining example of what is wrong with this nation.
            Everyone is wrong and only you have the answers.


            MILITARY TIMES

            “Why the DC National Guard’s role was limited during US Capitol riot”

            By Lolita C. Baldor, The Associated Press and Robert Burns, The Associated Press

            Jan 12, 2021

            Use of the Guard, particularly in Washington, is a complicated process, tangled in an array of jurisdictional issues between city and federal agencies.


            The Washington Examiner

            “Mayor Bowser requests activation of DC National Guard over migrant buses”

            Cami Mondeaux

            27 July 2022

            Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser has requested that the D.C. National Guard be activated indefinitely to respond to migrant buses arriving in the district, according to reports.

            Bowser and the D.C. Homeland Security and Emergency Management initially sent letters to President Joe Biden and the Office of the Secretary of Defense in a letter on July 19 but have not yet received a response.

  12. FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (47)Paul Plante says

    J Wheaton says @ JULY 24, 2022 AT 12:59 PM:

    With due respect to Mr. Landis and Mr. Plante, you are both delusional.

    You and a subset of the Republican party.

    Regarding the Committee and the rules of not allowing representation – they are not Nancy’s rules, they are the nature of the committee.

    It is not a trial, you knew that but yet you wanted to throw in about cross-examination and representation.

    You focus on the composition of the Committee, ignoring the multitude of former administration representatives and their statements.

    They are under oath, their presentations were not cleverly edited.

    How do we know that?

    No one has come forward to say they were misrepresented.

    If and when the former President is charged then he can cross-examine the evidence.

    The Committee is acting just like any Grand Jury in our legal system.

    It is no witch hunt.

    Remember, most of the Republicans declined to participate.

    It wasn’t Nancy cherry-picking.

    end quotes



    “Pelosi vetoes Banks, Jordan for Jan. 6 select committee”

    By Olivia Beavers, Heather Caygle and Nicholas Wu


    Speaker Nancy Pelosi stunned the GOP on Wednesday by vetoing two of House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s choices for a select panel investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol attack, a move all but guaranteed to spark a Republican boycott of the probe.

    Pelosi rejected Rep. Jim Banks (R-Ind.), who was tapped to serve as ranking member, and Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), both of whom voted to challenge certification of President Joe Biden’s electoral wins earlier this year.

    Her decision sent shock waves through the House and is likely to galvanize House Republicans against any participation in the investigation.

    “I must reject the recommendations of Representatives Banks and Jordan to the Select Committee,” Pelosi said in a statement.

    “The unprecedented nature of January 6th demands this unprecedented decision.”

    McCarthy issued a scorching reply that made clear he would yank his other three picks if the speaker didn’t walk back her veto of Banks and Jordan, a move she’s highly unlikely to make.

    “Denying the voices of members who have served in the military and law enforcement, as well as leaders of standing committees, has made it undeniable that this panel has lost all legitimacy and credibility and shows the Speaker is more interested in playing politics than seeking the truth,” McCarthy said in a statement.

    “Unless Speaker Pelosi reverses course and seats all five Republican nominees, Republicans will not be party to their sham process,” McCarthy added.

    Armstrong, for one, didn’t mince words about Pelosi’s rejection of Banks and Jordan.

    “It’s bullsh*t.”

    “Jim Banks and Jim Jordan have every right to serve on any committee Kevin appoints them to,” Armstrong said.

    “Whenever Speaker Pelosi uses the word ‘unprecedented,’ it is code for her consolidation of absolute power,” Armstrong added.

    “She is willing to do anything and everything to maintain control over her conference for the next 18 months.”

    Jordan echoed Armstrong as he walked into McCarthy’s office following the speaker’s announcement: “It is unprecedented.”

    “It has never happened before …”

    “We already know what this is: It is a partisan attack against [former] President [Donald] Trump.”

    Pelosi has scheduled a meeting of select committee members for midday Thursday, according to a source briefed on the planning.

    She had individual conversations with members of her leadership team Tuesday as she weighed what to do, as described by multiple Democrats familiar with the talks.

    The senior Democrats on the select committee and two close Pelosi allies — Chair Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) and Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.) — were dead set against having Jordan and Banks on the panel.

    Other senior Democrats were also upset but did not feel as firmly as Thompson and Lofgren, knowing the potential fallout if they did veto McCarthy’s choices could be significant.

    Democrats had steeled themselves for the possibility no Republican appointees would take part in the committee and are still planning to proceed with their panel’s first hearing next week.

    They also noted that the roster is already bipartisan with the appointment of staunch Trump critic Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.), and some Democrats acknowledged that Pelosi could now appoint additional members to those GOP seats.

    “This is about the integrity of the investigation.”

    “Period,” Thompson said in a statement.

    Indeed, a prospective GOP boycott didn’t appear to bother one House Democratic leader.

    “That’s all right with me,” Whip Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.) told POLITICO of Republicans’ refusal to participate.

    Cheney told reporters that she agreed with Pelosi’s actions, adding that “at every opportunity, the minority leader has attempted to prevent the American people from understanding what happened” on Jan. 6.

    One of the Republicans Pelosi nixed may be a “material witness,” Cheney added, referring to Jordan.

    Cheney say McCarthy has ‘taken every opportunity’ to block Jan. 6 investigation

    But beyond Cheney, alarm over Pelosi’s veto extended to even GOP moderates who had called for an independent inquiry into the Capitol siege.

    “It is wrong …”

    “It’s why most of us who supported the bipartisan commission opposed the select committee bill.”

    “Pelosi will have her thumb on the scales with this partisan committee, and the findings will already be baked in,” said Rep. Don Bacon (R-Neb.), who had strongly advocated for his GOP colleagues to support a bipartisan 9/11-style commission on the insurrection.

    Pelosi’s move followed a statement by Banks upon his selection by McCarthy as the lead GOP member of the Jan. 6 investigation in which the chair of the Republican Study Committee lambasted the speaker’s motives for creating the select panel on the Capitol insurrection.

    “Make no mistake, Nancy Pelosi created this committee solely to malign conservatives and to justify the Left’s authoritarian agenda,” Banks said in his statement.

    That comment caused outrage among Democrats over potentially naming Banks to the investigative panel, according to a senior party aide familiar with caucus deliberations.

    In addition, Jordan sparked concern among allies of the speaker for his communications with former President Donald Trump to discuss Trump’s bid to challenge Joe Biden’s victory in the 2020 election.

    McCarthy himself is at the center of another contentious Trump-related moment: a phone call that he had with the former president during the riot.
    The GOP leader had previously suggested he would be willing to testify before the panel about that conversation but dodged that question on Wednesday.

    “My phone call’s out there,” McCarthy told reporters, adding that it “doesn’t get to the answer of why were we ill-prepared” for the riot.


    • FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (48)J Wheaton says

      You keep trying to have something stick. Funny, Jim Jordon was subpoenaed by the committee. You know, because of those pleading calls he had with the ex-President.

      McCarthy provided 5 names, 2 weren’t selected so he pulled all his nominations. Republican choice – could have people on the committee but he decided none was better. In hindsight, not a good move.

      That was Jan 2021. It’s now July 2022 and the line of Republican ex-administrative staff is painting such a picture that the makeup of the Committee really doesn’t matter.

      Mc Carhty got outplayed


      • FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (49)Paul Plante says

        ANYBODY appearing before that WITCH HUNTERS COMMITTEE is telling them exactly what it is they want to hear out of fear that if they do not, they will be charged with CONTEMPT OF CONGRESS, which is a criminal offense.

        So they take the easy way out and capitulate.

        AND THEY ARE COACHED before they ever appear on TV.

        Are you so stupid mas to try to make us believe that that July 21, 2022 episode of the PELOSI WITCH HUNTERS PRESENT MORE POLITICAL BULL**** was spontaneous?

        It just so happened that all those videos they were playing of prior sessions where the “witnesses” were reading the lines given to them were spontaneously cued up at the right moment, instead of being part of a script?

        In your state of delusion, do you honestly think they would have allowed anyone to come onto that MADE-FOR-PRIMETIME TV EXTRAVAGANZA without knowing beforehand exactly what they were going to say?

        And as far as Elaine Luria reading off a script instead of being unscripted, check this out:

        ELAINE LURIA: The motorcade waited at the White House for more than 45 minutes before being released.

        The committee is also aware that accounts of the angry confrontation in the Presidential SUV have circulated widely among the Secret Service since January 6th.

        Recent disclosures have also caused the committee to subpoena yet further information from the Secret Service, which we’ve begun to receive and will continue to assess.

        The committee is also aware that certain Secret Service witnesses have now retained new private counsel.

        We anticipate further testimony under oath and other new information in the coming weeks.

        After the Secret Service refused to take President Trump to the Capitol, he returned to the White House.

        What you see on the screen is a photo of him inside the Oval Office immediately after he returned from the rally still wearing his overcoat.

        A White House employee informed the President as soon as he returned to the Oval about the riot at the Capitol.


        Let me repeat that.

        Within 15 minutes of leaving the stage, President Trump knew that the Capitol was besieged and under attack.

        At 1:25, President Trump went to the private dining room off the Oval Office.

        From 1:25 until 4:00, the President stayed in his dining room.


        • FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (50)J Wheaton says

          Who cares what their rationale was to appear? They were under oath, to tell the truth. You are absolutely pissing in the wind Mr Plante. It is looking mighty embarrassing for you.

          You do realize these witnesses are interviewed for hours and sometimes days before appearing on TV. On TV they are highlighting points of the interview. More than likely both sides know what will be said. How does that change what they are describing? Again, let me repeat for you – this is NOT a trial.


          • FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (51)Paul Plante says

            Yes, it is a trial; it is a STALINESQUE SHOW TRIAL, where the subject is tried in absentia!

            It is very UN-AMERICAN, but then, so are you and the Democrats.

            This is the same crap Joe McCarthy was doing, except on steroids!

            Both Joe McCarthy and Joe Biden would be very proud of these Democrats who have been doing nothing but wasting OUR TIME and OUR tax dollars since 1996 trying to destroy Trump.

            This is nothing more than a continuation of the horse**** in the now-famous Steele Dossier.

            This is a continuation of Hillary Clinton calling American citizens who didn’t drink her KOOL-AID a “BASKET OF DEPLORABLES, and Joe Biden, on September 17, 2018 in the Daily Wire article by Joseph Curl titled “Joe Biden Calls Trump Supporters ‘Virulent People,’ The ‘Dregs Of Society'” calling American citizens who didn’t drink his toxic KOOL-AID “DREGS OF SOCIETY.”

            In short, this is an ASSAULT by the Democrats on every single American who does not drink Democrat party KOOL-AID, which you are a dispenser of.

          • FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (52)Paul Plante says

            J Wheaton says @ JULY 29, 2022 AT 12:18 PM: Who cares what their rationale was to appear?

            RESPONSE: I do!

            I’m an AMERICAN CITIZEN who took an oath to defend the United States Constitution which this STALINIST SHOW TRIAL made for PRIMETIME TV is making a mockery of.

            And if you go down to the bottom of the page to TRENDING NOW, you will see that thanks to you, this topic is TOP OF THE CHART, so I would say a lot of other people not only in America but across the world care, as well.

            And as to those who won’t tell these WITCH HUNTERS what it is they want to hear, let’s go to CBS News article titled “DHS lawyers mull whether to allow Secret Service to work with Jan. 6 panel” by Nicole Sganga on 26 July 2022, where we have as follows concerning the jeopardy not telling the WITCH HUNTERS what they have already determined is going to be in “THE NARRATIVE” they are using to IMPEACH Trump and hang him out to dry on a contrived and carefully edited record, to wit:

            Scrutiny of U.S. Secret Service officials — including former White House deputy chief of staff for operations Tony Ornato and Robert Engel, the Secret Service special agent in charge on Jan. 6. – intensified after former Trump White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson testified at a House select committee hearing last month.

            Hutchinson told lawmakers that Ornato had revealed former President Donald Trump lunged at a member of his protective detail and reached for the steering wheel of his presidential SUV during a White House meeting on Jan. 6, following his address to supporters on the ellipse.

            Sources close to Ornato and Engel pushed back on Hutchinson’s testimony in part, telling CBS News that both officials deny Trump had reached for the steering wheel or an agent.

            end quotes

            Cassidy, the GOSSIP GIRL and STAR WITNESS for the prosecution who turned against Trump with the hatred only a WOMAN SCORNED can muster up after she found out that Trump was not going to take her to Florida, in her COACHED TESTIMONY gave HEARSAY TESTIMONY about an incident she did not witness, and now, those who would DARE to call her out as a liar are finding themselves caught in the crosshairs and under the scrutiny of the WITCH HUNTERS, who will go to any length to defend the lies they are telling the American people, and the liars they are employing as their witnesses to tell those lies.

  13. FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (53)Charles A. Landis says

    I am done with the FIGGERY of Comrade Wheaton. FINIS, Res Publica.


  14. FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (54)Paul Plante says

    J Wheaton says @ JULY 28, 2022 AT 9:03 PM: Again the ex-President didn’t call the Guard because he didn’t really want to do anything.



    “A timeline of how the Jan. 6 attack unfolded — including who said what and when”

    Updated June 9, 2022

    2:38 p.m. Trump tweets again, calling for support of the Capitol Police and law enforcement.

    He urges people to “stay peaceful.”


    • FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (55)J Wheaton says

      Do you not know the difference between someone saying I support Capitol Police and Law Enforcement and actually getting up off your ass and providing more support?

      Mr Plante, you should stop. Your position is being overrun, you are attempting to reinforce it but all it’s doing is killing many bites and bytes. There is a time to retreat, take the opportunity.


  15. FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (56)Paul Plante says

    J Wheaton says @ JULY 24, 2022 AT 12:59 PM:

    The Committee is acting just like any Grand Jury in our legal system.


    J Wheaton says @ JULY 24, 2022 AT 7:47 PM:

    That’s funny Mr Plante, up to your old tricks again.

    Nowhere did I say they are a Grand Jury.


    • FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (57)J Wheaton says

      Should I explain the difference between the word “like” and the word “are”? If you can’t comprehend the difference between those two sentences, I now understand why you can’t comprehend the argument.

      Sunday can’t come fast enough


  16. FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (58)Paul Plante says

    And in the meantime:


    “3 in 4 Democrats don’t want Biden as 2024 nominee: poll”

    Olafimihan Oshin

    27 JULY 2022 AM

    (The Hill) — Three in four Democrats surveyed in a new CNN poll said they don’t want President Joe Biden as their party’s presidential nominee in 2024.

    The poll found that 75 percent said they want someone else as the Democratic presidential nominee in 2024, while 25 percent selected Biden.


  17. FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (59)Paul Plante says

    J Wheaton says @ JULY 29, 2022 AT 12:18 PM:

    They were under oath, to tell the truth.

    You do realize these witnesses are interviewed for hours and sometimes days before appearing on TV.

    On TV they are highlighting points of the interview.

    RESPONSE: How do you know anybody was under oath in any of those film clips?

    And what I realize is that these witnesses were well coached before they ever were allowed onto the SCRIPTED PRIMETIME TV SHOWS on 28 June 2022, starring the GOSSIP GIRL and MOTHER FIGURE Cassidy Hutchinson and the 21 July 2022 EPISODE starring Elaine Luria.


  18. FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (60)Paul Plante says

    J Wheaton says @ JULY 28, 2022 AT 9:28 PM: Mc Carhty got outplayed

    RESPONSE: Thank you, J Wheaton, from a grateful nation for confirming for us as a Democrat insider what any sane and rational person with a brain in their head who is not a Democrat already knows, which is that these WITCH HUNTER HEARINGS are nothing more than a moronic political game being played by a bunch of losers in Washington, D.C. who are held in CONTEMPT by a majority of the American people who are sick and tired of the moronic, adolescent BULL**** that goes on in that sick city as can clearly be seen in this Statista article titled “U.S. Congress – public approval rating 2021-2022” on July 13, 2022, to wit:

    The most recent polling data from June 2022 puts the approval rating of the United States Congress at 16 percent.

    end quote

    Earlier in the year, The Hill had an article titled “Overwhelming majority disapproves of job Congress is doing: Gallup” by Maureen Breslin on 04/01/22 wherein was stated as follows, to wit:

    More than three-fourths of Americans say they disapprove of the job that Congress is doing, while only 21 percent approve of the legislators’ work, according to a new poll by Gallup.

    Democratic respondents’ approval of Congress has seen a notable decline.

    Between December 2020 and February 2021, Congress saw up to 61 percent approval rating from Democrats after they took control of the White House, Senate and House, but in the poll out Friday, the approval rating of Congress among Democrats was just 35 percent after having previously sunk to a low of 26 percent.

    Congressional approval is even lower among independent voters and Republicans, as independents give Congress an 18 percent approval rating and Republicans only an 8 percent approval, reports Gallup.

    end quotes

    So even your fellow Democrats, J Wheaton, are seeing through this BULL****, and are as sick of it as I am.

    All these Democrats have been doing since 2016 is WASTING OUR TAX DOLLARS pursuing Trump who they hate with a passion because he beat out Hussein Obama’s chosen successor to carry on his legacy, including not one, but two failed impeachment attempts.

    Speaking of Democrat mobs and DEMOCRAT OBSTRUCTIONISM of OUR government, which they believe is solely theirs, and which is a root cause in my estimation of why the Capitol was seen as a hated symbol of oppression on 6 January 2021, we have this GOTHAMIST article by Raphael Pope-Sussman on Feb. 1, 2017 on that subject, to wit:

    Hundreds of New Yorkers braved freezing temperatures Tuesday night on Brooklyn’s Grand Army Plaza at a rally calling upon U.S. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer to take a firm stand against the Trump administration.

    The rally was the latest in a series of weekly gatherings poetically dubbed “What the F*ck, Chuck?” outside the senator’s Brooklyn home on Prospect Park West and his offices in Midtown.

    As a series of speakers stood on a platform and shouted over a mobile PA system, protesters cheered and jeered as they held signs with slogans like “Buck Up Chuck”; “Resisting Trump Is Your Primary Duty”; and “Filibuster Filibuster Filibuster.”

    Hae-Lin Choi, of the Democratic Socialists of America and Resist Trump NY, took the stage first, announcing herself as an immigrant and telling the crowd why organizers had called for the protest.

    “We planned this rally to Schumer’s home to help him find the spine and maybe some of the other body parts he needs to grow,” she said, citing Schumer’s early “yea” votes on Trump’s nominees to lead Defense, Homeland Security, and the Central Intelligence Agency.

    Choi said organizers were encouraged by Schumer’s announcement in recent days that he would vote no on eight more nominees, but that they see this as a bare minimum, and they intend to keep up the pressure.

    “Senator Schumer must be bold and stand with the working class,” she cried over the loudspeaker.

    “He has to champion the resistance or get out of the way and we’ll find someone that will.”

    As Choi spoke, the crowd chanted, “Stand up, or get out of the way.”.

    end quotes

    No wonder American citizens stormed that HATED building in Washington known as the NANCY HOUSE on 6 January 2021.

    And what have the Democrats managed to accomplish with these STAGED KANGAROO COURT HEARINGS on PRIMETIME TV intended to destroy Trump as a political rival to the pathetic loser Joe Biden and the hated Democrat party of Pelosi and Schumer?

    This Washington Examiner article titled “Joe Biden’s numbers are terrible, but Kamala Harris’s are even worse” by David Freddoso on 22 July 2022, tells that story quite well, to wit:

    According to the latest Quinnipiac poll, President Joe Biden has a 35% favorable rating.

    If you think that’s bad, his 31% job approval rating is even worse.

    That’s pretty bad going into the midterm elections.

    In fact, it’s bad enough that former President Donald Trump, currently the subject of hearings that have a 48% plurality of voters convinced that he committed a crime (versus 44% no crime), has a better approval rating in this poll and leads Biden head-to-head in seven of the last eight surveys that asked the question.

    end quotes

    Talk about the efforts of these WITCH HUNTERS backfiring in their faces, alright – Trump is more popular than the pathetic loser Biden, which takes us to a Fox News article titled “‘Failing President’ Biden must announce he won’t ‘run for re-election’: New York Times column” by Gabriel Hays on 27 July 2022, where we have as follows, and I would like to see you refute any of this, J Wheaton, to wit:

    New York Times columnist Bret Stephens accused President Joe Biden of being a “failing president” who is so weak that the western world has been left effectively leaderless.

    Pulling no punches, Stephens also advised that the “best thing” Biden could do is announce immediately that he will not run again in 2024.

    The author began his blistering criticism of Biden by declaring that “the democratic world today is leaderless.”

    He claimed Biden’s lack of leadership has put holes in U.S. “international credibility.”

    He mentioned how the withdrawal from Afghanistan “telegraphed incompetence and weakness” and dinged Biden’s handling of the Ukraine conflict.

    Summing up Biden’s weakness, Stephens wrote, “Talented leaders turn proverbial lemons into lemonade.”

    “Biden seems to be mastering the trick of turning lemonade into lemons.”

    He then slammed Biden for butchering American “economic credibility,” stating, “The credibility crisis occurs when leaders make confident predictions, in the face of abundant contrary evidence, that turn out to be catastrophically wrong.”

    “Insisting that inflation was ‘temporary,’ as Biden did last year, was one such prediction.”

    The columnist expressed fear that Biden’s “insistence on Monday that ‘God willing, I don’t think we’re going to see a recession’ may be the next.”

    Thus, according to the columnist, Biden might as well step aside in 2024 and let his party find new leadership that can handle the fraught moment he described.

    He urged Biden to announce he will not be running for president, as soon as possible.

    “The best thing Biden could do for the country is announce he won’t run for re-election — now, not after the midterms.”

    “Let his party sort out its own future,” Stephens wrote.

    end quotes


    They saddled us on 6 January 2021 with a pathetic loser who was going to open up our national treasury for the Democrats to loot to enrich themselves, and now their chicanery on 6 January 2021 is blowing up in their faces, and as a LOYAL AMERICAN who does not drink Democrat KOOL-AID or Republican KOOL-AID, or J Wheaton KOOL-AID, I am not at all sad to see that happen because they brought it on themselves just like they brought that riot on 6 January 2021 on themselves.


  19. FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (61)Paul Plante says

    J Wheaton says @ JULY 29, 2022 AT 9:44 PM:

    Do you not know the difference between someone saying I support Capitol Police and Law Enforcement and actually getting up off your ass and providing more support?



    “Exclusive: Classified Documents Reveal the Number of January 6 Protestors”

    By William M. Arkin on 12/23/21

    Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller told the Congress that some 8,000 “local and Federal law enforcement officers were on duty in the District of Columbia” on January 6.

    “I was told during planning sessions leading up to January 6 that such a force routinely manages demonstrations well north of 100,000 demonstrators.”


  20. FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (62)Paul Plante says

    J Wheaton says @ JULY 28, 2022 AT 2:43 PM: Though you keep reminding us of how smart you are this isn’t a trial.

    This Committee is not trying to prove guilt or innocence.

    They are determining whether there is enough evidence that charges should be brought against the former President, that he was derelict in his duties and didn’t uphold his oath.


    WAYNE CREED: The installation of the current president, and how that happened is the meta-narrative the Democrats want to keep cloaked in darkness despite the effect that it is having on the ordinary middle-class American.

    That appears to be what the Jan 6 hearings are really trying to accomplish.


    Business Insider

    “Rep. Jamie Raskin says he’s become ‘impatient’ with the pace of the Justice Department’s probe of the January 6 Capitol riot” (John L. Dorman)

    24 JULY 2022

    Raskin in a recent SiriusXM interview said he was “impatient” at the pace of the DOJ’s Jan. 6 probe.

    “We don’t have a lot of time … at the end of this Congress, we’re over,” he told host Joe Madison.

    During an interview with SiriusXM radio host Joe Madison, the Maryland Democrat and member of the January 6 committee said that the panel’s future will be in doubt after the midterm elections when Republicans — who were overwhelmingly opposed to the creation of the committee — could potentially regain a majority in the lower chamber.

    The House select committee investigating the January 6, 2021, riot has hosted six public hearings so far revealing their findings, which also included public damning testimony from former staffers in the Trump administration.

    “Obviously I’m impatient,” Raskin said of the pacing of the Justice Department’s investigation.

    “We don’t have a lot of time certainly in Congress to do our work because, at the end of this Congress, we’re over.”

    The congressman remarked that the panel was “in a hurry for America” because its members have to “deal with people who attack the constitutional order” ahead of the 2024 presidential election.

    Earlier this month, Republican Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming — the vice chair of the January 6 committee — said that the panel could potentially make multiple criminal referrals, including one against Trump.

    “Ultimately, the Justice Department will decide that,” she said at the time.

    “If you just think about it from the perspective of what kind of man knows that a mob is armed and sends the mob to attack the Capitol and further incites that mob when his own vice president is under threat — when the Congress is under threat?”

    “It’s just very chilling.”

    A criminal referral made by the panel would have no concrete legal effect but would allow Congress to notify the Justice Department of the possibility of criminal conduct.


  21. FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (63)Paul Plante says

    J Wheaton says @ JULY 29, 2022 AT 12:18 PM:

    They were under oath, to tell the truth.

    RESPONSE: J Wheaton, you are a real savvy dude here.

    Certainly a dude as clued in as you are is familiar with the term “subornation of perjury,” which is a fancy legal name for inducing someone else to lie under oath, and then that person, when called as a witness, goes through with the lie.

    So, here’s a serious question for you.

    Are you personally familiar with any cases where a prosecutor, and let’s face it, they are political, just like these WITCH HUNTERS are political, has coached a witness to lie, and they put the person on the stand UNDER OATH and had the person tell the lies they were coached to tell?

    Not saying that you have done that, or would do that, just asking if you have ever heard of it, or know cases where it has been done.

    Or don’t you believe that prosecutors would dare to do such a thing?

    Think very carefully about your answer, J Wheaton, as you prattle on about these people being “under oath,” as if in a political setting, which this clearly is, being “under oath” means anything at all.


    And to help you out as you consider your answer, I’ll give you a hint and a clue because I personally have seen Democrats prosecute on NO evidence at all, as we clearly see from this transcript of a dialogue in Rensselaer County Court in the State of New York on November 30, 1992 between Rensselaer County Court Judge M. Andrew Dwyer and Democrat Assistant Rensselaer County District Attorney Richard McNally who had been hounding me through the criminal courts of Rensselaer County since 1990 on false testimony and manufactured evidence to protect a political enforcer who botched a hit-and-run assault on myself to stop me from investigating political corruption in Rensselaer County, to wit:

    MCNALLY: I have no position, other than to say, the Court, in its previous position, left me without any recourse other than to not oppose a Motion to Dismiss, in my opinion!

    JUDGE: That is your position?

    MCNALLY: That is my position!

    JUDGE: Then you consent to the dismissal?

    MCNALLY: I do, Judge, based upon the fact that the Court, in its previous Decision, left me with an untenable position at trial!

    JUDGE: How closely did you read the decision?

    MCNALLY: Very!

    JUDGE: The District Attorney consented?

    MCNALLY: It was the Court’s opinion at trial that there was other evidence out there, and I can affirm that there is not other evidence on which to base a prosecution and the court ruled the evidence that was presented insufficient.

    JUDGE: And you take the position that you have no further evidence, at all?

    MCNALLY: No further evidence, Judge!

    JUDGE: Then it is dismissed!

    end quote

    So talk to me about “under oath,” J Wheaton, I’m all ears, and personally based on a lot of personal experience, I don’t believe the term “under oath” means anything at all, in politics, it’s just one more BULL**** term, like it is when politicians take an oath to defend the Constitution, and then don’t.


  22. FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (64)Paul Plante says

    J Wheaton says @ JULY 28, 2022 AT 9:28 PM:

    Funny, Jim Jordon was subpoenaed by the committee.

    You know, because of those pleading calls he had with the ex-President.



    “Pelosi vetoes Banks, Jordan for Jan. 6 select committee”

    By Olivia Beavers, Heather Caygle and Nicholas Wu


    Speaker Nancy Pelosi stunned the GOP on Wednesday by vetoing two of House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s choices for a select panel investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol attack, a move all but guaranteed to spark a Republican boycott of the probe.

    Pelosi rejected Rep. Jim Banks (R-Ind.), who was tapped to serve as ranking member, and Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), both of whom voted to challenge certification of President Joe Biden’s electoral wins earlier this year.

    Her decision sent shock waves through the House and is likely to galvanize House Republicans against any participation in the investigation.

    “I must reject the recommendations of Representatives Banks and Jordan to the Select Committee,” Pelosi said in a statement.

    “The unprecedented nature of January 6th demands this unprecedented decision.”

    Pelosi has scheduled a meeting of select committee members for midday Thursday, according to a source briefed on the planning.

    She had individual conversations with members of her leadership team Tuesday as she weighed what to do, as described by multiple Democrats familiar with the talks.

    The senior Democrats on the select committee and two close Pelosi allies — Chair Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) and Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.) — were dead set against having Jordan and Banks on the panel.


    The real reason Jordan was rejected by Pelosi and her toadies and lickspittles:

    Congressional Record – United States of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 117th CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 167, WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6, 2021 No. 4

    Mr. JORDAN.

    Madam Speaker, I rise to support the objection.

    The SPEAKER.

    The gentleman from Ohio is recognized for 5 minutes.

    Mr. JORDAN.

    Madam Speaker, Americans instinctively know there was something wrong with this election.

    During the campaign, Vice President Biden would do an event and he would get 50 people at the event.

    President Trump, at just one rally, gets 50,000 people.

    President Trump increases votes with African Americans; increases votes with Hispanic Americans; won 19 of 20 bellwether counties; won Ohio by 8; Iowa by 8; and Florida by 3.

    President Trump got 11 million more votes than he did in 2016, and House Republicans won 27 of 27 toss-up races.

    But somehow the guy who never left his house wins the election?

    Eighty million Americans, 80 million of our fellow citizens, Republicans and Democrats, have doubts about this election; and 60 million people, 60 million Americans think it was stolen.

    But Democrats say: No problem.

    No worries.

    Everything is fine.

    We asked for an investigation.

    We asked Chairman NADLER, Chairwoman MALONEY for an investigation.

    They said no.

    They wouldn’t want to investigate something that half the electorate has doubts about.

    It is just the Presidency of the United States.


    Why not one single investigation?

    Why not even one single hearing over the last 9 weeks in the United States House of Representatives?


    Because all the Democrats care about is making sure President Trump isn’t President.

    For 4 1/2 years that is all they have cared about.

    July 31, 2016, before he was elected the first time, Jim Comey’s FBI takes out the insurance policy; opens an investigation on the President based on nothing.

    May 17, 2017, Bob Mueller was named special counsel.

    Two years they investigate the Russia hoax.

    Nineteen lawyers, 40 agents and $40 million of taxpayer money for nothing.

    December 18, 2019, Democrat House Members vote to impeach President Trump based on an anonymous whistle-blower with no firsthand knowledge, who was biased against the President and who worked for Joe Biden.

    But none of that worked.

    As hard as they tried, none of that worked.

    They threw everything they had at him.

    So what did they do next?

    They changed the rules.

    They changed the election law and they did it in an unconstitutional fashion, and that is what we are going to show over the next several hours of debate.

    The Constitution is clear, as Whip SCALISE just said.

    State legislatures and only State legislatures set election law.

    In Arizona, the law says voter registration ends on October 5.

    Democrats said: We don’t care what the law says.

    They went to a court, got an Obama-appointed judge to extend it 18 days.

    No debate, as Steve talked about.

    No debate.

    No discussion.

    They just did it.

    Pennsylvania, same thing.

    Pennsylvania laws says mail-in ballots have to be in by 8 p.m. election day.

    Democrat Supreme Court said: Nope.

    We are going to extend it.

    Election day doesn’t end on Tuesday now.

    They took it to Friday.

    Extended the election 3 days; not the legislature, the partisan Supreme Court.

    Pennsylvania law says mail-in ballots require signature verification.

    Democrat secretary of state said: Nope.

    I am going to decide by myself that it doesn’t, for 2.6 million ballots.

    Pennsylvania law says mail-in ballots can’t be processed until election day.

    Some counties said no.

    And you can imagine which counties they were.

    Democrat-run counties said no and allowed ballots to be cured and fixed before election day.

    They did an end-run around the Constitution in every State that Republicans will object to today.

    Every single one.

    It was a pattern.

    It was their template.

    They did it in Arizona.

    They did it in Georgia.

    They did it in Michigan.

    They did it in Pennsylvania.

    They did it in Nevada.

    They did it in Wisconsin.

    Yet, some of our Members say: Don’t worry about it.

    We shouldn’t do anything.

    Just let it go.

    It was just six States who violated the Constitution.

    What if it is 10 States next time?

    What if it is 15?

    What if, in 2024, 2028, it is 26 States?

    What if it is half the States that do an end-run around what the Constitution clearly spells out?

    We are the final check and balance.

    The authority rests with us, the United States Congress, the body closest to the American people, right where the Founders wanted it.

    We should do our duty.

    We should object to and vote for this objection to the Arizona electors.


  23. FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (65)J Wheaton says

    Mr Plante, you jumped the shark on this topic long ago. Again, Jordan was subpoenaed. You don’t put people on a committee if you are going to subpoena them.


    • FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (66)Paul Plante says

      Don’t you have your timeline a bit backwards there, J Wheaton?

      He could not have been subpoenaed until AFTER the committee was formed, could he?

      And yet, BEFORE the committee was formed to subpoena him, he was rejected.

      So that means that long before the committee was formed, Pelosi and her lickspittles had already made up their minds to GO AFTER Jordan to punish him for going against the flow on 6 January 2021 by standing up to Pelosi and crowd for the SCAM they were pulling on the American people by APPOINTING the senile Joe Biden as president after tossing OUR Constitution in the toilet.

      Do some very basic math here, J Wheaton.

      Q: When was Jordan subpoenaed by the WITCH HUNTERS?

      A: May 12, 2022

      Q: When was Jordan rejected by the WITCH HUNTERS?

      A: July 21, 2021

      So, according to your theory, which I am accepting, because you are trading on INSIDE INFORMATION here as a LOYAL PELOSI ALLY and DEMOCRAT INSIDER, a full TWO HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE (295) DAYS BEFORE the WITCH HUNTERS subpoenaed Jim Jordan, they rejected him as a committee member because they knew that 295 days LATER, they were going to subpoena him.

      Works for me, anyway, so thanks from a grateful nation for clarifying that for us.

      It is appreciated.


  24. FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (67)Paul Plante says

    The real reason close Pelosi ally Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.) was apponted to the WITCH HUNTERS COMMITTEE by Nancy Pelosi:

    Congressional Record – United States of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 117th CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 167, WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6, 2021 No. 4

    The SPEAKER.

    For what purpose does the gentlewoman from California (Ms. LOFGREN) seek recognition?

    Ms. LOFGREN.

    Madam Speaker, I rise to strike the last word.

    The SPEAKER.

    The gentlewoman from California (Ms. LOFGREN) is recognized for 5 minutes.

    Ms. LOFGREN.

    Madam Speaker, this day marks a crossroads for American democracy.

    Those who object to the counting of the electoral college votes, which reflect the votes of the American people, want to substitute their preferences for the voters’ choice.

    That is not what our Constitution requires, and it is at odds with our American democratic Republic.

    If Congress selects the next President instead of the American voters, we would have no need for an electoral college.

    In fact, we would have no need for Presidential elections at all.

    We would be moving from a government elected by the people to a government selected by those already governing.

    That is not America.

    In the United States, we abide by the choices of the people, not by an elite few.

    The Framers of our Constitution considered to have Congress select the President and specifically rejected it.

    Instead, they wrote Article II and the 12th Amendment.

    Article II creates the electoral college, where each State appoints electors.

    Laws of all 50 States and D.C. require electors to vote for the winner of the State’s popular election.

    Each State provides for the orderly conduct of elections, including lawful challenges, recounts, and the like.

    The 12th Amendment is what brings us to today.

    It says the electors meet in their States.

    That happened December 14.

    The amendment says the electors shall cast their votes, sign and certify them, and transmit them to us, sealed.

    That has been done.

    The sealed envelopes containing the signed and certified ballots from each State’s electors reflecting the votes of the people are in those mahogany boxes.

    The 12th Amendment directs the Vice President, as the President of the Senate, to do only this: open the sealed envelopes and then the votes shall be counted.


    It doesn’t say counted in a manner that some Members of Congress or the Vice President might prefer.


    The votes are simply to be counted as certified and transmitted by the States.

    During reconstruction after the Civil War, more than one slate of electors were appointed by States.

    Dueling lists were sent and protracted processes were undertaken in Presidential elections.

    And, as a result, to make an orderly process, Congress enacted the Electoral Count Act of 1887.

    This law governs our proceedings today.

    The act provides dispute resolution mechanisms.

    Under the ECA, if a Governor certifies a slate of electors and there are no competing slates in that State, the Governor-certified must be counted.

    Today, every single slate of electors won by Joe Biden, or won by Donald Trump, got their Governor’s certification.

    Not a single State submitted a competing slate.

    There is no dispute to resolve.

    The 2020 election was the most secure election conducted in modern history.

    Challenges were resolved by lawful recounts and audits.

    The result?

    Vice President Biden won the 2020 election.

    More than 60 lawsuits were filed contesting elements of the election process.

    None of these lawsuits prevailed.


    As even President Trump’s own judicial appointees ruled, there was no evidence of any wrongdoing that would change the outcome.

    The people spoke.

    It was not a close election.

    The margin of victory for Biden in 2020 was larger than Trump’s margin in 2016.

    In fact, the Biden victory is one of the most decisive in modern times, exceeding the margin enjoyed by Reagan when he defeated Carter in 1980.

    Congress has gathered in a joint session to count electoral votes every four years since 1789.

    I understand the disappointment people feel when their candidate for President loses.

    I have felt the same several times in my voting life.

    When that happens, it is not an invitation to upend the Constitution and the laws of the United States.

    It is an invitation to work with the new President for the good of the country and to wait for the next election in 4 years if you are dissatisfied.

    In that spirit, I urge my colleagues to uphold the American democracy and reject the objection.


  25. FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (68)Paul Plante says

    The real reason close Pelosi ally Adam “SHIFTY” Schiff (D-Hollywood and Disneyland) was appointed to the WITCH HUNTERS COMMITTEE by Nancy Pelosi:

    Congressional Record – United States of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 117th CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 167, WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6, 2021 No. 4

    Mr. SCHIFF.

    Madam Speaker, I rise in opposition to the objection.

    The SPEAKER.

    The gentleman from California is recognized for 5 minutes.

    Mr. SCHIFF.

    Madam Speaker, a little more than 2 months ago, America performed an extraordinary feat.

    Under some of the most trying circ*mstances in our history, our fellow citizens conducted a free and fair election, vindicating our Founders’ belief once again, that we were capable of self government and a peaceful transition of power.

    On November 3, the American people chose Joe Biden to be their next President by an enormous margin.

    The successful conduct of that election, among the most secure in American history, was not an accident.

    It was the result of the dedicated work of thousands of volunteers, canvassers, poll workers, electors, and State and local election officials.

    When the conduct of any State election was challenged, the courts, through judges appointed by Democrats and those appointed by Republicans, heard unsubstantiated claims of fraud, found they had no merit, and said so.

    But most important, the American people persevered.

    In the midst of the worst pandemic in a century, America had one of the most impressive elections in a century, with historic voter turnout.

    Our fellow citizens did their civic duty.

    The question we face today is: Will we do ours?

    That we are here, with a substantial number of our Members seeking to overturn an election is remarkable, tragic, and all too predictable, for it is the natural result of a locomotive set in motion months ago with a myth.

    For weeks and weeks, before, during, and after our election, a dangerous falsehood was propagated: That our election would be marred by massive fraud.

    Never mind it was the same election which brought the very men and women to this Chamber who would challenge its results.

    What value has consistency when measured against ambition?

    A former Senator from Georgia, remarking on a contested election over a century ago, said: ‘‘Able men, learned men, distinguished men, great men in the eyes of the nation, seemed intent only on accomplishing a party triumph, without regard to the consequences to the country.”

    “That is human nature.”

    “That is,’’ he said, ‘‘unfortunately, party nature.’’

    Was he right?

    We stand in a House which was once the place of giants.

    Have we become so small?

    Does our oath to uphold the Constitution, taken just days ago, mean so very little?

    I think not.

    I believe, to quote our dear departed friend, Elijah Cummings, that we are better than that.

    I think Elijah would be proud that the debate here today is not between Democrats and Republicans, and that some Republicans, including the Republican leader of the Senate, remain devoted to the principle that we are a nation of laws, not individuals, let alone a single individual.

    It may seem unfair to the new Members who have only just taken the oath for the first time, that they should be so soon tested with one of the most consequential votes they may cast, no matter how long they serve.

    But it is so, and none of us can shrink from that responsibility.

    Nor can we console ourselves with the intoxicating fiction that we can break that oath without consequence because doing so will not succeed in overturning the election.

    An oath is no less broken when the breaking fails to achieve its end.

    We must be mindful that any who seek to overturn an election will do injury to our Constitution, whatever the result.

    For just as the propagation of that dangerous myth about this election made this moment inevitable, our actions today will put another train in motion.

    This election will not be overturned.

    But what about the next?

    Or the one after that?

    What shall we say when our democratic legacy is no more substantial than the air, except that we brought trouble to our own house and inherited the wind?

    This isn’t the first time we have had a contentious election, and it won’t be the last.

    In 1800, John Adams lost a closely contested election to Thomas Jefferson, in the first peaceful transition of power from one party to another in our history.

    Adams was hardly pleased with the result, choosing to skip the inaugural activities, but he did what leaders are required to do in a democratic government when they lose.

    He went home.

    He went home.

    Jefferson would later refer to his victory as the Revolution of 1800, but marveled that the Revolution had occurred ‘‘by the rational and peaceful instruments of reform, the suffrage of the people.’’

    It has never been our place to overturn an election, and if we hope to remain a democracy, it never will be.


  26. FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of theDemocrat party and the January 6 Committee (69)Paul Plante says


    McCarthyism is the practice of making accusations of subversion and treason.

    The term originally referred to the controversial practices and policies of U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy.

    It was characterized by heightened political repression and persecution.


    Pelosi-ism is the practice of making accusations of subversion and treason.

    The term refers to the controversial practices and policies of U.S. Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi.

    It is characterized by heightened political repression and persecution.


FIBBERY: A commentary on the conduct of the Democrat party and the January 6 Committee (2024)
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